Just arrived at chapter 8. Chapter 7 was really good. I don't even want to imagine what my game time has been since I bought it less than two days ago. I can see its taken over my life already and I am barely over half way through.
It's likely this game will get a second play through too.
That's always been my issue with the games, particularly with VIII and XII when you could completely customise your characters: it's far more efficient to simply attack, attack, attack than to use actual abilities. That's what I like about IX and X: you're forced into character classes that you cannot escape (you can in X when you start getting rare speheres, but that's not until late in the game). As much as I loved XII - I think it's the best game I've ever played - I hated the way you couldn't set up a Gambit to target enemies with elemental weaknesses until you got to Balfonheim. Up until then, expending MP simply wasn't worth it, so I always found it easier to simply hammer the bad guys with my best kit. I think I'll have another go at XII soon to make up for the fact that I won't be able to play XIII because I won't be buying a PS3 any time ... well, ever. This time I'll try and use set character classes. Now that I think on it, there's a good Enforced Character Class Guide over at GameFAQs.
Slightly off topic, I am genuinely surprised you preferred XII over X. I thought Final Fantasty X was the best one there has been, contender for my favourite video game of all time.
You sold me. I went to Morrison's (Safeway!) this lunchtime and grabbed it for £38 (better than Amazon, even with free delivery) and I am now looking forward to getting home to play it.
Well, I shouldn't have made that statement too early, after playing a bit more I see what it is about realtime and turnbased... it's clearly different than VIII, but still not too far away.
Maybe we could call it Real Time - Turn Based ? ;9
Also it gets quite hard after a while, I can't beat those allies in the ice level, any tips?
Oh and I can't wait to play this on PS3, it's already impressive on 360.
Touring Mars. Hopefuly you are enjoying this game as much as we are.
I have 360 version.
Currently stuck somewhere in level 3. I am doing something wrong and need to pay attention to the tutorial. It was late and I was tired and just wasnt paying attention.
Still loving this game and have about 6 hours into it now.
****spoilers***** These 2 female enemies with what looks like tires on their head are attacking me. I am supposed to build up one of their gauges then hold X to steal their power. The part I am doing wrong is the Libra move. It shows the circle on the enemy and then I have no idea what to push. I have never got that to work. I guess I am supposed to use that against these enemies. So at this point I am stuck. It was also late last night and I was very tired so wasnt paying attention. ****end spoilers*****
Hehe, that's were I got stuck too, here's what I did... Spoiler: Use Sentinel and 'Steelguard' all the time... I did some bookspells too ( can't remember how it's called), but I think the 'Steelguard' thing was the key... just do it shortly before she attacks.
Slightly off topic, I am genuinely surprised you preferred XII over X. I thought Final Fantasty X was the best one there has been, contender for my favourite video game of all time.
the word in X was awesome. everything else sucked imo. XII i really liked because it felt like there was so much more to do than just the storyline. i was 120 hours in and barely half way through when my ps2 died i also loved that you could basically put it on auto pilot for the mindless level up grinding but still had enough control for bosses/hunts.
I thought it was a slow start getting into the game, but now that I'm a few hours into it, started upgrading weapons, and can summon, things are a lot more interesting. So far so good, I even enjoy the new battle system. Not what I expected, but a fresh way to launch and execute battles for the series.
I played the game for about 5 hours yesterday, and I totally love it. The new battle system is great... not a million miles away from the system in FF7, except you can do everything simultaneously.
Slightly off topic, I am genuinely surprised you preferred XII over X. I thought Final Fantasty X was the best one there has been, contender for my favourite video game of all time.
X has a good story, but it's not told very well. Most of it is simply exposition, and I find the second act - from when Seymour proposes to Yuna until te party gets back on the pilgrimage after Bevelle (though fortunately the assault on the wedding and the escape from Bevelle are good scenes) - really drags. Yuna is seriously under-developed by the time I finish the game every time, and not least of all because of the way she leaves the party during the Guado uprising against the Al Bhed. I could never get much sympathy going for her, and Tidus is in the same boat (the only reason I keep him around is because of Haste and Slow), so the game's relationship sub-plot never really held my attention. It doesn't help that you can't skip scenes like the one in Macalania woods after the escape from Bevelle. Of all the characters, the only ones I find any good are Lulu, Auron and Wakka - and they're all you need to finish the game (though of late I'm partial to blue mages like Kimhari and I like Rikku's Mix ability, so I give them a go).
XII, on the other hand, had engaging characters that were lacking from X. Balthier's relationship with his father was nothing new, but I liked the way his desire to be completely the opposite of Cid led him down the same path as Cid had followed (plus, he's British and so about the closest thing to James Bond in a Final Fantasy game). I liked the way Ashe had to balance her desire for revenge against her duty as queen. I liked the way Basch's story revolved around him willingly taking humiliation for a nation that wasn't his own. Add to that Fran's need to adapt to life outside of a Wood that denied her existence and even Vaan's realisation that he blamed the Empire for his brother's death because he couldn't take responsibility for his own life. The only character I didn't like was Penelo, because she had no real reason for being in the story.
i picked it up for ps3 last night and played just under 5hrs or so. I'm really enjoying the game. The graphics/visuals are top notch, i find myself sometimes stopping to look around at the environment detail. The new battle system works well, it still feels like a Final Fantasy game, just don't have to worry about the whole team. The Auto-battle i find myself using more often as it works well. I notice most of the time, i concentrate on switching between paradigms when needing defense/healing etc, and then switch back to all out attack. I like the Stagger effect where you can destroy an enemies defense and do more critical damage. Story is getting interesting. I also got my butt whooped a few times fighting the eidelon sisters, untill i found out the strategy (a lot easier than you think).
