Im getting from reviews, may or may not be 100% accurate,
- no towns to visit
- extremely limited amount of citizens to talk to
- no mini games or sidequests
- no physical shops to buy items from
- party is almost always fixed
- game is linear for first 20 - 30 hours
- limited amount of weapons and items
- only 8 items useable in combat
- limited cast of characters, only 20 have names
- party is completely healed after every battle
+ music
+ graphics
+ lightning
Ill purchase at$30, new or used
Some of those are true others not so much and some are completely false.
-There are towns but there isn't really much to do in them and there are only a few of them. This one is somewhat true.
-There are sidequests but they don't become available until the second half of the game. Not really a negative point, there are quite a few of them once you get to the point where you can start them.
-There are no physical shops but there aren't many towns and nobody would want to talk to you/sell you anything anyways. Still true though I don't really see it as a negative point.
-The party is fixed for the first 15 hours or so, but that's because the party is physically split up for story reasons. After that you can have whoever you want in your party.
-The game is linear for the first 15-20 hours then it opens up more. Honestly though, when haven't FF games been linear.
-There are always a limited amount of Weapons and Items although there are considerably less in FFXIII than in other FF games.
-There are only 8 items use able in combat but there are also less negative status effects so you don't need 20 different items to heal status effects.
-Yeah there are around 20 named characters. Does that really matter?
-The party is completely healed after battle. There's no MP so if you weren't healed you would just being going into the menu after every battle to heal yourself. This saves you time.
I think that covers it. Some of your negative points aren't really negatives, just little nitpicking complaints trying to find any flaw in the game. That's how it seems to me at least.