Finally weve got SOUND! just like NFS:shift, and scratches on all cars :)

  • Thread starter Don Juan
I like the sound in GT too, but I like it more in NFS:S. I like that exaggerated feel. I also like that fact that you can hear your car over the other cars. In GT its hard to tell where you engine is at with a few cars around you.

I am prepared. heh. Thanks!
Meh, GT is just more realistic to me in that respect, since production cars actually sound like production cars and a honda civic doesn't sound like a rocket about to take off and explode in a nuclear fusion. Most people forget that normal cars are actually designed to mask most of the noise so you don't have 20 years shaved off of your life from constant noise pollution.

Personally, I've never liked loud and noisy cars, especially those idiots that put a muffler on their car with no noise reduction and come around sounding like the car is about to choke to death on a peanut. If I had my way I would throw all of those crappy little civics and cavaliers off a cliff.

The sound in NFS:shift and other games isn't actually realistic, it's more often than not just really LOUD. :scared:
Meh, GT is just more realistic to me in that respect, since production cars actually sound like production cars and a honda civic doesn't sound like a rocket about to take off and explode in a nuclear fusion. Most people forget that normal cars are actually designed to mask most of the noise so you don't have 20 years shaved off of your life from constant noise pollution.

Personally, I've never liked loud and noisy cars, especially those idiots that put a muffler on their car with no noise reduction and come around sounding like the car is about to choke to death on a peanut. If I had my way I would throw all of those crappy little civics and cavaliers off a cliff.

The sound in NFS:shift and other games isn't actually realistic, it's more often than not just really LOUD. :scared:
GT5p with a 7.1 system setup in chase view, turned all the way up will blow your ears off, you get no road noise, no wind, no engine mechanics noise, just straight raw's epic.
Anyone else really want to hear that Gallardo?

Lamborghini's have a very distinct sound, I really hope PD gets it right.
Okay. I'm reminded of when I first played Forza Motorsport followed by when I started regularly playing Forza Motorsport in brief sessions, especially the scratching. A video like this only continues the maturation of the Gran Turismo franchise. I never play-test cars for damage. So I'm completely unsure as to how Forza's damage model compares to Gran Turismo's model since I'm comparing the two series. I still think that GT Auto will need to be a damage repair deal unless some dedicated body shop is offered in GT5.

As for running into the big barricades, I don't think those barricades are supposed to be thrown around like that. Usually, you screw up the front of your car as the barriers seldom move. Still, it's a very nice video. And let's not forget the lovely Ferrari sound. I think it's pretty accurate. Nice video find, mate!
Okay. I'm reminded of when I first played Forza Motorsport followed by when I started regularly playing Forza Motorsport in brief sessions, especially the scratching. A video like this only continues the maturation of the Gran Turismo franchise. I never play-test cars for damage. So I'm completely unsure as to how Forza's damage model compares to Gran Turismo's model since I'm comparing the two series. I still think that GT Auto will need to be a damage repair deal unless some dedicated body shop is offered in GT5.

As for running into the big barricades, I don't think those barricades are supposed to be thrown around like that. Usually, you screw up the front of your car as the barriers seldom move. Still, it's a very nice video. And let's not forget the lovely Ferrari sound. I think it's pretty accurate. Nice video find, mate!
Those are the plastic barricades, not concrete ones, so save for them not being obliterated by the car, it's pretty realistic if they were perfect rigid.
Meh, GT is just more realistic to me in that respect, since production cars actually sound like production cars and a honda civic doesn't sound like a rocket about to take off and explode in a nuclear fusion. Most people forget that normal cars are actually designed to mask most of the noise so you don't have 20 years shaved off of your life from constant noise pollution.

Personally, I've never liked loud and noisy cars, especially those idiots that put a muffler on their car with no noise reduction and come around sounding like the car is about to choke to death on a peanut. If I had my way I would throw all of those crappy little civics and cavaliers off a cliff.

The sound in NFS:shift and other games isn't actually realistic, it's more often than not just really LOUD. :scared:

:lol: I know what you mean.

Its just a mere preference man. I want realistic sounds like are loud. For my experience thats important. I guess I will just have to turn it up! Right?
GT5p with a 7.1 system setup in chase view, turned all the way up will blow your ears off, you get no road noise, no wind, no engine mechanics noise, just straight raw's epic.
How many of us can afford a entry level Onkyo 607 plus a good 7.1 Indiana Line system?... :scared:
btw has anyone noticed that gt5 now has a better sense of speed? At the beginning of the video you can now see motion blur when the guy is driving fast, or is this just me?
If GT engine sounds arent loud enough they should allow us to have many sound options, levels for everything from tire squeal to environment to engine to opponent cars.

but frankly if you dont have AT LEAST a 100W stereo(at least) hifi then you cant really be judging the sounds based off your tv's built-ins.
GT5p with a 7.1 system setup in chase view, turned all the way up will blow your ears off, you get no road noise, no wind, no engine mechanics noise, just straight raw's epic.

