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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Lol, a bit?
I saw the advert and it looks good 👍
We are practicing at 2030 (830pm ellis :D) if your about mate.
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Neth, I know exactly what you mean. Everytime the room has more than 12 people, my car is slower by about a second a lap. If you check most of my and neths wins last season they have come when the room had less than 12 racers. The gt series I signed up for has a cap at 12 people, so others have noticed this as well. Might just be that we are too far from the hosting country.

Maybe we can run 2 series like the indycar series, and the top 6 from each series can have a final race each week or something.

Oh and that batman game is quite good, feels like metal gear, only you're batman:tup:
Neth, did you think about running a secondary series? What about your top 5 and my top 5 meet for a battle on a friday night? Excactly the same calendar and settings but everything else up to you? You could copy the FGTC format? I am trying to find a way where I can still race you. Maybe call it FGTC2 or something.
I would be well up for supporting you and sending drivers your way etc.

How do you know when to re-do the chassis, iv never done it on my orange fgt and its probly done about 5k miles. Also what lap times are good at spa, i havent even practised yet as im on nights, gonna have a few laps in the morning.

Also I agree with the idea for neth to run a second series if he wants, depending on the day i could maybe race his series instead when im working on sundays.
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Also what lap times are good at spa, i havent even practised yet as im on nights, gonna have a few laps in the morning.

Good lap times are low to mid 1.40s it looks like. Maybe the faster drivers getting into the 1.38s and 39s :)
ronin85 Active Member
Neth, I know exactly what you mean. Everytime the room has more than 12 people, my car is slower by about a second a lap. If you check most of my and neths wins last season they have come when the room had less than 12 racers. The gt series I signed up for has a cap at 12 people, so others have noticed this as well. Might just be that we are too far from the hosting country.

Maybe we can run 2 series like the indycar series, and the top 6 from each series can have a final race each week or something.

Neth doesnt appear to be talking to me lol. This way you can race every time and neth doesnt get connection troubles. I dont lose out on racing you guys so we are all winners. It doesnt matter what your nationality is, you can still choose either series but it will be capped at 12 per race.

Smithaz- I guess aim for 1.40-1.43 as good times. I rebuild my chassis every 2 weeks 👍
Good stuff tonight, was well off the pace but still a right laugh.

In fairness though, after SSR7 my hands were bloody killing me! ¬¬
It was fun mate, you will catch up. People always do, if you want any tuning help ask any of the lads. Good to finally race you 👍
You want a to know how much fuel you will need for the race pal? :) i have still to work out the full pit stratergy
Ellis- Audio isnt racing much, he plays pool on a sunday evening. Just in it for the practice racing etc.
Kind offer though 👍
I am going to sort my strategy out tomorrow.
Thats exactly the opposite of what I thought :)
I always brake too much on one corner but apart from that I am there with the pace. I wont qualify that well but think I will be ok in the race as long as I dont have any dumb accidents.
Well my first race on the Track was superb but the other times I raced there I couldn´t get the Times I did the first time.
1:40.694 (or so I posted it a couple of pages ago) as my alltime fastest.
1:42-1:43 are now my times, which are ok but...

I don´t have the DLC => I´m ok with those times.
I havent seen anybody do a 1.40 yet although I have heard a lot of people claim to :)
I am 1.41.9xx but seem fine in the races, should be interesting. Cant wait for the next 2 races, looking forward to Spa and Rome 👍

Everyone- I am racing in another series pre seasonal tonight, just a heads up for you guys not to join. 1900-2200 approx. FGTC practice friday 👍
I will be on at 7 in my lounge mate practising for the indy pre season at Spa but will be off at 8 for the race. This track is amazing when you get the hang of it, come and do a few laps with me :)
I will be on at 7 in my lounge mate practising for the indy pre season at Spa but will be off at 8 for the race. This track is amazing when you get the hang of it, come and do a few laps with me :)

.....Or sign up for the entire series ;) Haha any of you guys fancy some Wednesday night racing, you're welcome as we need UK drivers 👍

*Plug Over*
Well they shouldn't be, most of our road racing skills are below par except for a couple of guys :lol: We're more at home on the ovals.
I may have come up with a solution about the connection problems to racers from USA, Canada and Australia.

If we can manage to get atleast 20 commited regualar racers for the FGTC we could do two divisions: Div 1 and Div 2.

We could do a qualifying race for to determine who goes in each division, obviously the faster racers will be in Div 1 and the slower races in Div 2 but after a season of 10 races, 2-3 drivers will get promoted to div 1 and 2-3 will get demoted to div 3.

This way the connection will be as smooth as ever but we need 20 dedicated drivers at the least. This will help Nethereal, PIGBOY and Runfast connection problems as there will be less than 12 racers.

We will need 2 strong hosts, Brett and who ever else.

Hope this helps :)
Etid- This is a good idea, I have made the suggestion to Neth, ill see what he thinks, I will get some more ideas and add a poll.

Basically the FGTC remains in the same format, no one will have to leave. Someone from the US side runs a separate room with the same settings and calendar on the same night. Then top 5 from each meets and races against each other. This way nothing is removed but we get more race time. If you dont want to do the extra race you dont have to, everyone wins.

Correction to my earlier statement- I wont be online to practice at all tonight, forgot about basketball so will just make it in time for qualifying at indy.
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Etid- This is a good idea, I have made the suggestion to Neth, ill see what he thinks, I will get some more ideas and add a poll.

Basically the FGTC remains in the same format, no one will have to leave. Someone from the US side runs a separate room with the same settings and calendar on the same night. Then top 5 from each meets and races against each other. This way nothing is removed but we get more race time. If you dont want to do the extra race you dont have to, everyone wins.

Correction to my earlier statement- I wont be online to practice at all tonight, forgot about basketball so will just make it in time for qualifying at indy.

I like the idea of running a parallel race, but it would have to be the same time same day, simultaneous with rhyfes hosted race.
I dont like the idea of having a higher / lower division, but like the idea of splitting up the divisions geographically - IE: Rhyfes room = UK / western EU, Neths room = Rest of world (until it grows where we have to divide again, which we can easily follow the same model/idea for hosting a 3rd,4th... etc. room)
There is plenty of room for ideas in terms of how we could join the top of the two groups. a 2nd race after the scheduled race of the top 3,4,5,6 racers from each race room? a midweek race? occasional cup races at certain points in the season which only have the top X number from each division?
there's plenty of space for ideas guys, shoot them out, would love to develop this concept a little more
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