FINAL GT6 2016 STORAGETRUNKS GT500 BASE SERIES-Monday Nights 18:30UKFinished 

LOGICS how on earth did that happen
Well, i am sure none of us can believe i won, even hard to type this out.
i have to say it is very stressful up at the front, you have so much to loose by a silly little mistake.
Q in 2nd place was rather a surprise for me, as i had a spent many many hours in practice finding a car that was gentle on the tyres, and finding lines that caused least tyre wear, as i usually do, and by luck and many many many hours of practice and practice races i found a car that was pretty good over 50 minutes.
I found a very oversteery setup that was hard to drive on new tyres and full fuel, but it was nice to drive after half the fuel was gone and the front tyres were down quite a bit.

I did have a separate much more aggressive setup for Q that would ruin the tyres in 20 minutes, and although it was a .7 faster it was only good for Q.

So off we set, and just on the pace lap i was feeling the presence of all the awesome drivers behind and just praying i wouldn't mess up.

Once we got under way Javi showed a little faster pace than me. and thanks to the HSV straight line speed i was able to just ease out a gap from the guys behind on the straight, enough to give me a little breathing space throughout the rest of the lap.

Somewhere after 10 minutes Niss and Eraser had the most huge smoke cloud through the fast left hander down to the right tight bend, and i could see on the map a huge shunt with many crashing into the stationary cars, it made the biggest smoke cloud ive ever seen.

This really took the pressure off me and Aug now took up 3rd place behind.

As we got to 30 minutes Aug pitted and JAvi in front was starting to suffer with his tyres, where as mine and the lines i was taking seemed still good, so i closed back up to Javi.

I was starting to think Javi would 1 stop, but at 36 minutes he pitted, so i was out in front with a nice 25 sec gap to Aug in 2nd place.

At 48 minutes i was still able to run mid 44s but it was starting to get worried as Aug was now down to 14 seconds behind me, so i pitted for my 1 stop.

I came out in 8th, but luckily no cars close around me to fight with and slow me down, so over the next 20 minutes i just was as focused as possible and found my way back in front at 70 minutes as everyone made pit stops.

But at 70 minutes Aug and Dan13 were hunting me down, on fresh rubber, this was now very stressful, i just could not see a way they would not catch me, they closed and closed and i was just waiting for their tyres to go off a little.

We got to 80 minutes and they were down to 4 seconds behind, and i prayed then that Dan13 would start to fight with Aug that would slow them both down, as the laps went by, it was just so near to the end of the race but still so far, they were now struggling with tyres and they were both i am sure slowing each other down.

Only 10 minutes to go dont screw up, so easy to do.
It is probably hard for many to imagine, but many of us dont often get into a situation to win, even with a superior car, we just cannot keep up the relentless pace that these regular superfast guys can.

So now 2 more laps, tyres now really on the edge and i am trying to push, but gently, so so easy to make a mistake, but they seemed now to have lost their pace advantage behind, and i know just the smallest of errors from me and they will be past.

Then the timer into the red , oh no, crossing the finish line with seconds left and another lap to do, can i just hold on,
Aug and Dan are now Jostling.
Half a lap to go and the gap extends and now i have a 1.5 second gap, so i just ease up for the last half of the lap, and hey, omg ive won.

Hard for me to believe, just getting through the race with no mistakes is hard to believe, but also having that pressure close behind for so long, well, its amazing.
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Wet Driving Guide
Settings that make driving a lot easier in the wet although not necessarily faster.

Moving the settings of the drivetrain to 5 5 5 to reduce wheel spin.

Also enabling Traction control makes the car hugely easier to drive in the wet.

Driving & Track Conditions

The track wet % indicator is only relevant to the darker rubbered in racing line on the track.

When rain starts and the indicator shows 0% it will still be wet offline.

After rain ends and the indicator shows 0% it will still be wet offline for several laps.

In the dry with dry tyres the best grip is on the darker racing line on the track.

In the wet with dry tyres the best grip is still on the darker racing line on the track.

In the wet with Rain tyres the best grip is off the darker racing line on the track.

