First in game look at "standard" cars in Granturismo 6

I did no intend my comment to be received as bitterness, just to note my surprise at peoples' reactions here. I admire what PD do greatly, and respect their decision to remain a tight team. However games have more and more detail in them...and someone has to create that detail. What they have achieved for GT6 on PS3 hardware is quite remarkable, and I'm sure GT7 will be much the same. I look at the game as a whole, including the construction of the game itself like the use adaptive tessellation. Technically they are a brilliant team, so I can understand why people are disappointed with the use of these "lesser" looking cars that they felt they had to hold on to. It won't decrease my enjoyment of many other aspects of the game. Perhaps it's because I put the emphasis on the playing, rather than viewing as important to my enjoyment. Not that I don't appreciate beauty, but that I can see past it.
I do not have any special info, but I am experienced in programming (made a living at it for a couple decades) and I suspect that the adaptive tessellation routines' renderer may have forced PD to at least clean up a lot of the curves which had caused the worst "jaggies" to higher density polys.

So I honestly believe the old "standards" will look better at least. To coin a phrase though, "God help them if not, or if they missed any... There's lots of people just itching to crucify them for it..."

And for the record, I do NOT think the two "class" cars use different physics engines... That would be as silly as having two renderers, particularly given the RAM the PS3 has to work with. You do not duplicate stuff like that...
I was wondering about that, when using inventor A.T. was an option once you reached a certain size , I'm guessing you had to have a certain poly count to even use it.
People, people be talking about how the standards are all the same. Dude, we need some real direct HD footage if we want to judge alright?

Exactly. The current quality of these off screen videos simply offers little to nothing worth really studying. I reserve judgement until the game is in my PS3 (or if some lucky bastard manages to put up some HD Direct capture video first).
Exactly. The current quality of these off screen videos simply offers little to nothing worth really studying. I reserve judgement until the game is in my PS3 (or if some lucky bastard manages to put up some HD Direct capture video first).
Well that's all we have, and ignoring their presence due to low quality is dumb . We have learned many things from these crappy screen shots, rear lights are textures and windows are still tinted!
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And for the record, I do NOT think the two "class" cars use different physics engines... That would be as silly as having two renderers, particularly given the RAM the PS3 has to work with. You do not duplicate stuff like that...

One physics model correct, most of the standards are older cars and I think PD just programmed them with a little less grip because they actually had a little less grip. Newer cars, newer technology, newer tires means the 2010 version of something will outperform the 1993 version of something on the track. No mystery there.
Well that's all we have, and ignoring there presence due to low quality is dumb . We have learned many things from these crappy screen shots, rear lights are textures and windows are still tinted!

Where exactly am I suggesting that we "ignore there presence"? (its "their" by the way) I don't want to judge anything from low quality pics and shady off-screen video because it looks messy and chances are things could be exaggerated by the low quality. "Oh we have tinted windows!!" That's quite a lot of info we got there, what a scoop :lol:

Also, it isn't dumb. Its being sure and knowing and not guessing through murky off-screen shots/videos.
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Just noticed something odd about the merc saubre c9 in the trailer. if you look close enough you can see the window wiper is in a central position unlike in gt5. This could just mean maybe window wipers now work on standards or possibly that its been remodeled as a premium??

Just noticed something odd about the merc saubre c9 in the trailer. if you look close enough you can see the window wiper is in a central position unlike in gt5. This could just mean maybe window wipers now work on standards or possibly that its been remodeled as a premium??


Or that is the result of the cleanup I talked about displayed on the new renderer. We'll know pretty soon.
I'd say it's been remodeled, it looks pretty clean even in that still from the trailer. Possibly yet to be added to the car list (like the 2000GT) or maybe an early DLC.
The C9 is clean in GT5. The wipers are sort of additional "props" on the cars anyway. They used to wobble at speed in GT4, but not in GT5. That means they're animatable / posable relative to the car, much as the mud-flaps and pop-up headlights were (they were not animated in GT5, either - the lights just "appeared"). It could just be it's been moved in this case (and maybe it means the wipers of not-Standards will be animated this time).
I do not have any special info, but I am experienced in programming (made a living at it for a couple decades) and I suspect that the adaptive tessellation routines' renderer may have forced PD to at least clean up a lot of the curves which had caused the worst "jaggies" to higher density polys.

So I honestly believe the old "standards" will look better at least. To coin a phrase though, "God help them if not, or if they missed any... There's lots of people just itching to crucify them for it..."

And for the record, I do NOT think the two "class" cars use different physics engines... That would be as silly as having two renderers, particularly given the RAM the PS3 has to work with. You do not duplicate stuff like that...

I don't think standards use adaptive tessellation or even different LOD models.Because the highest quality standard model would have at most the same poly count as the lowest detail premium models (i'm guessing).I think they just use one model for the standards even in GT5.So adaptive tessellation wouldn't really serve a purpose with standards.
I don't think standards use adaptive tessellation or even different LOD models.Because the highest quality standard model would have at most the same poly count as the lowest detail premium models (i'm guessing).I think they just use one model for the standards even in GT5.So adaptive tessellation wouldn't really serve a purpose with standards.

