FH3 Windows 10 Thread

  • Thread starter inCloud

On what platform will you play FH3?

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Okay, got the patch installed now.

- Surfer's Paradise is still a bit of a mess performance-wise. There may be less stutter, but it feels like a placebo. As for everywhere else, performance has improved a little bit.
- Tuning upgrade menus is significantly faster now. Flipping through the rims still takes a bit of time, but is hugely quicker nonetheless. This was such a boon for me since I tune my cars a lot. A+

Groove Music seems to be working now. Though I think I'll stick with Spotify in the background
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Okay, downloaded the new patch. I drove down the highway from the outback festival to Surfer's Paradise and drove like an absolute maniac in the city for at least 20 minutes. Here's my verdict:

While driving down the highway, stuttering is definitely still there. Usually when a large group of drivatars appear it is very evident. I would dare to say it is much less now and it feels is more like the game is loading stuff. I did however, not notice ANY stuttering while taking my car out the festival site. That is a huge improvement as this is usually when the game lags a bit for a while.

The moment of truth! SURFER'S PARADISE:

Settings #1 30fps: All Medium, no windshield reflections, no blur, dynamic optimization OFF, framerate softening OFF, 1080p, MSAA x2, AA x2, V-Sync (doesn't matter at 30fps).

Surfer's paradise felt like any other place in the map. No lag or drops while entering the city. Stuttering occurs, but it is less frequent and it feel like just like in other places on the map.

For those who don't know, going from North to South while following the tram rails is the worst performing area of the map. I drove there and couldn't see any frame drops on the counter. Stuttering is a bit more noticeable, but not nearly as bad as before. Before the patch I could see frames dropping in the mid 20's.

Settings #2 60fps lock: Same settings as above, except for 60fps lock through V-Sync.

I was affraid of locking to 60fps, but oh my god, I can safely say they've done something good with this latest patch. Frame counter kept itself steady between 59 and 61fps at any part of Surfer's Paradise. Stuttering didn't seem to change. Same, though less frequent as pre-patch.

The dreaded Tram Rails did drop the frames though. Counter is hovering between 52 and 57, going as low as 42 for a very brief moment when reaching the first station.

The game was generous enough to start a rain storm for me while doing this. Frames didn't drop that much, but 55 was a bit more common all around the city. Stutters seemed to be a bit more prevalent. Tram Rails... During heavy storm it hit the high 30's for a second, then jumping all around low 40's and mid 50's.

Drove around the map with these setting and I couldn't notice a single drop. Stuttering still occurs every now and then when driving over events, leveling up skills, or when drivatars are creating chaos.

Settings #3 FPS Unlock through V-Sync deactivation: Unfortunately my crappy monitor has a 60hz refresh rate and cannot keep up with my GTX970... Horrible screen tearing makes it seem like the frames are dropping. Upon checking the counter, my frames kept hovering in the high 70's at all times though. Driving back to Surfer's Paradise, to the dreaded Tram Rails, frames dropped to the low 50's. Other than that, they kept themselves above the mid 60's anywhere else around the city.

Final verdict:

There is a very noticeable improvement in performance. At least on my end. T10 (or Playground) are heading in the right direction. Didn't check the menus to see if the micro-freezing is gone on navigation or if the annoying permanent save screen loop is gone.

My specs:

i5 6600k @ 4.2GHz
Hmm, for me it works much better on 8thread cpu, no more stupid stutter caused by 1 core at 100% and rest at 30%.


Pc specs: xeon 1245v3 @ 3,8GHz on all cores, GTX 970 1451/7604MHz and 12GB @1600MHz ram.
I agree that the patch is a good step forward, however it's not perfect....

- I'm getting frame rates back up at what they were at launch (perhaps slightly better). I was able to turn dynamic environmental setting back up to Ultra which definitely improves the lighting model compared to the high setting.
- Stuttering is greatly reduced (had it a couple of times but only very briefly and not a problem), and indeed my i7 6700k (8 thread) no longer shows any core fully loaded.
- Tarmac FFB with the T300 is much tighter, clearly better tyre and weight transfer forces, even some decent self-aligning torque was added. This makes all of the tarmac areas easier to drive.