My only complaint, it's not soo bad now, but in the first section of the came, in the cut-scenes and during some of the traveling, they made the Footsteps very loud and pronounced when the conversations were going on. It sounds like a stupid thing to complain about, and i know they were just paying attention to detail but it was just very distracting when they were talking to hear all this tap/tap/tap.
Besides that i'm very happy with the game and looking forward to seeing the story develop. I also like the Crystalium upgrade system. They made this new game a lot easier to play and manage. It seems they took away some of the difficulty for a more fluid game-play experience. 👍
Oh dont worry once you hit past the 6 1/2 hour 7 hour mark it starts getting much more complicated. I am actually starting to die a lot more now and really have to think about what I am doing in battle. Its starting to require much more stradegy. Some of it is confusing the heck out of me now.
Whoa... now I'm stuck (level 4) again against one of those
ghosts? I'm in level 4 and can't go further as I always lose the fight against this big thing called like a greek god within seconds!
I know I have to equipp defensive roles/ abilities, but I only can seem to find offensive things in the menue...
Anyone got a tip for me how to convert my party from offensive to defensive?
Go into the party menu, then go to Paradigms, and select CUSTOMIZE. Select one of the blank spaces (if you have some) then select a character and choose a role. Select roles for each of the other characters. I always set up a full grouping of Paradigms every time my party changes, making sure I have all the roles covered in some form or another. Alternatively you could select GENERATE instead of CUSTOMIZE in the Paradigm menu and that should fill out more options, but I personally like setting them up myself.
If you're talking about the part where...
You're using Lightning and Hope and are fighting Odin (big guy with majorly powerful attacks)
here's what you do...
keep a Medic in the party, or even 2. Odin's bar will fill up as you continue to heal your party. It doesn't go up much just by attacking and you'll get slaughtered.
I now have 20 hours total into this game. It just gets better and better every battle. The only disappointment is the lack of loot drops after killing an enemy. Even if I battle for 10 minutes and get 5 stars I still dont get much of reward for it. Current HP for most of my characters is above or around 1,000. Still trying to figure out all the weapon upgrades and accessory upgrades. Some are rated high some low. I am currently on another huge boss which will take some thought to beat. But I will get it.
picked this up last week, I'm somewhere in chapter 3 at the moment. At first I thought it started out very slow, there's not been much in the way of exploring and talking to NPCs so far but it's started to pick up. It's a lot more linear so far than XII which was the last FF game I got. But it's getting a bit better, some of the fights are starting to require a bit more than the auto attack option so I'm expecting that to carry on improving and the story's started to get going.
played a while longer, and the game does get a bit better and more difficult. Once again i find myself really using the auto-combo and focusing on switching between modes. On harder opponents i usually start off as a synergist for the protect/shell etc. Then switch back/forth between Ravage and Commando etc. The game is Very Linear so far, almost no exploration required, you can go off on the little path tangents and find a treasure/orb. But thats about it. I would really like more freedom to explore more, hopefully later on the game does open up a bit.
As the weapon/accessory upgrades go, Does it matter What components you use on what weapons? Or do you just have to use enough components (xp/points) to get the weapon/accessory to the next level? Great game though, i am really enjoying it. 👍
As the weapon/accessory upgrades go, Does it matter What components you use on what weapons? Or do you just have to use enough components (xp/points) to get the weapon/accessory to the next level? Great game though, i am really enjoying it. 👍
I've been trying to figure that out myself. I've noticed that the same components add differing amounts of EXP depending on the weapon. I also believe that some components make the EXP multiplier go up faster than others depending on the item being upgraded, but I haven't had enough components to test this theory fully. My guess is there's a "best" way to upgrade, but it's likely trial and error to figure it out. Or you could cheat and look it up lol.
^ I am 20 hours into the game and still pretty much using the very first weapons I unlocked and they are all leveled up to 4 or 5. Sticking with the first weapons might not be the best choice but at this point, these weapons are working. I have changed a few accessories here and there that help with water damage or lightning damage depending on the enemies. The only character that seems weak is Sazh. I really need to do something different with him. His stock guns suck even upgraded.
Go into the party menu, then go to Paradigms, and select CUSTOMIZE. Select one of the blank spaces (if you have some) then select a character and choose a role. Select roles for each of the other characters. I always set up a full grouping of Paradigms every time my party changes, making sure I have all the roles covered in some form or another. Alternatively you could select GENERATE instead of CUSTOMIZE in the Paradigm menu and that should fill out more options, but I personally like setting them up myself.
If you're talking about the part where...
You're using Lightning and Hope and are fighting Odin (big guy with majorly powerful attacks)
here's what you do...
keep a Medic in the party, or even 2. Odin's bar will fill up as you continue to heal your party. It doesn't go up much just by attacking and you'll get slaughtered.
I have heard her voice in a movie before but still cant figure it out. Maybe Sienna Guillory from the movie Eragon? Yes thats exactly who it reminds me of when Vanille is talking.