Final Fantasy XIII

I honestly cant see much difference at all. I see a very little difference and thats with one right on top of the other. The only noticable difference is that the brightness is turned up on the 360 version. Turn that down and I bet they are almost identical.


XBOX 360

Woah, to me there's a big difference, not only the brightness (which makes it even worse, I admit), but PS3 picture is much sharper.
I noticed that while playing Tekken6 on both systems, too. The 360 obviously can't handle as many details... the animations are dumbed down, you get less detailed graphics in general and if you fight many enemies at once, there's the biggest difference, on PS3 every character will do it's own moves timed individual, on 360 there're groups of enemies doing the same moves at the same time.
I think this will play a big role in a game like FFXIII, no matter what reviews say, I'm pretty sure the PS3 version will be superior.

That said, I like the 360 as a console, but you really can see when playing a multi-platform game*, that the PS3 is much more advanced.

*mind you, only multi I've played so far is Tekken 6... and Mirrors Edge, but I was so surprised that the 360 version has the same Vsync issues as the PS3 pendant, I was unable to find any possible differences there. :irked:
Scrolling up and down to compare images sucks. This is much easier:


Oddly enough, there are things I like from both versions, but ultimately, for me, the PS3 wins.
PS3 has much better defined shadows - and higher res textures...

And I couldn't help but notice - better Cleavage!

I plan to pick up the 360 version at lunch time...hopefully. Oh and yes with the pic rotating like that I can see the difference for sure.
I want this game probably for the wrong reasons. I want this game for what it COULD be but not for what it is (going by the general direction of the reviews). I want an epic adventure such as that in FFVII and FFIX but it seems they removed some of the aspects that made previous FF games great. If anyone here that has played previous FF games gets it I'm sure we would all appreciate little overviews and opinions of the game.
I have never played any of the FF games because usually they are turn based. This one is not turn based. So this FF game will be an entirely new experience for me. I watched the review of FF13 on and it looks really good. This is mainly for Heather but hopefully I will also enjoy it.
Why does some of the background architecture change between the 2 screens? You can't miss it now if you previously didn't notice. By the barrel of the gun is most obvious but you'll then see it's all along the wall. Can anyone offer a reason why?
I noticed that, too.
My wild guess is, that similar to what I saw with Tekken 6, the xbox can't handle as much details as well as sophisticated behaviour of A.I., so Square had to make simply a different build of the same game for the xbox, thus there are differences...
Haven't played it yet, but you can bet there are some more differences, especially when everything is in motion.

I don't blame xbox, there's only so much you can do with it's triple core processor, also I think it has a nice touch, you actually need to change discs... hope the PS3 does 'simulate' that somehow, cause I always loved changing discs. :)
Yup, it probably is big.

BTW what does turn based mean and what's the difference to non- turn based?
I never played a RPG other than FF VII and VIII... :ouch:
Yup, it probably is big.
BTW what does turn base mean and what's the difference to non- turn based?

I never played a RPG other than FF VII and VIII... :ouch:
Turn based means you attack......then the enemy attacks........then you attack again. You take turns. I hate turn based games.

FF13 is NOT turn based so this means you can fight in real time. You dont have to take turns. 👍
Turn based means you attack......then the enemy attacks........then you attack again. You take turns. I hate turn based games.

FF13 is NOT turn based so this means you can fight in real time. You dont have to take turns. 👍

I LOVE turn based RPGs. By the way, isn't FFXIII semi-turn based? You only get to control one character but you can only take action after a set period of time per "turn", no?
I bought the game at lunch but cant play until later tonight. So I guess I will find out how much of this game is or is not turn based. If its only a little turn based then I wont mind. I mainly bought it for Heather but I am hoping I like it too.
I've got my copy but am unable to play it. I've got a wonderful seasonal allergy that irritates my eye. There is nothing worse than wanting to fire it up but not being able to see. I'd rather be stuck at work or anything else.
I LOVE turn based RPGs. By the way, isn't FFXIII semi-turn based? You only get to control one character but you can only take action after a set period of time per "turn", no?

Yeah, I think the combat is not that great to be honest. It's not turn based per se, you still build up an AP bar but can attack as soon as it's filled, not whenever you want, but you don't have to wait until it's your 'turn'. And you only control one person, the other people in your group are automated. Personally, I would have preferred turn based, more strategic system like in the other FFs, but it's not a bad system at all. Definitely still worth purchasing the game. Visuals are just ridiculously good. I literally had my jaw dropped on more than a few occasions.

Played about 5 hours last night and am kinda just through the opening setting, this game is massive. Quite linear so far, but apparently it frees up a bit later on.
ive to say that, after FFXII, KotR, star ocean, and mass effect i dont think i can back to the traditional: each side takes a side and take turns attacking each other style of combat.
Yeah, I agree it's totally a personal preference, but for me it's not 100% what I want, especially in a team situation, let me give an example.