- The wheel FFB changes were not 100% positive. The new tarmac FFB has not only added more tyre-related forces, it's also completely changed the feel of vibrations which are generated due to grip loss on tarmac. They basically cause a sine wave buzz in the T300 wheel now, which feels horrible basically every time you get near a corner, but only on tarmac. Dirt vibrations seem unaffected by this change.

To make things useable on tarmac I've had to turn vibrations down to 10%, which does negatively affect the feel on off-road surfaces by reducing the off-road surface vibrations substantially. So I've given away off-road feel to make tarmac feel adequate.

I should point out that this buzz isn't present in Forza 6 Apex FFB, however I've experienced it before as an isolated "engine vibration" effect in Raceroom (which can be disabled without issue in Raceroom). This is the first time the buzz has been added linked to other effects, which is bad :(
Ive seen some improvement, still some jitters but tram lines in SP were better by about 6-8 frames with the 3840x1620 res I was running. Will try next test in 1080p to see if the higher res is part of the problem. Not bothering with wheel and FFB until I know its working well.
Yeah it looks like the CPU load is now evenly distributed across all cores. 50% usage per core on my overclocked 4690k. But it still stutters, especially while in a race or in Surfer's. Maybe third time's the charm?
Well unlike last night after the update, I can actually play, having higher framerates, menus are smoother, but this is the first time I've had stuttering, and it's all over the place, like playing a flipbook, it is mostly core 0 around 90%, but everything else is getting up to roughly 50% on i5 6600k
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Okay, I take it back. It only took one race at Surfers Paradise to bring the stuttering back. Frames dropping in the low 30's. Once it starts, it is there permanently even while driving around. Have to restart the game.

The menu save loop hasn't occurred though. Navigating through the menu is definitely better. Also, I noticed that the game performs a lot better online that offline for some reason. Too bad online is just full of hypercars, maxed-out S1 and S2 classes, or just kids in extremely tuned JDM drift cars.
The stutter is insane, and hey some of us are adults in extremely tuned beige Volvo wagon drift cars with lots of bumper stickers
After the restart, I went to the Outback, did some events and the game performed great. Just some stuttering here and there when items spawned like Events, Drivatars or when leveling up skills. Went back to Surfers Paradise... It's fine as long as you don't race it seems. Did a quick event and the whole game was broken again. I have no idea what causes this, but it is very frustrating.
After the restart, I went to the Outback, did some events and the game performed great. Just some stuttering here and there when items spawned like Events, Drivatars or when leveling up skills. Went back to Surfers Paradise... It's fine as long as you don't race it seems. Did a quick event and the whole game was broken again. I have no idea what causes this, but it is very frustrating.
So racing breaks a racing game, that's great, as long as I'd stay below 30mph I wouldn't have any stuttering, that's another solution I guess.
Improved performance for me, still a bit of stuttering but much less FPS drops. It's not perfect, but it's an improvement (at least for me) although I've had it crash on me twice now, which it has never done up until now..
So if this worth getting now since for the majority they seemed to have improved the performance, or do we still think another update is really needed?
So if this worth getting now since for the majority they seemed to have improved the performance, or do we still think another update is really needed?
IMO it was always worth getting, had very little problems to begin with. Sure, there's always stuff that can be improved/fixed, but overall I'm really happy with this game. 👍
So if this worth getting now since for the majority they seemed to have improved the performance, or do we still think another update is really needed?

It is definitely worth getting. But there is a high chance you will have performance issues as well if played on PC. It's not unplayable; just little annoyances here and there.
So if this worth getting now since for the majority they seemed to have improved the performance, or do we still think another update is really needed?
You need a fairly powerful computer, and even then there is an occasional hitch here or there, But.. Yes, it's well worth it! It's quite a remarkable game, hard to put down and this is coming from someone that likes racing sims.

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