I can agree with
@biffa3 on tuners taking the time to produce a tune and that being worth something. I've had my thoughts on DC typed for a day now so I'll just post it...
I think that the current system is pretty decent for what these events are supposed to be about...a wide variety of tuners putting their skills to the test in all sorts of cars at different tracks. Throw those tunes to testers with all sorts of abilities and see what they can do with them and how much they are liked. It's not without its flaws, but at the end of the day it is mostly about fun. When you break it down to its simplest form and give it a little bit of thought, this is what you get.
Tuners get to work on the car based on
their driving style logging countless laps/miles in that car. Making adjustments that feel more comfortable to them. Testers get roughly 10-15 laps after hopping into that car not knowing what to expect and then try to learn the car and adapt to fit. This adaptation sometimes leads to the tester driving the car in a manor that they are not really accustomed to, but it is based on what the car tells them. Some testers can do this while others might have a harder time. So that can lead to a difference of opinion between the tuner and tester on how the car feels.
Some tuners will perceive that they might have to alter from their driving style to suit the testers. I see where they are coming from, but I don't agree that "tuning it down" needs to be done. I would say tune it in a way that makes you proud of it. Anything else seems compromised and not right. Like my golf game...just grip it and rip it, letting the ball fall where it does; I think tunes should be about making the tuner happy, not the other way around.
In the case that is mentioned, I think it's making a mountain out of a mole hill. A PM would have been better but live, learn, and move on which we've done. We are taking about a hard to handle car at a track that can hurt you. After testing here, I will be the first in line putting my hand up saying that I am not driving the car as the tuner has intended and my lap times are not as quick as the tuners. I know this...how? Because of the hours spent driving others' cars with me using a controller, I can gauge what the tuner might have been going towards. But there again, I realize this and judge or sometimes apologize accordingly. My DC score has and will always be how that tune drives and feels to me with me at the controls. Some are as loose as you like and need ice skates instead of tires, but can put down a fast lap while safe/comfortable cars aren't as quick but are rock solid lap after lap.
Different testers like different styles, that's why it has always been important to have as many testers as possible. If we make the judging harder or more time consuming with scoring in segments or something along those lines, I can see that detouring testers, especially those who are new or already on the fence about testing. And in the case like the Old School Class, or a few other tough tracks from the past, testing/reviews are difficult as is.
I am more than happy with the current scoring and the wide variety of tracks, but that's not to say that I would be opposed to change.