Finally weve got SOUND! just like NFS:shift, and scratches on all cars :)

  • Thread starter Don Juan
You people seem to confuse realistic with ear candy. GT sounds are not good when compared to other racing games because the others don't care if that's how the car sounds in real life. They just want the cars to sound awesome. I'm glad GT is all about realism. If it means duller sounds then so be it. That's how it sounds in real life.

If anyone can prove me cars don't sound in real life like they sound in GT5P, then I'll agree it has bad sounds. If people just keep posting sounds from other games it won't prove anything.
Imagine the world we live in if every Honda civic and those little toy cars from chevrolet sounded like they did in Need for speed.... the horror.

Cars in NFS sound like really high revving tractors so that audiophiles who think they know what million dollar cars sound like will come, cars in GT actually sound like cars.

I have just alway's wondered why folk say you "NEED" a good sound system to make the GT serie's sounds be accurate, when i used to watch the ALMS on speedchannel with my "crappy stereo tv speakers" and they would do a bit called the sounds of speed.
They would go through different cars with nothing but that cars sound playing.
Amazing how "accurate" those crappy speakers potrayed the cars sounds, but for some reason were never reproduced in the GT series.
I always wonder what folk think they get out of continuing to apologize for PD's lackluster sound team instead of just admittting there is some serious need for improvment.
Yes i know those are race cars compared to stock cars but, the GT series does have some race cars in it and they sound very inaccurate compared to the real life versions.

Real Life

The F430 in GTP is similar, but there are elements missing about it. Like for example, listen to the way the f430 in the real video gets right on the gas (22 seconds) before he initiates the donut, it has that amazing purr to it. Where as in the GTP F430, you can hear he mashes the throttle (4 seconds), it's just an increase in engine pitch, but it's missing that element where it sounds like the engine is really on it.

Those are good videos for comparison. I can see how the real one appears to be more aggressive I believe but it could be because it's closer to the camera and because the guys is crazy on the gas reaching the rev limiter over and over again. Still, they are very close and essentially the same. Even the tire screeching is not that bad.

The sound can be improved? Sure, but I can't understand how people can go from "it's almost there" like we can see on those videos to "the sound sucks", "it doesn't sound nowhere near that", "this is stupid" and so on. With all the attention PD puts on the graphics, I find hard to believe they neglect the sound like most people seem to think. As far as I understand, they are mislead by other games like PGR that just over exaggerate sounds to the point it's even stupid.
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Um, I'm not "impressed", it sounds like a 430 :-| Now, the truth will be revealed with V8's, not those small displacement V8's either. Get a ZR1 out there and then we'll know if the "fixed" the sound or not.
Other thing that gets me is when the ferrari hits those barriers are they made out of polystyrene!! I thought they were concrete! if you hit them in Grid, you can just about move them but wow does your car take a beating, here they scatter like egg boxes ....

still work to be done I think..
Other thing that gets me is when the ferrari hits those barriers are they made out of polystyrene!! I thought they were concrete! if you hit them in Grid, you can just about move them but wow does your car take a beating, here they scatter like egg boxes ....

still work to be done I think..

Actually, as far as I know they exist both in plastic and concrete. Plastic ones normally are filled with water or sand so they don't fly away like that. I believe PD just made the odd choice of going with them in plastic and empty. Or maybe that's just how they use them in japan?
Other thing that gets me is when the ferrari hits those barriers are they made out of polystyrene!! I thought they were concrete! if you hit them in Grid, you can just about move them but wow does your car take a beating, here they scatter like egg boxes ....

still work to be done I think..
They're plastic.
They just want the cars to sound awesome. I'm glad GT is all about realism. If it means duller sounds then so be it. That's how it sounds in real life.

Very true, it's part of the glossy-neon-big-exhaust packaging in some games, but for GT in my opinion the sounds arent BAD, they are very good, just the Engines arent loud enough.

I remember GT4's 440 Cuda, my uncle has a old Duster, 1000cc's less and about 100hp less and when you spark it up it growls and its loud, in GT4 you can faintly hear that growl, but its very drowned, they need to put a 5-8db boost to the engines.

GT5P Art Morrison is another example of the drowned engine syndrome(D.E.S):lol:, undertones of growl and chuggy V8 bass, but it's not in the forefront as it should be.

