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  • Thread starter berty1979
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It does feel a lot better :)
47 seconds round rome is the lap record (set by me) in the FGTC, you sound pretty quick
ok good m8 tomorrow lets test together.
i have try also 2 formula gt one with chassie regidity and one with dont.
the car with dont was 2 tenths faster.
i will see with aids but i think its not good.
do you have test this also one time??
Trial mountain and the cape seem to be the two I've noticed where tinkering helps. I had no setup for TM and was destroyed mainly due to tire wear. Other tracks I did well though with default, or similar to default. Like Suzuka, Indy, Grand Valley.
ok good m8 tomorrow lets test together.
i have try also 2 formula gt one with chassie regidity and one with dont.
the car with dont was 2 tenths faster.
i will see with aids but i think its not good.
do you have test this also one time??

I will add you on PSN tomorrow :)
I havent done chassis rigidity for a while, i might test it out
I have tried no aids, im faster with them
ok good you mean you are faster with that that you have said me or??
how much you was faster with that??
yes its hard with no aids i can drive with no aids but its hard.
its like in f1 2011 there is also faster to drive with aids.
we will see sunday this track is heavy difficult
The Doyle Household Christmas Schedule:

Christmas Eve - Watching films like Elf, Home Alone, Santa Clause. Eating lots and lots of snacks, Indian takeaway, mince pies, brandy butter.

Christmas Day - Open my stocking from Santa at 7AM. Then off to my Grans for a massive tasty Christmas dinner with turkey, Cranberry Sauce pigs in blankets. Opening presents around 3PM whilst listening to Christmas music, by the fire, with a pot of cashews. Then off to fathers at 7PM. Have a few drinks, watch some films with other nan.

Boxing Day - Open my second stocking. Then off to stem mums family to eat more food and open more presents ad listen to more music and drink more lager. Back to fathers at 11PM.

Day after Boxing Day - Off to cousins to eat more food, open more presents, maybe have a few snowballs, hmmmmm, play some games, listen to Christmas music. Then staying at theirs for the night.

Next Day - Back to Eastbourne to meet more family and play with all my toys and presents.

Well that's my Christmas, I want to know what you guys are doing! Lets hear it.

I'm off to wack on the Cliff Richard and sing some Christian rhymes as it's the last day of school! Yeeeeeesssss CMON!

Tony, use SRF to improve your time and if you can run a 1.49 without it then you are great driver. The other aids are up to you but TCS and ABS are to be no more than 1 max. I got your message but Pagey might be better at tuning his car than me as he is at least a 2 seconds faster than me with the same fuel load. Where are you from m8?

PB- spec 2.02 has some good practical improvements that will help us in the FGTC and it will be nice to KNOW when to spend half a mil on the chassis and engine :)

Xmas for me
Get woken up early and after some obscenities are exchanged go back to sleep. Get up around eleven, open presents. Go for dinner at mums and open more presents, drink beer, eat, have sleep, wake up, drink beer go home. Ask if I can take down the decorations, exchange obscenities, watch telly, play U3 for a bit, sleep. Wake up thinking thank god xmas is over! Yay :D
Rhy- that makes you sound like such a scrooge :lol: do what ETIDs done, pit on cliff Richard, or Maria Carey and you will be in the Christmas spirit before you know it. Baking Christmas cakes, going carol singing....you secretly love it :P

Pigboy- I need the 190 2.5 evolution touring car, the one we use for the DTM :) it would be awesome if you could get me one dude 👍

Oh and my Christmas:
Christmas eve...I'm working. Come home watch whatever films on Tele, do some last minute wrapping and of course put out Santas whisky and mince pie.
Christmas day wake up around 11 to the smell of honey roasted parsnips and the turkey slowly roasting in the oven. Open a few presents before lunch.
Then eat to within an inch of my life :D go collapse on the sofa for an hour or two, then open the rest of the presents
Boxing day the family come over, we Exchange presents and play some games for a few hours while getting merry on the mulled wine.
The next day me and my friends have planned a 24 hour pub golf session/pub crawl. Get home after that, die in bed for a bit, then its mu friend birthday so going out and getting pissed again.
This will be my Christmas :)
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I was trying to create a bleak, working class christmas :D I never thought I would be advised to turn to mariah carey :lol:
I like your xmas day but isnt something missing? A certain gathering round a small musical instrument perhaps?
W-w-w-when I'm cleanin windows :D

I want to go and practice but its easier to just cabbage out on the sofa and watch telly, peel me off this velcro seat and get me moving.
It's not just one instrument :D my auntie will bring her ukelele, my uncle with his banjo, I'm gonna play the cow bells, and we will have a very merry musical Christmas :lol:
I really cannot tune for this track :lol: I cannot seem to get past 2 minuites! This is by far the most annoying track. I cannot even do the ring without spinning. And I tip toe round it! its stupid.
*cough* Help would be appreciated *cough*
Pagey- Lol, your family should do a musical. Get someone to record it, do you suddenly burst into song like on glee etc. :lol:

Ellis- I would help you but its so much effort :D Are you on PS3 now?
Ellis- Join my room in a minute and if my mic decides to work ill take at least 10 seconds off your laptime.

Pagey- I want to be in your next production, I am a skilled 'artiste' with the triangle and can do the mashed potato :D
Your triangle and my cow bells would go together perfectly, the mashed potatoe could be the hit that starts off our career :lol:
We could start a revolution in the music industry
Catchy indeed lol
Or perhaps one man and his idiot......we all know who the idiot will be :D
I would get on to Simon cowell but I don't think he will fully appreciate our talent :lol:
Looking forward to this now! :D
I joke..Lapped twice by bret after 6 laps. Sack this race count me out its load of turd this track
Elise- Dude! Dont be such a lamewad, thats my job. How about me or Pagey sends you some tuning etc. your not telling me you are going to miss the race because your not good at a particular track are you? It s your car not you.
Dont be a
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Nah i think it's me, Spurgy gave me his suspension setup and while it made it better i am still lapping 1:59's
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