First I didn´t see Pagey on the Track
=>I probably had connection issues too.
I qualified 7th not bad but I have to improve my Qualy pace and my Fokus because I know I can do faster times -_-
Anyway my start was cool gained 2 places and before Mulsanne I was in 3rd place drafting with Flood (??) me think fair

Had some duells with Musolino and Smithaz too which where hard but fair (my opinion).
I pitted at 10th Lap beeing 4th or 5th. Came out as 7th after refueling 82liters.
My 2nd stint was horrible. The first 4 laps where 3:02-3:09´s which caused me 2 easy places. (Musolino, smithaz)
And after that I could do 2:57-2:59´s and on Lap 19 I realized "F" that I had to pit again.
This setteld my position I tried my best but the 3 infront of me (ok with invisible Pagey they where 4) drafted each other and they didn´t crashed
=> I didn´t catch them.
6th respectively 7th is ok but I know I could have done better -_-
Maybe next time.