Let me get a car tuned for it and see what my mental sanity looks like

small unstable cars on a short quick track.
I know it's still 6 days out but when looking an overhaul of one the key points of a scoring system the worst thing that can be done is rush it, even if it's just a trial run, a rushed trail run will just show all the bugs and few if any good poins of the system. I'm still on the fence for it.
I could do it in a clean way for reading, the back end would be so ugly it would make the ugly duckling look cute.
I'm with you on this one but it is
@Bowtie-muscle challenge if he wants to use a group to give us a trial run sooner, than I will do what I can to get a sheet made for it, on that note Bowtie I personally think the roadsters class would not be the best group as it's too close in dead line, even with a trail run I would think we want this idea 85% ironed out in thread and PM first.
I was thinking on this last night a the categories I came up with are,
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Corner entry
- Corner exit
- Confidence
- Consistency*
- Predictability*
- Speed
- Recovery
- Fun
*A car can be consistent but still toss surprises at you, cook a entry and it doesn't recover like it has prior or just under steers for no apparent reason. A car can be predictable with out being consistent or good. We have all have been in that type of car, you know it's going to put you in a wall or spin at a certain point on the track and there is little you can do about it.