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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Ddraig Goch it is, remind me later. Are you cool to explain the rules to cat and mouse as I dont have a mic tonight.
Whahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D Get in there England, well done England :cheers: cracking evening :D
We won 2/5 events, the handicap should have been 15 seconds tops! 50 seconds, common. The Impreza is hardly a minute slower a lap than a Nascar.

Cat & Mouse is fun though, never tried it before.
Well done team England (grimace).
It was good fun and thats the main point, to all my GT5 buddies.
:cheers: for keeping me playing GT5
We wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a heppy new year :D

10 sleeps till christmas :D
Good fun tonight! A rematch must be on the cards for a new years special!


commiserations to the rest of the world and wales... trlolol :D
You dont sound old rhy :) its flown by for me as well, probably because of my A levels and all that mallarchy

Yes Sandman! BOOYAH! we da best :D
Ok Mustard, will do.
Done, spare places go public on the 1st.

OCD has updated, if you are in for season 2 go and get a new FGT to give me team options. Remember that purple/white and yellow are not eligible cars. I am hoping for Lotus colours to complete my collection!

EDIT- I got a lotus from PB so I dont think I am actually missing anything, ill check later on!
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Sorry I had to go last night guys, I take it the foreigners lost in the final. Well played England.

P.S Ellis your sweaty
So what are all your best times so far Cape Ring? I'm improving my race pace, down to consistent laps without spinning. But I have to pit 3 times. My tires get shredded like a cheese grater. :(

I have a yellow FGT in my ODC, but there's no team mustard. Only F1 colors. :(
I dont know the latest but I have seen 1.47.xxx and heard of 1.46.xxx. People saying 1.45.xxx possible on light fuel.
This track is a real tyre shredder but I guess a lap here is worth 2 at TM didtance wise so its not surprising, I can look after my tyres well and lose about 2 seconds per lap.
If you get a chance before S3 try and pick out a few alternative colours.
PB- That lap was one of the best drives I have ever seen man! That was a phat time bro, I am in awe! Was that online?????
Your in for S3 mate, ill update roster 👍
Some interesting lines, and looks like smoothness is the key to this track :)
I now have a new time to beat :D I do love a challenge
Your winding me up now! Try it with a full tank online with grip set to real!!!!

OOooh, I just got a 1.43.0 :lol:
Give me 6 months to learn photoshop and ill have the pictures to prove my 1.42.0 I just set :grumpy: :lol:
Damn mang, give me your tune! You are winning this one for sure!
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