The sound in GT5P is spot on, but it just lacks those balls that the real one has.

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Um, I'm not "impressed", it sounds like a 430 :-| Now, the truth will be revealed with V8's, not those small displacement V8's either. Get a ZR1 out there and then we'll know if the "fixed" the sound or not.

Someone posted a video of the zr1 in the eiger track. I think it was TorqueHappenS08. The sound was epic in my opinion. Trying to find the post but no luck. Will post back here if I do.
The sound can be improved? Sure, but I can't understand how people can go from "it's almost there" like we can see on those videos to "the sound sucks", "it doesn't sound nowhere near that", "this is stupid" and so on. With all the attention PD puts on the graphics, I find hard to believe they neglect the sound like most people seem to think. As far as I understand, they are mislead by other games like PGR that just over exaggerate sounds to the point it's even stupid.

I can respect damn near everything you've said, I mistook you for another one "those" members and I apologize for that, however, you can't deny that PGR has some of the best audio reproductions for the cars included. Watch the Top Gear lap with the FXX, and then watch a video of the FXX in PGR4 - it's really that good. Same goes for the DBR9 (especially the DBR9) I've yet to hear and/or play a game that has such a quality that actually sounds like the DBR9 does in real life. Of course I'm not going to sit here and tell you every single reproduction is dead on, or even close to it because it just isn't the case. The F40 and F50 are far too subtle, the CCX sounds like it has a V6, the Ultimate Aero has far too much bass (although it does sound good at the appropriate level - is it true to the Ultimate Aero? I have no idea).

The sounds in Prologue are good, I've even gone so far as to say the GT-R sounds exactly as it should when you're playing from the cockpit view, and I'll continue to stand by that point. Overall the sounds are lacking both depth and definitive character. There's no distant rumble and there doesn't seem to be any distinctive pitch just seems as if the samples were spliced together on some cars - take the F2007 for example, that's just a no all around. Compare the sounds in PGR4 to Shift, or Shift to Forza with the appropriate vehicles, while Shift overstates some it gets a great deal of them right, very right. As I've said in one of the Shift threads it's the first game I've played that actually gets the sound of the CCX's God-V8 right, although the supercharger or whatever whine that is is just far too pronounced.
Whatever failings NFS Shift has can be forgiven for the magnificent engine sounds. In some cases they may be a touch loud for the road cars, or a little distorted to emphasise the 'speed and emotion' of driving a performance car, but the base sound samples are 100% accurate and are implemented fantastically up and down the rev range.

NFS Shift also implements other mechanical sounds very well, i.e transmission whine, backfires and rev limiters.

If NFS Shifts sounds are 10/10, Forza's are 8/10 with GT5P a generous 5/10.

I go to many sportscar races, the sound is immense, apart from PC sims, NFS Shift is the first game I've played that gets that wall of sound spot on.
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I can respect damn near everything you've said, I mistook you for another one "those" members and I apologize for that, however, you can't deny that PGR has some of the best audio reproductions for the cars included. Watch the Top Gear lap with the FXX, and then watch a video of the FXX in PGR4 - it's really that good. Same goes for the DBR9 (especially the DBR9) I've yet to hear and/or play a game that has such a quality that actually sounds like the DBR9 does in real life. Of course I'm not going to sit here and tell you every single reproduction is dead on, or even close to it because it just isn't the case. The F40 and F50 are far too subtle, the CCX sounds like it has a V6, the Ultimate Aero has far too much bass (although it does sound good at the appropriate level - is it true to the Ultimate Aero? I have no idea).

The sounds in Prologue are good, I've even gone so far as to say the GT-R sounds exactly as it should when you're playing from the cockpit view, and I'll continue to stand by that point. Overall the sounds are lacking both depth and definitive character. There's no distant rumble and there doesn't seem to be any distinctive pitch just seems as if the samples were spliced together on some cars - take the F2007 for example, that's just a no all around. Compare the sounds in PGR4 to Shift, or Shift to Forza with the appropriate vehicles, while Shift overstates some it gets a great deal of them right, very right. As I've said in one of the Shift threads it's the first game I've played that actually gets the sound of the CCX's God-V8 right, although the supercharger or whatever whine that is is just far too pronounced.

