Flag haters

  • Thread starter mrkevans
United Kingdom
blackpool engla
I am realy starting to get fed up with being kicked from a gt5 lobby for simply having a British flag next to my gamer tag, some are actually quite offensive before they kick even just upon joining the lobby, I realise some people want to stick with others from same country for lagg issues but a lot of it is just hating, I think pd need to remove the flags to stop this happening, gt5 is the only game I've played that seems to have this problem.
At the risk of starting an argument, I have to agree, I was kicked from 2 rooms last night, both were predominately Spanish ( or at least had the Spanish flag by their PSN )

If there are any Spanish members here, I'm sure there are, Why are you kicking us?
If there are any Spanish members here, I'm sure there are, Why are you kicking us?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not cool. I've been kicked by several hosts including some with the same flag as me. Maybe you've just had a run of being kicked by coincidentally Spanish hosts but it's not just Spanish hosts that do it, so don't come here asking every Spanish player for an explanation. That's got to be against the AUP.

Edit: being kicked from two lobbies in a night isn't justification for demanding an explanation from every Spanish GTP user.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not cool. I've been kicked by several hosts including some with the same flag as me. Maybe you've just had a run of being kicked by coincidentally Spanish hosts but it's not just Spanish hosts that do it, so don't come here asking every Spanish player for an explanation. That's got to be against the AUP.

Maybe I should have said " why are some of you kicking us" Would that satisfy you?
Maybe I should have said " why are some of you kicking us" Would that satisfy you?

No, you're still directly asking Spanish players, and that's the part I have a problem with.
What are the room lobby titles. I know I have made some "Aus Racing" rooms so any one that does not have the Australian flag I kick.
Usually clean racing or something similar. If it says (country) only, I don't join.
Well I put it down to bad luck. Not sure how long you usually spend online but maybe you should think about creating your own lobby. That way no one can kick you out.
No-one joins my rooms :( If they do I get all the whiners in asking for reg changes to suit them.
It happens, got kicked from a british room because I'm dutch. Try to avoid rooms which are dominated with one nationality and offcourse the "this country only" rooms.
There are really flag-haters out there...I had been kicked from 5-6 lobbys hosted by people of one country (I dont want to say the country for not to offend any player).
I'm spanish..and for the English players..i really like to play with english ones. I have experimented that they uses to be the fairest players...
i have been in a few lobbys where they were mainly (spanish / german) and had a great night racing...even the germans started to speak and type in english so i can follow what they are saying. it was a great feeling to tell you truth.

i think it sucks if you get booted for the wrong flag....if the lobby states - british racing only then fair enough. but if you havent stated that then its just not cricket!
I just think removing the flags would help solve this issue, country politics shouldn't be a problem here because at the end of the day we all just want a good race, I love competing with people from all over the world I just wish more gamers on gt5 felt the same.
I have never been kicked from a lobby because of where I come from. Even when I joined rooms where everyone else was of one nationality. So I guess you guys are just unlucky. They should make it optional, so you can choose if you want the flag or not.
only people i kick are annoying track blockers and 10 year old hamsters that only drive x1's
(and suck at it aswell)
I have this problem, mainly with Spanish and American... in fact I heard over voice chat
"Hey, it's a brit, kick him!" from an American. Judging by the voice, he was male, 13 from New York...
I spent 3 hours in a spanish lobby the other night, and it was one of the best times I've had online. I think I was the only American...and honestly, I'd rather race with europeans than most of the Americans I find.
The only issues I have with mixed nationality is lag. But everybody gets a crack and only if they lag, are they asked to leave. Some of the best races I have had have been with Spanish and French guys, so I'd chalk up the experiences posted here to bad luck.
The British are the most racist and discriminatory when kicking people from rooms... I'm English, but I'm ashamed to have the same flag as these racist people.

I saw a room titled-
"UK only, No Adolfs" (as In no Germans)
There are also other racist room titles, such as no french etc... the most common one is against germans because it's immature kids who think being xenophobic is funny.

When the kids of Britiain stop being racist then we can complain about being kicked from a room. It's no surprise to me that its happening because our country's behavior is unacceptable...
Im danish :D Really dont hope that anybody from the middle east is playing GT5 ^^
But yes you're right. So many people hating cause of your country.. Actually pretty annoying...
I've actually had one of the cleanest races with British racers. They are polite and actually know what the term "apologizing" is.

Although I've had a bunch of American people call me a lot of names and immediately resort to throwing stereotypes because of my country. While I don't believe this is the norm, the uneducated will just insult people with no regard for the facts.
It happens, got kicked from a british room because I'm dutch. Try to avoid rooms which are dominated with one nationality and offcourse the "this country only" rooms.

Hapened to me to, i see that dutch people get kicked out a lot more
whats wrong with being kicked? its their lobby and bandwidth and if they dont wanna play with you thats their good right.
removing country flags would just be terrible.
whats wrong with being kicked? its their lobby and bandwidth and if they dont wanna play with you thats their good right.
removing country flags would just be terrible.


But yes i actually love driving with britains.. They often say sorry etc if they are pushing by a mistake and so on. But sorry to say it.. But my experience is that people from Germany and France usually pushes a lot. Don't hate on me.. Just my experience.. ;)
I feel if you drive with a racing crew or join a league you can greatly improve your online experience. In our Crew which is mostly American we have Canadians as well as Germans and Brits. It's all about finding good people to race with regardless of nationality.
Shouldn't start aiming everything at brits guys.

The main issue is that quite often, brit-to-us connections are often awfully laggy compared to brit-to-europe connections.