Ever since one whole game... that's quite a history, there.
Okay, I do understand that GT6 is being built in a modular form because both Kaz/the team and SONY want a Gran Turismo game out to compete head to head with Forza 5 this holiday season, as well as a small handful of other next gen racers coming later. And they have a tall order: remaining relevant to their next gen counterparts, brought to life on much more advanced hardware than the antiquated PS3. Tell me that isn't an epical challenge. Even more, make GT6 even better than 5, when almost every game engine has been tweaked as far as it can go in four or five years. Most of us up on the tech world such as Scaff and me were sure that the GT5 engine would have to be culled back in a number of areas to improve performance. The team went the opposite direction for the most part, which is crazy. But they did it, even increased the resolution!
We're getting a "core" version of GT6, lacking such additions as Course Maker II and most likely a Livery Editor. But it's looking to be much larger than GT5, possibly in the ballpark of GT4, which I hadn't completed all of in more than a year of pretty serious gaming. And these additions, evidently being built in many cases like applications, should fit in seamlessly when ready. I know some don't like this approach and prefer a GT6 which is complete. But many of us are VERY ready to move on from a GT5 with its XP weirdness and a paint shop with no paint whatsoever, among other things. What GT6's Paint Shop will have is anyone's guess, but it has to be an improvement. And keep in mind that some of these added apps are likely teasers of the version we'll be seeing in GT7 on a much more powerful PS4. To me, this is a very good reason to build GT6 piecemeal, releasing sections when ready, because this kind of ambition would take more than three years to accomplish. We get to play earlier, and add content such as DLC as we see fit. Win/win to me. And for many of us, only a Gran Turismo game can best fill the need for a better racing experience.
As for the hiring thing, the original point, we have four basic possibilities.
- Kaz hires people when he feels the need to
- SONY directs Kaz to increase staff when they feel the team could stand more people power
- They both come to terms on that
- They all just go about their business, and people decide out of the blue that they're going to work at Polyphony Digital and start filling desks
The last one clearly is pure sarcasm, but for the above three realistic options, I put my money on Kaz making the hiring choices solely, with a likely possibility that he gets the okay from SCE.