@Otaliema have not gotten any feedback from you on this idea, however, what I need is a scorer! Would you be willing, able to build spreadsheets for the three classes? If so, whenever they get done, I will link to a post in the OP. Scoring is my issue here, have the rest all set up except for dates.
I know it's three classes, but would 2 weeks to tune and 2 to test be good or do we need more time? Roadster lap times are less than a minute so 10-15 laps should be a breeze. Street Sports are low to mid 1;20's and Pro Tourer's right around 2 minutes (2:02-2:04?).Thinking of Nov. 16 tuning deadline and the 30th for testing. Thoughts, opinions, and criticism always welcome. Or would everyone prefer a staggered set of dates? This way it is basically the whole month, staggering would stretch it out.