FITT M Power Challenge - Mystery Solved - Congratulations to the Winners

  • Thread starter shaunm80
@brian wolf

The entry deadline is fast approaching but is not yet closed. I will be doing the draw this evening however, and you will be notified of your tuner # and which car you are assigned tomorrow(Sunday).
After you have received the PM from shaun and myself, you may begin tuning. So long as your testing for the Old and New challenge is complete.

Good luck and happy tuning! :)

The following is an explanation on how the draw will be done.

All tuners without a GT6 podium or are first time entrant, will be in a draw for the first 2 cars. M3 07 and Chrome Line (CL). They will be tuners 1 and 2.

M3 and CL will then be removed, and tuners 3-6 will be matched with the cars from the other group. The car selection will be from each other car with 2 of each in the pile.

Then the M3 and CL WILL be added, 1 of each, for the next draw for tuner 7. Then removed if neither is selected, for tuners 8-11.

They will be readded for tuner 12. That will leave 2 cars and 4 tuners. If either M3 or CL ARE still available, the next to spots, 13 and 14 will be drawn to ensure we now how 14 pairs with each of the 7 represented twice.

For the remaining tuners, there will be one of each car(all 7) with the M3 and CL up for grabs. 15 and 16 will be drawn to fill out the tuner list and they get whatever is drawn. The remaining 5 cars will then be drawn as possible late entries. That way, tuner number and matching car will have already been selected.

Confusing and long yes, but fair and totally up to chance. Any questions, I will try and explain.
Both Bowtie and myself have started to PM all the tuners with their weapons of allocation for this challenge. Once you have received this, you are free to start tuning (as long as your testing duties for @Motor City Hami have finished). As the PMs will say, if you have any problems or issues which are specific to your tune, PM us back directly and we will sort it out. Feel free to discuss this event in this thread but please do not give away which car you have tuning or your tuner number. It is blind testing after all so we do not want to spoil the fun.

The tuning deadline is as stated in the first few posts of this thread. Once your tune is received, we will consider it a final tune and changes will only be allowed should me or Bowtie see an issue with it which does fit the rules and regulations. Only submit once you are completely happy with it, or the tuning deadline has been reached. On that note. Enjoy and we look forward to seeing what you create.
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Both Bowtie and myself have started to PM all the tuners with their weapons of allocation for this challenge. Once you have received this, you are free to start tuning (as long as your testing duties for @Motor City Hami have finished). As the PMs will say, if you have any problems or issues which are specific to your tune, PM us back directly and we will sort it out. Feel free to discuss this event in this thread but please do not give away which car you have tuning or your tuner number. It is blind testing after all so we do not want to spoil the fun.

The tuning deadline is as stated in the first few posts of this thread. Once your tune is received, we will consider it a final tune and changes will only be allowed should me or Bowtie see an issue with it which does fit the rules and regulations. Only submit once you are completely happy with it, or the tuning deadline has been reached. On that note. Enjoy and we look forward to seeing what you create.

Great! I'm excited to get started on my tune. I'm close to reaching some milestones on these forums. 1000 posts, 100 likes on my meme, probably close to getting a warning from mods.. What I want is a win in one of these tuning contest now too, c'mon win!
Nope. That would take the fun outta guessing. Just making a statement based you and @Bowtie-muscle car draw rules. @MrGrado has no wins so he had a high chance at a M3.But from what I gathered it was not a 100% chance.
For the most part, everyone HAD a chance at the M3 and the Chrome Line, even those that have past wins and/or podiums. The chance for the others was just higher. :)
I have a quick question, has camber changed at all since that Focus competition Motor City Hami held? I remember it being detrimental to grip back then.
From my minor testing I have done while tuning my cars I have found similar results to the idea that adding camber removes grip, but I also found using some here and there to help with corners sometimes.