Flag haters

  • Thread starter mrkevans
I've also noticed sometimes foreign players hide behind other flags.

I entered what i thought was a UK room, and all the chatter was spanish and all of them were using UK flags. Sufice to say i was kicked almost immediately, but the lag was so bad in the preview screen, that i guessed i dodged a bullet with that one :D
I generally now stay away from GT5 public lobbies as I can never seem to find a good shuffle room ect. In the past though i've been subject to rasict abuse from idiots in public lobbies from other countries but what you gonna do. People who judge one country based on a select number of people are just as bad as them.

I'm more annoyed about not getting to pick which of the UK flags you can use like you could on GRID. (I miss my Scottish flag :()
This is sort of off topic, but I've always been curious.

Why is there no flag for Taiwan, instead just a "TW"?

Because technically Taiwan is not recognised as a country by quite a few nations around the world including China which is also why they have to compete as 'Chinese Taipei' at the Olympics.

The whole Taiwan independent country thing is a political hot potato.
I have to say, I like having the flags. It's interesting when a room I am hosting has 5+ different nationalities all playing together. That being said - Brits always kick me even when I keep it clean.
I have noticed that the majority of those I have ejected have been either Canadian or Spanish. The Canadians usually for lag and the Spanish for ramming. It's nothing about either nation, but that seems to be a statistical fact. Most of the time, my room is full of my fellow countrymen.

btw: paulmac2k9, I try to host a room called "fun fair shuffle" every now and again. Join up!
Hmmm, not surprised people are having this issue at all. Tbh, like others have mentioned, if they're kicking you right off the bat it was probably a bad room anyways. Most times I encounter racism its usually by people who's grasp on the English language is so poor that it's no longer offensive but humorous to hear them try and insult you.
I have to say, I like having the flags. It's interesting when a room I am hosting has 5+ different nationalities all playing together. That being said - Brits always kick me even when I keep it clean.

In my experience of online racing on gt5, it was mostly the brits that kicked me just because i was American. Even in races where the majority of the players are from the UK, they would be condescending towards me and any other American that happened to be in the room, when they won and even worse if they lost. I know its not everyone in the UK, but when racing online most where the most disrespectful bunch of people that i have run into. I have ran into a good amount of respectful racers as well, so its a 50:50 thing for me.
I am realy starting to get fed up with being kicked from a gt5 lobby for simply having a British flag next to my gamer tag, some are actually quite offensive before they kick even just upon joining the lobby, I realise some people want to stick with others from same country for lagg issues but a lot of it is just hating, I think pd need to remove the flags to stop this happening, gt5 is the only game I've played that seems to have this problem.

Brits have a whole bunch of rooms on all the time, surely you could have joined one of those :confused:


[TRUESTORY]My mum's Jamaican :)[/TRUESTORY]
There are really flag-haters out there...I had been kicked from 5-6 lobbys hosted by people of one country (I dont want to say the country for not to offend any player).
I'm spanish..and for the English players..i really like to play with english ones. I have experimented that they uses to be the fairest players...

It's not even flag haters, it's racism.
Brits have a whole bunch of rooms on all the time, surely you could have joined one of those :confused:

[TRUESTORY]My mum's Jamaican :)[/TRUESTORY]

I should be able to join any open lobby I want without getting kicked for my nationality, when I host a lobby I welcome anyone and everyone, the only time I kick is when I get an idiot ramming other drivers or if someone dose not comply with my room regulations and refuses to change car type ect. If a host only wants other people from his country then put that in the room title, I will respect that and not enter. Ive been kicked in lobbys with several nations racing together, before I've even got on track people are saying "kick the British guy!"
I have been kicked several times for no apparent reason..lobby wasn't listed as private... I also remember joined a room after completing a bspec ...driving options hadn't been adjusted so it was still using auto granny...i drive manual so I intended on changing it..before I was finished in settings I was scolded and kicked ...people will regulate rooms bases on personal biases and with so many people having so many biases it's bound to happen again for no good reason...sad but true...haters gonna hate
It's funny. I always get kicked out from British rooms just because I have the U.S flag under my PSN. I've never gotten kicked out from others...
Well I am black and I think you guys need to get with the times. The fact is that many people are simply not "nice". Read the comments on YouTube on videos that feature people of a darker skin doing things like RC Racing and you quickly realise that GT does not have it half as bad. If Samuel Eto can get it in Europe from football lovers, who the hell am I to expect consideration? My advice is get hardskinned, grit your teeth and live with it. It gets easier to tolerate when you half expect it. And honestly, its not as bad as its made out to be.
Well I am black and I think you guys need to get with the times. The fact is that many people are simply not "nice". Read the comments on YouTube on videos that feature people of a darker skin doing things like RC Racing and you quickly realise that GT does not have it half as bad. If Samuel Eto can get it in Europe from football lovers, who the hell am I to expect consideration? My advice is get hardskinned, grit your teeth and live with it. It gets easier to tolerate when you half expect it. And honestly, its not as bad as its made out to be.


