FITT Wagon & SUV Tuner Challenge

So…it's not really for racing as such, more for naval warfare? You turn, hit the gas, make smoke, and then spin to face the enemy! :lol:
Not top!

Did we decide to post 450pp times or not?

It's a very good idea, at least i think, why couldn't we know the times for 450pp as the 525pp above ???!!!!
Perhaps i didn't read a post about this ????

EDIT: I think it's OK.


Test Drivers Results must be posted no later than Sunday, March 24, (Midnight, wherever you live).

Note: Extensions or exceptions to the above listed deadlines may be issued at the event sponsors discretion. However, it is up to the participants that they do everything possible to meet the listed deadlines as extensions or exceptions will only be granted under extenuating circumstances. Assigning deadlines after a weekend seems very reasonable.
It's not the sliding that's producing the smoke, it's that shonky Russian fuel you've been filling the car with..!!

I don't think Vlad from the corner store would appreciate you calling his vodka "shonky". :P
So…it's not really for racing as such, more for naval warfare? You turn, hit the gas, make smoke, and then spin to face the enemy! :lol:

The idea is that we destroy the enemy, collect their essence and use it to evolve the Stagea. :dopey:

This more for a black elephant this audi rs6 avant ' 08 even working quickly I'm almost completing this besta.nao have to stop this car brake if you allow it to put my tune even fringindo the rules because I was told that I could choose an OS so I chose wrong but I am corregindo, if you permit. I know I'm newbie. Thank you

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When I crash this thing, during testing, it'll be because I'm drunk on the exhaust fumes and entirely your fault :mischievous:


Hey, it doesn't have vodka fuel anymore. That was just for our Russia trip. :lol: That said, if you do crash the Stagea, do be sure to wipe the remains of whatever building you bulldozed off my bumper. :P

Hey, Xande has an AOC monitor too. :D:tup:
Test results for 525pp class

1 left to test, just awaiting FR acceptence from Trackripper.

Have also noticed after testing Xande's entry that it's not a car from the list. He's entered the standard RS6, not the Avant. I won't post his results until I get given the go ahead that it qualifies.

Tested using DS3 (pad,rather than stick) and Auto Transmission. Cars run for 10 laps each. All aids off except driving line and ABS 1.

In time order:-

3012th place

krenkme - Land Rover Range Stormer Concept '04
Time - 1:22:870
Couldn't adjust to this one at all. Gearing seemed very short, i'm assuming to use the power better. Made a difference of a couple of seconds popping the mediums on for me though!
DC - 7.0

Yeah, not my best tune :banghead:.... but I just needed to tune it... it's FAT!!!!

Thanks for the test and feed back :cheers:
This more for a black elephant this audi rs6 avant ' 08 even working quickly I'm almost completing this besta.nao have to stop this car brake if you allow it to put my tune even fringindo the rules because I was told that I could choose an OS so I chose wrong but I am corregindo, if you permit. I know I'm newbie. Thank you[/IMG][/IMG]

I will allow you to put your tune on the wagon. Is your wagon o. Share now?
Can't get online due to PSN maintenance - but I'm sure I still need some tuners to send me an FR to iainoflo85 if you haven't already.

Will start testing tomorrow, and hope that I have everyone one my friend's list so I can finish before Sunday.
Test Drivers Results must be posted no later than Friday, March 29, (Midnight, wherever you live). Would like to post final results on Saturday the 30th.
I'll have my testing done and posted before the weekend is out, so unless I've missed a request from other testers to push back, Monday 25th is fine by me 👍 I'm guessing 3 hrs of driving, plus a bit more for writing up...

I might join in this...if i can. But since this a place for fans of Wagons and Vans and SUV's ...I have a question.I used Praiano's tune for the RS Avant 08 to see if my wagon could take the LMP's at the Dream Car Seasonal ( it did!) but my question is in some of the more sharp curve's my wagon was tipping over and i managed to get it on its side doing a previous race..what can i do to prevent the roll over?
I might join in this...if i can. But since this a place for fans of Wagons and Vans and SUV's ...I have a question.I used Praiano's tune for the RS Avant 08 to see if my wagon could take the LMP's at the Dream Car Seasonal ( it did!) but my question is in some of the more sharp curve's my wagon was tipping over and i managed to get it on its side doing a previous race..what can i do to prevent the roll over?