You're doing a battle against 5 guys, each with own health bars and crap, with 3 members on your teams, of which one you control. It ends up kinda mental, and you kinda end up just attacking by pressing X all the time. I'm only just beginning the game, but in previous FFs you could say, get one of your guys to cast slow, and another to reduce it's defense while you pummel it with your strongest guy. This one everyone just does their own thing and you don't have any idea what the guys on your team are going to do.

I had a member of my team die last night cause I was attacking the main guy, but didn't realize that the 4 others had just gang attacked one of my guys, and within like 2 seconds he was dead. It's a pretty good system when you're facing 1 or 2 guys, but when you're facing more it's just too crazy in my opinion.
Don’t know how far you are in the game, but after trowing a few hours in last night I found the new “paradigm” system to be quite efficient and helped to somehow prompt your teammates actions. Still a lot to learn from the new combat/game structure, but with more xp’s and of course skills fine tuning I’m confident the new system will allow you to build more precise (and controlled) strategies.
I played for 2 1/2 hours last night. The game is just so awesome. The first item of confusion I would like to clear up is the question of this game being turn based or not. I hate turn based games and I truly dont feel like this is turn based at all. Maybe only 10% of the game is turn based. The other 90% is real time. The enemy will attack you the entire time you are there even while you are attcking it. You just attack after your AP gauge is full which takes maybe 2 seconds max. And after its full you can attack whenever you want. So if you sit still and dont hit any buttons, you will die. That does not happen in full turn based games. Again this is maybe only 10% turn based. You need to attack in every single battle. If you see a team mate or yourself losing health just simply use a potion and it heals everyone.

Graphics are easily the best I have seen on the 360. Especially the CGI cinemas. JUst jaw dropping at times. The audio seems really good but not the best I have ever heard. Still really good. Gameplay is very smooth and the tutuorial is excellent every time a new power or attack command is added. I am only 2 1/2 hours into this game and I love it. This could possibly be GOTY 2010. Yes even better than Mass Effect 2.
I'd like to throw out my impressions so far...

I'm a little over 2.5 hours in and not finished with Chapter 2, but dang do I love this game. I find the battle system much better than that of XII. I like having to input commands. Sure you could do it in XII, but if you set up your Gambits semi-efficiently you could just auto-pilot your way through most battles. I don't remember if the whole shift from world to battle was in XII, but I'm glad it's in this one. I also love the tricks and strategy to getting preemptive attacks. My one disappointment is the lack of victory fanfare. It should be there, even if just the iconic first few seconds.

I find the graphics amazing, I was blown away by the opening cinematic. I saw some cines on the net but nothing comes close to seeing it on a big HDTV.

Story so far confuses me a bit, but I haven't read through all the info in the datalog. Seems about the same as most other FFs in general concept.

I can't wait to get into the more advanced things like leveling and equipment modification. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this game all the way through. Those are just first impressions though.
nice information! i was going to pick this up yesterday after work but decided to hold off a day to see what people had to say about it. I will be getting it on my way home today and will probably put a few hours into it as i have no plans this evening. :)👍
Managed to pick this up on my way home yesterday and after logging a few hours when I got home and a few hours before work I must say the game is impressive. reminds me of a mix of X and XII the technology based areas of XII with the linear style of X. And the battle system is nice once you get some nice paradigms set up you barely have to look after yourself in battle, just make sure the right paradigm is active at the right times.
Ok, I don't know about the confusion of it being turn based or not, but I feel it's pretty similar to VII and VIII... and I like that. :)

Question about achievements, I read you still get them if you get disconnected from Xbox Live, is that true?
Cause I get disconnected a lot, like every 20 minutes, I have no clue why, but something's seriously messed up with my connection. :nervous:
I have put a fair few hours into this game so far. I would like to say I love it so far. The battle system felt a little like a case of mashing X at first, but after things get more involved and paradigm come into play it gets a fair bit more tactical which is nice to see.

The visuals are obviously stunning, and the story is rather engaging. Things are starting to make sense now. I didn't have a clue what was going on at first.

The gameplay is very linear so far, but apparently that changes somewhat. In previous FF's I always enjoyed wandering round and talking to random people, this hasn't happened so much so far.

I think I will get back to playing soon. I'm currently on chapter four or 5 now I think.
I played another 4 or so hours last night after my girlfriend went to bed (Went to bed at 4am..), have to say it's getting better and the storyline now actually kinda makes sense. Probably at 8 hours playtime now and still doing tutorials, this game is huge. But as Stevisiov says, will look forward to when it opens up.