Rhy- that makes you sound like such a scrooge

do what ETIDs done, pit on cliff Richard, or Maria Carey and you will be in the Christmas spirit before you know it. Baking Christmas cakes, going carol singing....you secretly love it
Pigboy- I need the 190 2.5 evolution touring car, the one we use for the DTM

it would be awesome if you could get me one dude 👍
Oh and my Christmas:
Christmas eve...I'm working. Come home watch whatever films on Tele, do some last minute wrapping and of course put out Santas whisky and mince pie.
Christmas day wake up around 11 to the smell of honey roasted parsnips and the turkey slowly roasting in the oven. Open a few presents before lunch.
Then eat to within an inch of my life

go collapse on the sofa for an hour or two, then open the rest of the presents
Boxing day the family come over, we Exchange presents and play some games for a few hours while getting merry on the mulled wine.
The next day me and my friends have planned a 24 hour pub golf session/pub crawl. Get home after that, die in bed for a bit, then its mu friend birthday so going out and getting pissed again.
This will be my Christmas