Submissions for cars has now passed, but you're welcome to sign up as a tester for both 525PP and 450PP.

Not sure why your Audi is tipping over. I'd suggest belting the kids and the dog in, so they're not being thrown around in the back of the car and upsetting the balance :sly: j/k

525PP results:

ACSR - Impreza Sport Wagon STI '00

Time: 1'22.379

It took 10 laps to get this time because I was fighting with oversteer under braking and understeer on a lot of the corners where I wanted to go fast round them, but just couldn't. The last sector, out of the tunnel I went wide so many times because of this - was too quick on the accelerator I guess and I couldn't get it round enough. Not the easiest car to drive, but pretty fast.

DC - 6

CyKosis - Impreza Sport Wagon WRX STI Version VI '99

Time: 1'22.137

It took me the 10 laps to find this time again, but mainly this was because I needed to get used to the differences between this one and the ACSR Sport Wagon - this one is faster, but only because it's easier over the bumps, there's not so much brake oversteer, and slightly less understeer through the faster corners. Not to mention it can be slid round the first corner smoothly for a faster exit - it was easier to control in this regard and I was expecting the back end to do this like the ACSR Sport Wagon. Easier and more enjoyable to drive than the previous one.

DC - 8

DigitalBaka - Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0GT Spec.B '03

Time: 1'22.741

This one had more understeer than the previous two that I tested and took a bit longer to brake. But I found that the best solution for dealing with it was trail-braking, it took a lot more kindly to it than the Sport Wagons, but it was still not as fast - it could break traction at the rear occasionally on the first corner, but it was harder to do and wasn't much faster. Was more stable in general than the other two because of the extra understeer and no oversteer unless forced, but this hindered the lap-time. Got this best time really early on but just couldn't beat it.

DC - 7

Krenkme - Range Stormer Concept '04

Time: 1'23.187

Well, that was the most fun I've ever had in an Smart(ass) Utility Vehicle. It wasn't fast, but then it did weigh 2000kg, so I wasn't too surprised about that, the lap time was achieved early on again, and couldn't be bettered, but I had fun driving it for the 10 laps, that this didn't matter. A lot of understeer, as was to be expected, but neutralised with trail-braking again. Also some lift-oversteer when I lifted off the brakes making the front lose traction a lot. This happened more often, but I did get a lot of two-wheel drifts, which was fun, and I think these made me faster.

DC - 9

MotorCityHami - Audi RS 4 '01

Time: 1'21.402

I did say the Audi's have fared best in this shootout - I was so right. I was really pleased with this one, just enough oversteer to be controllable and fast, but a tad too much understeer which required a bit less pushing to overcome, but still a very fast time, just slightly faster than Onboy's which I wasn't expecting because of the extra oversteer. Really well-balanced despite this, really great car to drive as always. This best time was made on lap 10, previous best lap was about lap 6 with a 1'21.7xx, so you can understand my surprise.

DC - 10

Onboy123 - Audi RS 4 '01

Time: 1'21.450

The fastest, easiest, most enjoyable car to drive so far. Nothing negative to say about this car, really - it's fast, it was the only one to get me a 1'21, but it was also easy and fun to drive. No trouble at all, and was just really smooth.

DC - 10

Ridox2JZGTE - STAGEA 25T RS Four S '98

Time: 1'23.764

I cannot fault the handling on this one - it was spot on, but it just wasn't fast enough, and the understeer was a killjoy, took a lot of effort to get the 1'23, but I couldn't get any better over ten laps. If it was just based on handling, then I would score it quite high, but lap times also play a factor, so I have to be honest.

DC - 7

Theo777 - Legacy Touring Wagon GT-B '96

Time: 1'22.159

Time was made on the final lap, best lap before that was only a few tenths slower - but it was such a struggle to get a good lap because of the intense understeer - it really pushed a lot and I struggled to to get round corners with it going wide all the time. Apart from the understeer problem though, it was a very solid car to drive. It was fast, but understeered too much.

