FIFA World Cup 2010 Finals Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
Wow! Ghana could have had two in the last two minutes - two of the closest misses in the tournament so far!
I can imagine that the training session for the Ghana team consisted, in much the same way as my childhood school playground footy match of, kicking the ball as hard as you can at the goal, for as long as possible.

It's good to see a team shoot on sight though and, what a belter of a finish.
Well this is the W.C. of surprises beware favourites Ghana is well placed to reach the Semi-Finals:)

WOW everything open's being an enjoyable match and I EXPECT IT TO GET BETTER:tup:

ops sorry for the double post...

EDIT:What a great miss by Suarez...

Dramatic end of game...:crazy:
I guess Suarez is as much good keeper as he is a Striker:sly:
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he didn't miss that did he? :lol:

What a great game so far, I've enjoyed this one more than the earlier fixture. And now, the cruel decider....
OH HE HIT THE CROSSBAR!!!! DOUBLE FACEPALM! Wow, looks like Suarez was totally justified.
Does Suarez play the next game if they progress? There's an amnesty after this round...?

I think he's out... the amnesty only applies to cards, not suspensions... he will get an automatic ban for the red card, and possibly more than one game since it was a deliberate straight red.
I hope Gyan doesn't jump off the top of Soccer City. This guy is totally destroyed.
Kind of disappointed that Uruguay had to effectively cheat to stay in the game - but Ghana blew an amazing chance to win... a real pity. Suarez does miss the semi-final and may miss the final too. Small price to pay though, given that Uruguay should really be out.
Ghana cheated out of a semi final. What a joke, that deliberate handball preventing a clear goal, then luck not falling for Ghana with the penalty!! I hate football more every day with the obvious cheating that goes un punished!! In situations like that, where clearly if the ball was not handalled it would have been a goal, there should be no penalty and a goal should be given. I feel very sorry for Ghana and all of Africa!!
I'm sorry to see Ghana go out like this,but that's football I guess...
And Uruguay is also a great team and the match was pretty even so no harm done:tup:
Damn it! Ghana deserved to win that so much more! They played so much better! With Uruguay it was just foul after foul after foul with barely any possession, those last two shots of extra time were so close!
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Brazil stop me dreaming twenty years ago. :sly:

Ghana what a disillusionment...
Lose this last seconde penalty...for 1/2. :ill:

Good luck Uruguay. 👍
The Ghanaian team were robbed... Surprisingly it was not by the awaiting South Africans outside the ground...

I think he's out... the amnesty only applies to cards, not suspensions... he will get an automatic ban for the red card, and possibly more than one game since it was a deliberate straight red.

Yes, the amnesty only goes for yellow cards.

Its a competition! I dont think its cheating in this case (WC)! There are options and cards to be given! I mean, he didnt cheat, he did what he had to do to go to the semi-final, and now he wont play the next match. Its a legitimate move. Everything counts to pass. In a WC everyone would do the same thing to succeed!
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/\ yep, cheating is a word to describe an action that is frowned upon. it's still a viable thing to do though :lol: He took his chance and will serve the required penalty for doing so. It's a bitch for Ghana but hey, isn't it.

He'll be progressing in the WC and that's a better story to tell the grandkids than the one about going out to Ghana because you failed to clear a shot of the goal line.