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  • Thread starter berty1979
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So the general road then? We aren't doing the Monza thing where if the game lets us, do it ?
? That doesnt make sense mate. If penalties were on we could think of something else but because they are not, we have to make the rules simple to follow. So its 2 wheels on the track at all times barring the occasional mistake.
I mean, per say penalties were on. you are allowed up to the blue line (not sure flood knows this more than me) what im saying is are we allowed up to that because that is a similar thing to what we did at monza last season.

It did make sense by the way :D mwahaha
Nope, your talking out of your backside again mate. Penalties allowed you to cut the entire chicanes off at monza. We allowed that due to the fact that we had too many racers to stewards. This season I have 6 potential stewards and penalties off so we can afford to run the races how they should be run........with no cutting :)
Right i see now. I never talk out of my backside i speak nothing but pure concentrated Brain power-ness, i'm like smart price orange juice ;)
Lol, everyone got to try that! I failed epically.
Cheers for the links SM awesome quality for a live performance.
Im only on tonight 9-1030 because I have got to get up and watch Wales vs Ireland in the RWC about 6 :(
Why do those sounds give me 'funny' feelings :)
Nice......I am not going to make my joke about the vaccum cleaners coming in handy :)
SM- I didnt make my joke as I would get 'investigated by the mods'
Nice vid and no I didnt. Was that ellis in the passenger seat?
I would like to apologise on behalf of my client and assure you he is very remorseful.
Yours sincerely,
FGTC press team.
I can´t test my pitstrategy today -_-
If someone could tell me how many laps you can do with one load would be awsome.
(A gift of your choice could be a reward for that info ;))
Dont trust anyone with fuel strategies. You need one il get you a good one ;) its my, terribly complex and tedious but effective, thing
Sorry for the late reply, but I have the Mercedes, Williams, and sauber colors in my garage at the moment, so I can do Williams with cccobx.
Ronin- Williams is full mate but if you specifically want to team with ccobx ill check if smartheart wants to go mclaren and let you know. Until then stay a reserve, all your points will be recorded anyway and added to your team, hope you can make most of the races as I like pitting myself against you.

SM- You have been posting like mad :) if you manage to get back in time tomorrow jump straight on and start from the back k. I watched your F1 vid on you tube, amazing when the cars went past 👍

Sakery- I honestly dont know but I know you will need to stop more than once so just space your fuelling to match your tyre changes.

Ellis-You are leading the constructors so naturally you are in our crosshairs :)
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Its like navigating a labyrinth now to get to this forum:tdown:
and i would not mind at all if ronin is my teammate:tup:
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