Also, bashing nationalities in this thread is just as bad as kicking people for the same reason.
I have raced online since GT5P and I have encountered just about every kind of players that is out there.
The fact is that there are good hosts and friendly people from all parts of the world. At the same time there are racists, xenophobes and rude kids everywhere.
Why is there no flag for Taiwan, instead just a "TW"?

Think that's political, read China not recognising it as a sovereign nation.

Regarding this topic, the only thing I've experienced with the Dutch flag being displayed is several accusations of being French, despite an obvious difference in layout, the French flag displays its colours vertically whilst the Dutch flag has its colours horizontally.
When I or my friends host a room we clearly state in the title locals only or NZ or AUS and we kick internationals 99% of the time and that 1% is PSN friends to "members"(if you will) of our little group (basically a facebook page :P)

But if I host a room I let people stay I only kick if they don't play clean or stay in the same kind of cars (for example set room PP to 650 and run only fords or XR8s or European cars)

I have been kicked from american servers for the Oz flag and I have also been kicked from UK rooms. But it has been awhile since I have joined the random room.

The flags removal might help but if someone has the opening comment in another language or chat in a different lang people will be kicked.
I don't have a problem with hosts stating UK only or Spain only in the room title, I won't enter a room if I am not from that country, its getting kicked for the simple fact I have a UK flag by my name that boils my blood, am sure this happens to other people of different nations too but I think being British makes it more likely to happen. Although I have had some great races with French and Spanish players (got loads on my friends list too) I find they tend to dislike us brits and boot me before I've even got on the track, even when the room has say maybe 3 French 2 Spanish and a German racing together I am kicked out for no other reason than the UK flag next to my name! So annoying!!
To be honest, this is going to sound bad, but the worst drivers i have met are usually spanish or italien. Though i have met good ones too. Personally, i think australians and polish are the best to race with. Just my opinion though.
To be honest, this is going to sound bad, but the worst drivers i have met are usually spanish or italien. Though i have met good ones too. Personally, i think australians and polish are the best to race with. Just my opinion though.

If you're going to throw around stereotypes at least spell the country correctly.
I've never been kicked because of my flag, I think no-one cares about the finns. :lol:

Now that I think of it, all in all I think I've been kicked once from a room. I very often host myself or playin friends' rooms so maybe that'll explain it.
It's Samuel Eto'o ^^

On the topic I never see someone been expulsed for his nationality maybe you just dont join the good rooms ? Are you sure you got kick out and not disconnected ? And btw dont forget it's a game, everyone paid the same money for it, the host is the king of the room. If you dont like it get friends with people and race with friends like that you dont get surprise.

Some people dont like to play with brits, some dont like to play with spanish and some dont like to play with american that's life, get over it. It's not like there is only 5 room to choose from.

It's not even flag haters, it's racism
You might wanna check what racism means.
If you're going to throw around stereotypes at least spell the country correctly.
Like i said, in my experience, and i posted that on my phone, it was a typo.

And stereotypes? What are you talking about, i'm just saying that of all the people i race against it is more often the 2 countries stated above.

Not a stereotype, clearly you don't know the difference. I have spanish friends on psn anyway, so you and you're opinion can jog on.
NZ and AUS internets tend not to agree with US internets. I've got a few on my friends list I can't really race with because they DC constantly. It's part of the reason I like the flags, they give me a decent gauge of who's lagging the rooms up.

Other than that I've never had much of an issue with flag hate(BTW, not racism, especially if you're both honkies from Europe), aside from Canadians from time to time.
I experenced it a few times already, being from Germany means being a Nazi for many people :rolleyes:
So in many videos games included GT5 where you can see the german flag. I often got offended as Nazi or if I do like Hitler...
Ashame at this current time we live in !
Then I also like to ask those people why then they even drive our Nazi cars???
Sad world sometimes. :indiff:
Then I also like to ask those people why then they even drive our Nazi cars???

That is a question yet to be answered!

Generally, someone mean enough will pick on somebody else randomly. One time there was someone started picking on me because of my flag, the other day I was the only one non German in a room full of Germans and they did not show the slightest disrespect. In any case, someone will mess with you because of your name, your flag, your car, probably because you seem the easiest target, because everybody else had already pawned them and so on. As I said, I think it is all random.
I usually get kicked from aussie or french games sometimes becuase of my US flag.

When i host games, i dont care about the flag. If theres rules set in the title like clean race, mics, etc. and the driver isnt playing along with the rules set in the room title then i kick them. Lagging players i will give them a chance, but will tell them they are lagging. If the lag becomes a problem i will ask them to re-join or leave. I will kick them if they refuse to leave. I find this to be the nicest way to others in the game and disregard the flag. I find the game more fun with some different flags in the game.