Tested a bit tonight for parity. Built each car to 535PP specs, added custom transmission, full suspension and all the drivetrain goodies. I didn't change any settings on suspension or transmission. The only tuning that I did was to put a basic LSD tune on each 10/14/7. I drove 12 cars tonight.
After the testing, I can reconfirm that PD's PP system is totally jacked. I had looked at each car based on power and torque against weight. Many of the cars that I thought would be bottom of the pile were actually quite quick. And, the few that I thought would be overdogs, were just ordinary. I cannot make sense of the PP system against lap time. One thing's for sure, not all cars at 535PP are created equal. Car selection could make a big difference in finishing order. It could also be fun to search for that gem in the heap.
Now that I have tested a bit, I want to make a few changes. I did not expect this many tuners to sign up. We currently have 11. Two more have sent me messages on the PS3. That would be 13 if they are serious about joining. We currently have only 13 car groupings. It strips away some of the fun if you are randomly selected as tuner #13 and get the category that is left for last. So, I want to make things more open so that we all get the fun of trying a number of cars and choosing one that we like. But, I do not want more than one tuner picking the same car. I just don't want a competition where half the field picks the exact same car. So I will refine the list a little and we will still pick cars in a random order, but the list will be more open so everyone can choose between 30 or so cars. I have updated the car list.
As for track selection, I really am liking Rome. It flows so nicely. And it has lap times under 1:15 which makes testing each car for 10+ laps much easier than with a 2:00 plus lap time track. The track has everything except for a super long straight. It has a couple of good straight sections that follow 2nd gear corners. It has a few higher speed sweeping turns. It also has a decreasing radius/double apex bit. I think it will be the best test of agility of all of the tracks in the game.
I also like Praiano's suggestion of keeping the tuner secret until the end. I will randomize the tuner list and send each tuner a PM alerting them of their draft order. No one else will know the order for car selections. The front page will just list Tuner 1 - xxx car, then that car in the list will have a line through it meaning that it is now no longer available for other tuners. At the end, we will just have a listing of cars with no tuner names next to them. I will also send a PM to each tuner telling them which PSN account to send their car to. Your PM will include either my MotorCtyHamilton account, GT2ndTry or biffa. This too will keep people from knowing which tuners are hosted by which account. The Google docs score sheet will only list car names, not tuners, until the end of the competition.