I was always under the impression all models including standards had lower LOD models?
I was always under the impression all models including standards had lower LOD models?
Probably but I doubt it.Those standard models highest detailed are around the 10kpoly whereas the premiums highest are around 100k.It depends on just how low detail the premium models can get.
Actually, I think the standard models shown in that video look a bit better than in GT5. I've noticed some areas of the models weren't jaggy like they were in GT5.
I think all standard models in GT6 a bit better than in GT5.
But true Ps3 quality: premium models. Sad, not official screenshots standard models, déjá vu 2010.:rolleyes:
All of the cars in GT5 had different LoD models. That's in fact what caused the infamous picture of the Alto Works (and Legacy Spec B, and etc.) that floated around when GT5 first released: It was a lower quality LoD model being loaded as the "best" one by mistake.

You don't know because you don't work for PD. Period.
In terms of graphics quality, the bad quality Standard models we’ve updated so they look better.
Unless a couple cars had significantly horrendous low resolution textures, but otherwise GT5 standards and premiums will be identical in GT6.

Curious what the difference is.

Then only thing I see that's deja vu is all the people looking at a blurry screen capture, of a blurry Youtube video and judging model quality in the game by that, good or bad. It's so absurd it's comical:lol:

Eh, he's not far off in addition to that point. Some vaguely contradictory half-statements that are never really explained ("Standard Cars do not support interior view" for GT5 vs "No functional differences" for GT6), and you find the rest out yourself because they aren't going to say anything about it otherwise. Only difference is last time PD released a trailer that people claimed absolutely definitely showed the cars looked better/worse/the same, and this time people are going off of gameplay videos on YouTube.
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All of the cars in GT5 had different LoD models. That's in fact what caused the infamous picture of the Alto Works (and Legacy Spec B, and etc.) that floated around when GT5 first released: It was a lower quality LoD model being loaded as the "best" one by mistake
You're right after looking at the alto again I can see it wasn't only a lower resolution texture, but it also looked to have less definition in some areas.Either that or higher res textures makes a huge difference.
Guess they wanted to get as much performance as possible.
Just noticed something odd about the merc saubre c9 in the trailer. if you look close enough you can see the window wiper is in a central position unlike in gt5. This could just mean maybe window wipers now work on standards or possibly that its been remodeled as a premium??

The hood vent also looks like it's actually modeled now instead of just being a texture with shading to make it look like it's a vent.

From a picture taken by Cobaiye, the Sauber C9 seems to have also new lights, may be standard cars will be equipped with new lights (probably not) or there are a possibility to see other "hidden" premiumized cars :drool:
Merc looks premium indeed. Look at modelled small vent on hood above Merc logo. I wouldn't consider Sauber or Toyota 2000GT as "hidden" premiums. Car list marks cars with "6" only if car was not present in GT series before. We can hope for some more standards converted to premiums. But don't count for hundreds of them ;-)
I do not have any special info, but I am experienced in programming (made a living at it for a couple decades) and I suspect that the adaptive tessellation routines' renderer may have forced PD to at least clean up a lot of the curves which had caused the worst "jaggies" to higher density polys.

Well, it's not the polygon count that causes the jaggies, it's the textures. If you were to reproduce the pixelated wheel arches in the picture below with a polygon mesh alone, you'd probably need more polygons per wheel arch than a premium car uses.


The mesh probably doesn't have wheel arches at all, and instead they're mapped with alpha textures, making that part of the body transparent. In the example above, they could leave the mesh just as it is and only work on the texture resolution and the car would look a lot better.
Merc looks premium indeed. Look at modelled small vent on hood above Merc logo. I wouldn't consider Sauber or Toyota 2000GT as "hidden" premiums. Car list marks cars with "6" only if car was not present in GT series before. We can hope for some more standards converted to premiums. But don't count for hundreds of them ;-)
If those vehicles marked with "6" were not already present in GT5, why there are Ford GT '05 (Yes, i'm not in confusion with '06 model), Bentley Speed 8, Cizeta, Lamborghini Countach, Lancia Stratos in this list of new cars ?
It doesn't the explain why Sauber, Toyota aren't counted as "new" cars. If this is just an error, i'm just curious to see what other cars could become aldready "premiumized"
Merc looks premium indeed. Look at modelled small vent on hood above Merc logo. I wouldn't consider Sauber or Toyota 2000GT as "hidden" premiums. Car list marks cars with "6" only if car was not present in GT series before. We can hope for some more standards converted to premiums. But don't count for hundreds of them ;-)

Both Countaches, Cizeta and Corvette C2 were present in GT5 but they are shown on the list as new cars. Maybe it's a mistake? I hope that there are many more hidden premiums on the list;)
Yeah, you're right. Bentley is not exactly the same car as in GT5, but Cizeta, C2, Lambo and Lancia are. But I still think we may see few more standard to premium conversions.