As a general guide.
Dry tyres work from 0% to 25%
Inters best working range from 10% to 55%
Heavy wets best working range from 55% to 100%
Good race yesterday and also a bit disappointed for me. I started trying to get around 1 sec gap with Stephen because he was very close to me on the long straight. After 3 o 4 laps I started to keep this gap, but after 30 min I started to suffer with the tyres being 1 sec slower and loosing the gap with him. For some reason I thought that everybody would have 2 pit stops or maybe 3 and I was not worried about to loose momentarily the first position. 15 min later I realized that Stephen and Aug were for 1 pit stop and in this moment I had 4 drivers (Erazer, Danny13, Rich and Niss) that a I had to overtake:nervous: - difficult mission-. Some laps later I was on first position again and it was time for my second pit stop. When my last 25 min started, I was 20 sec far from Stephen and in fifth position :eek: - not good news- I had just one choice: Do your best laps Javi. But some laps later I had a "Dejavu": Erazer again? i cant believe it!
I did my best and pass through the finish line with the group of the winner. Maybe a couple of laps more.....:confused: we never know

Congrats Stephen. After all your practice, you deserve it mate. Well done!

EDIT: Stephen explain me please what kind of setup is needed to save tyres . With my setup would be impossible

Congratulations to the podium finishers! Especially Steve.
I feel sorry for Danny, he got caught up in so much issues around me, never his fault, rarely my fault either, but he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. He ended up in front of me right in the middle of my furious push to catch up what I lost in the incident with @nissman , that battle was easily worth 3-4 seconds, then we both lost about 7 seconds behind @richroo , and then finally he had to battle @DrAug for the last minutes.

@Jfrod : we all did 2 stops, me, aug, danny, nissman etc.. but you did your first stop so late, I was sure you where on a 1 stop because you stayed out so late, I had time to do almost 10 laps in my second stint before you came in, and at that point I was 3 seconds per lap faster than you. Thats why you lost ground. you made up for it very nicely in the last stint, I did'nt even bother to defend my position as I knew you where much, much faster at that point.

All in all a race to forget, one of my worst ever, ruined in the incident with nissman. I made up lost ground and was only 1 second behind aug for a moment, but then rich was being stubborn on worn tyres, and I was back 8 seconds behind him again, thats when I lost the motivation.

@nissman , you say you cant believe I went for that move, well I cant believe you dont ease off when you see the gap being shut closed. had I moved more to the right I would have forced you to back off, I really dont think that should be needed though. you know as well as I do there is only one line through that corner.
@nissman , you say you cant believe I went for that move, well I cant believe you dont ease off when you see the gap being shut closed. had I moved more to the right I would have forced you to back off, I really dont think that should be needed though. you know as well as I do there is only one line through that corner.

If you would give me at least a car width space on the entrance of the right hander we would get through. You didn't have me cleared(as they say in Nascar), we touched, I hit the inside kerb, went wide and took us both out. Now when I think about it, should of let you by and get you back in last stint if possible.

It was a case of two stubborn drivers not giving away the corner, shame as I think we would have a chance to win.

I see it as a racing incident that will certanly happenn in a long season like this, can't have a incident free race evertime I guess. Lets move on.

But one thing I would like to adress. Guys coming from behind went full speed in to a pile of smoke, if this would be real life a few people would me dead or in a coma. I think Delta collected me at full speed, so I had another trip in the gravel lost even more time.

I like to take risks as any driver but I would certanly tap the brake going thruogh a pile of smoke especially in the fastest chicane in the game. In the end we all lost time because of it.

But the main story today is an epic Logic win! Good on you mate :cheers:
If you would give me at least a car width space on the entrance of the right hander we would get through. You didn't have me cleared(as they say in Nascar), we touched, I hit the inside kerb, went wide and took us both out. Now when I think about it, should of let you by and get you back in last stint if possible.

It was a case of two stubborn drivers not giving away the corner, shame as I think we would have a chance to win.

I see it as a racing incident that will certanly happenn in a long season like this, can't have a incident free race evertime I guess. Lets move on.
No, I didn't have you cleared (obviously), but I was ahead.
And as I said, there is only 1 line through there. I cant leave room without crashing, same goes for you, you cant hold that inside line and still leave space for me on the left. It's just like Eau Rouge.

In my world, the driver behind is the one who should ease off, no matter how little he/she is behind.

That said, I totally agree with you, both where too stubborn, and I can only agree that it should be viewed as a racing incident.