My problem with PGR is the loudness of the engines. It's just too loud, it masks away nearly all other sounds. It may reproduce them accurately, but it appears to suffer from a Hollywood movie complex where everything has to be loud and exaggerated. I mean, look at this thing, if that's not over exaggerating to the point it's stupid I don't know what is:

That small car sounds a lot more reasonable in PGR3, but the one in PGR4 is too loud. I can easily see people going "wow! look how the sounds improved!" when it's actually not realistic.

The opposite goes go for GT, the engines appear to be too silent as chepe371 stated. Still, since most sounds are taken in racing at crazy speeds, the +200km/h winds surely is louder than the engine. That's twice as fast as a hurricane ffs. If you stick your head out the window, I'll be surprised if you hear anything but the wind. And that's what we see happening in GT. But yes, I agree about a few cars sounding weirdly in GT5P and the best example as you said is the F2007. This one seems off, not only silent like most of the rest.
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Unfortunately yeah. In the first video the guy was just cruising with the car, and most of it is in cockpit. The second video has very loud music, the car is racing and outside camera.

Still, it looks close to the real thing. However, those videos are a very bad source to compare sounds.

F430 comparison you provided horrible videos. One is a very close shot, the car is stopped, the camera is right next to the exhaust, the guy never revs the car enough. The second is in a race, and the camera never gets close to the exhaust like in the first one.

M3, exact same thing. They are just different situations, can't compare the two.

Art Morrison. Now that's more like it. Both cockpit cam. That we can compare. They both appear to be basically the same however the real one has a lower note and sounds more vibrant and aggressive. You could blame prologue's sound but I blame the horrible mic, reverberations in the guy's living room and possible bad sound system.

You may be thinking I'm just being thick headed but I just don't want to give my final word before I fire my PS3 and have a go at it myself and compare to the real one you provided, but I can't do that now.

Aldo, are you familiar with what happens to the sound of music files when you rip them at different bit rates; FLAC vs CD, FLAC vs. VBR 0, FLAC vs VBR 2, FLAC vs 192kb, FLAC vs 128k, or FLAC vs. (talk radio quality) 64kb? The sounds in GT5P and this GT5 demo sound like a 192 mp3 rip compared to a ROBUST FLAC or original CD.

You made a boatload of excuses to try and discredit his comparison and none of the hold any real water. Tell you what buddy, YOU sift through hundreds of videos on YouTube to compile a post in a couple of minutes that will please yourself. Good luck.

Or just go watch some episodes of Top Gear where those cars are tested and compare them to GT5P.

Let me put it to you this way, there is "lite" ice cream and there is "premium" ice cream. You're kidding yourself if you think the "lite" ice cream tastes and feels "just like" the real thing.

It's amazing how the V8's in Merc's and B'mers sound like race cars compared to the V8 in a Ford Crown Victoria (popular US police cruiser).

I just put on Speed Channel and I'm watching the Petite Le Mans. Wow race cars sound like... RACE CARS and they are LOUD and obnoxious!
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Well, from what i underst.......................................................................................................................................................................................a full damage model.

Dont get me wrong, the fact that theres supposed(I say supposed, becasue as we all know nothing in GT is confirmed until were playing the release version) to be mechanical damage on all cars is a plus, and I dont intentd on getting into a argumentative bi*chfest about how damage is the be all and end all of GT5, becasue it isn't,
But I imagine the mechanical damage people here want is more than the standard 'you hit a wheel therefore you cant steer properly' or 'head on collision, thus damaged engine',
Thats all fine and well up to a point but I think people here want something with a little more substance that wont just affect high powered sportscars but any car they drive in the game, where you can get damaged suspension, smashed radiators, punctures causing blowouts causing severe bodywork damage,
Of course this is the somewhat (possibly) unfair expectation of what damage should be in GT(but back again to Kaz saying he wanted to do it 'right'),
we want the damage to be on par with car model quality,
we all know its a very high expectation but its that we have built ourselves up to believinng that the game that finally gets damage 'right' will be GT,
again , we all know there are crash simulator type games, ie: Burnout or stuntman, etc... but again we all want to drive well in GT(I assume) but when a crash happens many people feel that it should be something to rival the impecibaly modelled cars, tracks, interiors so that it dosnt feel tacked on,

Oh my, Ive written quite a bit:ouch:
the sound is still not very good at all. we can not hear the transmisson at all. How heavy are those blocks suppose to be, because they seem to fly away like a breeze.
Sound is one area that I know GT has improved over the years, but still lacks in some.
A few games are starting to pick up on this, but this is where both GT & Forza currently trailing.

