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  • Thread starter berty1979
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BF3 Has officialy been dispatched! Can't wait - 3 day weekend of non stop BF3. Apart from the race on Sunday :(
A girl asked me to out friday night and i have to decide between that for BF3 :lol: hardest decision i have ever had to make 👎
Dont worry when she finds out about the 'bottom difficulties' you were having last night I am sure she will reconsider :)

What is wrong with the youth of today, I would pick the date every time 👍
I´m with you Brett. Choose a Game over a Date ?? No way for me.
If she´s hot you know what has to be your choice !!

If not => BF3 is on. xDD
A girl asked me to out friday night and i have to decide between that for BF3 :lol: hardest decision i have ever had to make 👎

Dude go on the date m8! Lol:)
Always choose the girl!
It's easy to turn on a ps3.
It harder to turn on the girls! At your age You need all the practice you can get!
Don't forget your coat
Sakery- 👍

Runfast- Ahahahaaa, she will get bored of him before he gets bored of GT5 :D

Ellis- Polish= Hot, in the words of RunFast "get er done"!!!
Ellis are you MAD! BF3 all day my son! Unless there lesbians - Muhahahhaahahaha.

If you don't Heskey will rape you!
PSN: mustardaddict
Car: Blue/white FGT

I see there's a spot open for a blue white car? I use the same one for the Indy car series. I would like to race Spa along with the rest of the races.
That's my boy Ellis, get sweaty, get very sweaty and bang out BF3 you lucky ****!
Hey Rich S
Ignore these fools, they are off their heads on shandy or e numbers or something.
You are welcome, check the rules and regs in the OP and ill sign you up. Ill PM you with a few important points in a minute.
You are on team Williams and your team mate is SmartHeart.
Speed- 1.45 is good but you need to shave a second off mate.

Flood- We are going to do a race in tank cars on there :) No I cant get on tonight mate, running B spec on the sly though, up to 10 mill already :D
Its gotta be worse than flu if you have had it for 2 weeks mate, drink like 5 pints of water, flush it out!!! Repeat.
If you can make Spa just turn up, its a gorgeous track and you will grab some points even if you havent practised 👍
Internet got knocked off Wednesday, such a pain. ):

Haven't been practising since then either, been trying to get the Cr. together for an F10 or F2007 :P
Easily done while you watch telly :D
I am up to 15 million by watching TV and every 16 minutes press a few buttons on your DS3 :D
B spec seasonals are boring but good earners, I wish I could give you an F2010 I have 3 of the stupid things :(
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