It's a shame, as you said, both of us had a chance of winning. I really hope we can avoid it in the future. :)
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we all did 2 stops, me, aug, danny, nissman etc.. but you did your first stop so late

You are absolutely right! That´s the point!
I had in mind: A) For 2 pits stop, 19 laps/stint
B) For 3 pits stop, 14 laps/stint
🤬 Wrong and stupid conclusion!
Even when I saw some of you "piting" in lap 13 o 14, I thought: They go to 3 stops 🤬

But now all makes sense, because I did not know why I was so far from the lead when I started the last stint :confused:
I mess up my own race :banghead:
But one thing I would like to adress. Guys coming from behind went full speed in to a pile of smoke, if this would be real life a few people would me dead or in a coma. I think Delta collected me at full speed, so I had another trip in the gravel lost even more time.

I like to take risks as any driver but I would certanly tap the brake going thruogh a pile of smoke especially in the fastest chicane in the game. In the end we all lost time because of it.

At first i thought it could only be lag to be honest, it was a surprise for me to realise what had actually happened. But I do admit I then took a gamble and tried to squeeze through at high speed, it didn't work and unfortunately we collided, and then someone collided with me and it was a right royal mess. I wasn't the only one to not slow, though!

Regardless apologies for taking a big risk by not slowing and you being on the receiving end. Although all of what happened I think comes down to competitive spirit, and not giving up, and looking for the gap to squeeze through. I took a calculated risk and committed to myself in the same way you had done just seconds earlier, and in that respect, you could possibly argue we are alike in this instance!

Next time I will be more careful passing incidents that happen in front of me though, for sure. :)
I really enjoyed the race yesterday, despite not quite getting the result I wanted and felt I could've once again! If I were to do a race full report, it would go on forever because so much happened in it haha. After everything settled down in the first stint, I had a nice battle with Aug before he undercut me at the stop. I planned on going longer as I knew Logic would try the one stop but on both occasions, I had to cover Erazer immediately ;)

Aug seemed to negotiate the slower one stopping cars very efficiently and naturally me and Erazer wanted to follow suit, however Rich proved difficult to pass and we ended up tripping over each other through unfortunate timing and I think it was here that slashed our chances of a win.

Surprisingly I was able to close in on Aug again and we were both catching logic quickly in the final stint. I knew I may have under fuelled so I was short shifting a lot and I was using aug's tow to lift and coast into t1 and other bends, as I thought not attacking him would get us to logic faster. However as logic said, we started to struggle with tyres so I had to make the move with 2 laps left and then on the final lap, logic saved a huge slide at t1 and I think we had a moment similar to Niss' and Erazer's at t2. I was forced to take to the kerb but had backed off slightly so we didn't luckily both fly off the track. Aug got back past again consequently and we had a little contact going into the tunnel but you shouldn't have waited mate! Then 300m from the line I ran out of fuel and dropped two places!
Race Report:

Apart from the above incident, I actually had a really good race !

For the first time in a long time I was able to properly focus and was absolutely on it the entire race, lap after lap nailing in fairly consistent lap times and was just in the 'zone', albeit using a lot of tyre but hey it was fun !

0.02 off fastest lap as well and one of only two drivers to clock a sub 42 :D

I was needing a good race after Laguna and overall I'm really happy with my performance.

And lets not forget, no dc's ! :)
then someone collided with me and it was a right royal mess

This was me, sorry, I was following you up the hill then we suddenly came across the others. I tried the same, to squeeze throught myself, made it but hit you. Since you where the only one I hit I let you get up to speed again before starting to race again. Althought my car was wrecked and probably wouldn't have been able to be cheeky and drive on anyway.

I'd agree it was a good race :) apart from that incident, one small off and taking to much fuel at the first pit stop :banghead:

Time to move on on get ready for some fun at Suzuka :nervous: will it rain or not. Bit like ireland could rain anyday at any moment then suddenly change to sunshine or snow and back again :lol:

56,6. Online. Intermediates with Q settings.

Very nice I only managed a 57.07x last nite.
Just a quick query regarding everyone's favourite topic - track limits:

On entry to the final chicane, I think it's unsurprisingly a lot faster to take a lot of the kerb, in fact as much as possible I think for a few reasons. However, it's hard to tell if I'm exceeding limits because the kerb is of a dog leg type shape with a 90 degree kink in it, so I don't know if 2 wheels are on the kerb at all times at not.

However there's a bollard on the inside so would it be fair to say, as long as we are inside that bollard, we are on the track?
I guess so Dan,
you only need to have 2 wheels on the painted kerb officially, so the other 2 could be well inside that.

I have not been there yet, but we have to use common sense i guess, and say 2 wheels must be in bounds i guess,
ie inside track limit lines or touching the painted striped kerbs.

I think as usual, Q will be stricter than race.

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