Let me comment on a few points.

* Post #80 ( )
I'm not crazy over damage myself, but let me answer first in the mindset of hardcore sim types- simulation means simulation. To paraphrase EA Sports- if it's in the race, it's in the racing. The most hardcore sim fans aren't pleased with a sim game not having sim-style damage. I think if anything, the Gran Turismo series may be the best racing game series that does not include damage or a proper damage model. Making the damage reasonable makes the game challenging. Making the damage severely realistic makes hardcore sim racers happy, but diminishes the fun for casual or fairly adept gamers. So it's that kind of give-or-take, try-to-please-everybody approach. Where do you draw the line if you're Polyphony Digital?

And then, maybe I think extreme damage for the YouTube'r who'll make a video showing nothing but crashes with some metal or hardcore rock in the background...

* Post #11 ( )
I wanted to believe two things seeing this. The first is that some extra body panels were added to that GT-R after some crash. The other is that... maybe indeed a livery editor has been conceived. We all have our ideas on a livery editor, but I think with the introduction of a livery editor (if one materializes), it will further add to the appeal of online play for GT5. It means you can have your own special designs or be able to create your own teams (online or solo). Something to really take note of, for sure.

If the game is 65% complete, then that leaves 35% to speculate or hope for.
wow that looks and sounds really great
The half-assed damage model only serves to cheapen the entire look of the game (i.e. no better than Forza 3 now). We have those great car models that start out better than Forza 3, then after a 100mph+ crash we get a few scratches and scuffs even in places on that car that did not make contact with anything. Yeah, totally realistic...
I made these SS's on
Look at the GT-R.. it has some white decal or something. Livery editor anyone?


Maybe it is just a reflection from the sun light
This is a sound thread, and it's already been discussed that white strip is damage.
I've been so critical of GT's sound in the past, but I really don't think it's that bad.

I sometimes go to hill-climbs, where I see a mix of race and road cars climbing the hill. The weak, airy, and breezy sound of even performance road cars is very apparent. In a fairly open space, you really don't hear much:

This is why I'd say that, volume-wise, GT5:P is great. PGR4 sounds good, but it's much louder than reality, in my experience. Those are sounds of racing cars, and that's the kind of noise I hope GT will give us for GT5's race cars.
Unfortunately yeah. In the first video the guy was just cruising with the car, and most of it is in cockpit. The second video has very loud music, the car is racing and outside camera.

Still, it looks close to the real thing. However, those videos are a very bad source to compare sounds.

F430 comparison you provided horrible videos. One is a very close shot, the car is stopped, the camera is right next to the exhaust, the guy never revs the car enough. The second is in a race, and the camera never gets close to the exhaust like in the first one.

M3, exact same thing. They are just different situations, can't compare the two.

Art Morrison. Now that's more like it. Both cockpit cam. That we can compare. They both appear to be basically the same however the real one has a lower note and sounds more vibrant and aggressive. You could blame prologue's sound but I blame the horrible mic, reverberations in the guy's living room and possible bad sound system.

You may be thinking I'm just being thick headed but I just don't want to give my final word before I fire my PS3 and have a go at it myself and compare to the real one you provided, but I can't do that now.

Art Morrison is by far one of the best sounds in gt5p IMO. I've got really good headphones that I use on my PC and my PS3 and it just does not sound very good on ps3. It's too sterile I think. Alright the others don't match up perfectly but you can still tell that the sound is way off in gt5p
Why do so many of you seem to overlook the Fact the video was filmed with a handheld camera pointed at a tv in a noisy convention hall? Of course it wont sound very good, if you get the demo in a room with no outside noise and listen to the sound directly from the tv or sound system it will sound 10 times better.
The car sounds exactly like the F430 in Prologue, it doesnt matter how it was recorded, its easy to tell.

I didnt expect more, its a bummer though, it just takes away too much of the overall feeling.