DC - 7

Trackripper123 - Subaru Impreza Sport Wagon STi (Type-I) '00

Time: 1'21.946

This one is fast and loose! I don't know if it was fast because it was loose, but I certainly had fun whilst letting it all hang out - I took a couple of laps to get comfortable with it, but once I did I was surprised at how good it was. It was just a bit too loose though. Still it was fast.

DC - 8

VTiRoj - Nissan Stagea 260rs Autech Version ‘98

Time: 1'22.577

Too much oversteer and not enough control with this car just made it the least fun to drive of all the ones I've tested until now, and for all that bravado it wasn't even that fast - I didn't think it was that great, unfortunately. 6th gear got used very little - I was surprised it even had 6 gears when I tried upshifting along the straight just to check if it did, because I never got to use it much. I just found it annoying, and no fun at all.

DC - 5

xande1959 - Audi RS 6 Avant ’08

Time: 1'22.125

Second favourite out of this lot (haven't tested MCH's yet) because it's as neutral and easy to drive as Onboy's and slightly faster too. I always liked this car, and this tune just really suits it, it feels right - I had so much fun driving this car, I just wish i could've gone faster, it felt so right. It looks like the Audi's have fared best in this shootout. Only downside is the lack of 6th gear - the car has 6 gears, but I only got to use 5 of them. Would've been faster with all gears working.

DC - 10

450PP Results:

ACSR421 - Volvo 240 GLT Estate '88

Time: 1'30.752

Ignore the lap-time, it's rubbish anyway. This car was much better than expected - it's got power though, I can feel it when I push down on the throttle, it wants to GO! and sometimes it can, but the understeer slows it down somewhat, because you need to slow down more to get round the corner.

DC - 7

krenkme - Nissan EXA Canopy L.A.Version Type S ’88

Time: 1'26.697

This car has too much power - the front wheels just can't handle it - there's so much wheelspin that coming out of the "corners" is harder than it should be. Not to mention the typical FF understeer was still there but also accompanied by some rather strange oversteer - don't know if it was just the track or the car, but I definitely felt it trying to break loose a few times. Wasn't quite sure what to expect from this one, but disappointing, really.

DC - 6

Praiano63 - Honda ODYSSEY '03

Time: 1'24.722

A really stable car to drive, but it doesn't like to be pushed, it just pushes back - if you late brake, you're screwed, if you push too hard in the corner you're screwed - but if you're gentle it can be really fast. Pretty much what I expected - I've driven this car stock before and it was pretty comfortable and easy, now Praiano has just made it faster and less family-friendly.

DC - 9

Ridox2JZGTE Lexus IS300 SportCross '01

Time: 1'26.463

This would be a great car to drive were it not for two things: power oversteer and poor brake balance. Everything else was fine, I was happy to drive it fast round some corners because there was very little understeer slowing me down, but what did slow me down was approach to the corner and exit from the corner and these two things made this car a hard one and not a fast one.

DC - 7

Theo777 - Honda ELEMENT '03

Time: 1'25.795

Best one so far - so neutral and just typically beefy, but fun to drive - no oversteer here, but some understeer due to the size of it's wide rear-end. Much like a land-rover really, but made by Honda. Was not the fastest, no way - but was the funnest (would be funner on another track).

DC - 10

Trackripper123 - BMW 120i ’04

Time: 1'25.341

Was really fast - and that's the trouble with this one, at the expense of going fast it had it's problems. Well problem, singular - it was all oversteer that was the trouble, oversteer on the throttle, off the throttle - it was just incredibly loose. If it weren't for the excessive oversteer, it would be a good tune.

DC - 5

xande1959 - Chrysler PT Cruiser '00

Time: 1'28.076

Wheelspin in 6th gear means only 1 thing - way too much power for an FF car. But to add to that, the gears were too short - I was hitting and bouncing off the rev-limiter all the time, but especially on the back straight I wasn't getting enough top speed there because it was redlining. Wheelspin was a common theme for this car, and although it didn't oversteer with it, it didn't help it if it wanted to go fast, not to mention the constant gear changes, they were so close together and there was so much power meaning more acceleration meaning more wheelspin. Let's just say that 450PP was 50 too much for this car.

DC - 4
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