That is true. I've said it before....I can live with the sounds of prologue in GT5 and be pretty content. The only thing I'm really worried about is some of the race cars....hopefully they will be more raw....but we can't really comment on that yet since we haven't had any true race cars in prologue just yet...just the tuned which some of the GT tuned cars sound odd (Viper tuned).

And since the 458 Italia is a new model, I hope they just took the F430 sound temporarily. The 458 has a completely different (and larger) engine, so it should sound a little bit different. I'm not too worried about it though.

To comment on another post...yes I really do want to hear the Gallardo. We were close in the newest Mercedes IGN video...but didn't quite get the right angle to hear it correctly.
Is it just me, or do the tire noises sound better? They seem a little toned down compared to the previous versions anyway. It's a little difficult to hear on that video, but man, would it be nice to get some scrubbing sounds around corners instead of full-on screeches.
You people seem to confuse realistic with ear candy. GT sounds are not good when compared to other racing games because the others don't care if that's how the car sounds in real life. They just want the cars to sound awesome. I'm glad GT is all about realism. If it means duller sounds then so be it. That's how it sounds in real life.

If anyone can prove me cars don't sound in real life like they sound in GT5P, then I'll agree it has bad sounds. If people just keep posting sounds from other games it won't prove anything.
Just plug in a bass and it should be fine. I mean--they're not expecting everyone who buys the game to have surround sound and pay $900 for a top-of-the-line driving seat, right?
My need for violent destruction tells me that GT5's damaging model isn't all that great. That sound is cool, but nothing like NFS:S. I think they got their sound right.

Damage in Chadwicksracing's View is:
  • Tires flying off, or blowing up, shredding..ect
  • Engine smoke, oil spraying, fires and ceasing to function
  • doors flying off
  • front end crumple like an accordion

You know the realistic things? "We are going to do damage the right way..." That is not the right way. Even that damage with the Subby wasn't all that impressive.

I am growing tried of the Slogan "The ultimate driving simulator" ect.

Should I expect less?
Exactly. Why waist all the time and resources that hey have on damage, if it's going to look and act like the videos have shown. If you hit a wall in a subaru with 4th gear pegged, the race is over. It doesn't scratch your hood, or knock off your bumper, it destroys your car. At least make it total your car, it doesn't have to actually destroy the looks of your car or smach it like an accordion, but at least make you car mechanically destroyed, and give us some visual representation of the car being crashed.

If you can hit the wall like that subaru does in the video and keep driving, what is the difference between that and not having damage at all. The damage just seems like a waist of time if that's how there going to do it.
It's "ultimate driving simulator", it's not "ultimate damage simulator".

We can pick that phrase apart if you would like. And you know what it will tell us? That realistic damage is included in a simulator. After all, when you simulate you are emulating realistic conditions.
Get a Yamaha Sound Bar. 7.1. Its just like surround. $700 base model.

I have seen there things in action, I used to install them in customer homes. They are very nice.
Sound bars are a waste of money, not only they're expensive but with 700$ I can start to build a good 5.1 system that will last.

(sorry for the double post I'm using the ps3 browser)
I know... and I'm lucky enough to have a 500? HT but everybody should be able to hear great sounds even with the tv's 2 channel speakers.

I'm sorry but if the guy wants a good sound, he'd better buy a good sound system. Complaining that the sound is bad in a crappy TV speaker is the same as complaining that the graphics are bad in a SDTV. Just makes no sense.
Sound bars are a waste of money, not only they're expensive but with 700$ I can start to build a good 5.1 system that will last.

(sorry for the double post I'm using the ps3 browser)

I disagree. Its much more cost effect to put a sound bar into a home that cannot be remodeled to wire and install in walls. Not only does it save money from that stand point, its easier. If you are not big on standing speakers, a sound bar and a sub will do the trick. So they are not completely a waste.

But I am with you, I would rather build a system and have standing speakers, simply because they will sound better. The only problem I have with having standing speaker is the mess the wires leave. I would have to pull wire in the walls and make it more neat.

The sound was pretty average like any other GT, The cosmetic damage looked okay. I'm still waiting for this Major Advancement Kaz mentioned, any one know when were to expect it?

I hope they Include a sound for when you slam the breaks, like a grinding metal sound, quiet on soft breaking loud on Harsh breaking, i found this to be an excellent element to realizing how hard your breaking in, NFS:S and Rfactor.
Uuummm, I am a huge fan of GT, but let's not fool ourselves. NFS Shift sounds 10 times better than GT whether it is realistic or not. The cars just sound too wimpy in GT. You can watch a replay and have a 650 horsepower Corvette blow by the camera at 150 mph full throttle and you barely even hear the exhaust.

In fact, for me personally this is the single most important thing that PD needs to improve. I don't know how Kaz can own a Ford GT and then drive one in GT and not hear the HUGE difference.
I made these SS's on
Look at the GT-R.. it has some white decal or something. Livery editor anyone?


- trying to keep calm - ....:scared:

It's starting to look like we maybe, just maybe have ourselves a livery editor. There are a number of cars with subtle custom paintwork - we have the mini cooper s with the numbers, the yellow Gallardo with a black stripe across the bonnet, and now this. :embarrassed: