Flag haters

  • Thread starter mrkevans
whats wrong with being kicked? its their lobby and bandwidth and if they dont wanna play with you thats their good right.
removing country flags would just be terrible.

I would say that going from racing as cleanly as you possibly can to suddenly getting a kick screen isn't exactly the most courteous thing to do. And not receiving an explanation. Or worse, your explanation is a series of insults that come from the simple view of the players' flags.
whats wrong with being kicked? its their lobby and bandwidth and if they dont wanna play with you thats their good right.
removing country flags would just be terrible.

I fully support kicking idiots and people who don't drive cleanly nor do I have a problem with hosts that have say for example "German only' in the lobby heading its getting kicked and being called all sorts of offensive names for simply having a certain flag next to my name that gets under my skin
never been kicked because of my hong kong flag(im not from hong kong btw). although the other night i was kicked for driving a matte pink vw beetle. ROFL :D
I've been kicked by Canadian rooms. I feel like the majority of Canadians really don't like Americans. I don't get it. So I just make my own room titled "tired of being kicked?" where anyone can join because I don't see a reason to kick people unless they're intentionally running people off the track or driving backwards.
I get kicked by Canadians. As I fly the American flag. Onto British players. Maybe British players are different for other Americans but they're quite fine with me around. Good racing comes around. :)

I have been in British servers where other Americans are kicked out.

"UK only, No Adolfs" (as In no Germans)

I've seen that at least 17 times.
Shouldn't start aiming everything at brits guys.

The main issue is that quite often, brit-to-us connections are often awfully laggy compared to brit-to-europe connections.
Hmm, yes there are latency issues, but i have played with many people and i havent encounter lag, so it depends.
What's your opinion about LAG after PSN outage? I'm start hating to see other users jumping from side to side because of lag, I miss the old PSN.
I like having the flag next to my name, its a nice touch and i like to show where im from. I have been kicked from rooms even before a race, i have lots of good brit friends but have been racially abused by english players (im welsh) you just sigh and accept that some people are idiots.
Would that help? Not in some cases
Where is Helmut Schultz from i wonder?
Where is Luigi Balotelli from? or Xi Dejiang?
Just saying flags wont stop people knowing where your from.
i been kicked because of my flag and me talking on my headset but when they kick me i just send them hate mail for 10 minutes like... one time this Australian person kicked me so i sent him this "HA WE BEAT YOU IN THE ASHES LOSER"
and i send him that at least 30 times
i been kicked because of my flag and me talking on my headset but when they kick me i just send them hate mail for 10 minutes like... one time this Australian person kicked me so i sent him this "HA WE BEAT YOU IN THE ASHES LOSER"
and i send him that at least 30 times

And how often does that happen? LOL PWNT.
Would that help? Not in some cases
Where is Helmut Schultz from i wonder?
Where is Luigi Balotelli from? or Xi Dejiang?
Just saying flags wont stop people knowing where your from.

I see your point but the gamer tag is not as obvious as a great whopping flag next to my name, it would surely stop most cases of unfair kicking if they were removed.
The British are the most racist and discriminatory when kicking people from rooms... I'm English, but I'm ashamed to have the same flag as these racist people.

I saw a room titled-
"UK only, No Adolfs" (as In no Germans)
There are also other racist room titles, such as no french etc... the most common one is against germans because it's immature kids who think being xenophobic is funny.

When the kids of Britiain stop being racist then we can complain about being kicked from a room. It's no surprise to me that its happening because our country's behavior is unacceptable...

Very true unfortunately, we brits do need to get our house in ordor but its not going to be easy.
I think the flags should stay but maybe add something like age related rooms so the young kids stay and play with there own kind, sort of like censorship for movies.
I honestly think PD should enforce NO racism or discrimination by nationality in their rooms. If you get caught doing it you get banned. So stupid. Give me a break it doesn't matter what stupid country you're from, learn to get along you racist idiots. You don't have to talk put your muffler where your mouth is, just shut the hell up get in the car and DRIVE. It's the only thing I respect in those rooms. If you can race. Otherwise your comments and stupid racism means nothing you're just a moron who ALSO can't drive and that's just embarrassing...

EDIT: also why I don't like rooms that allow mics. Just cuz you spent money on one doesn't mean it's cool or that ANYONE wants to hear your prepubescent voice yelling to your dog about how much you hate people from other countries. Making no mics means more racy less racist talky...

/raving rant about nothing :)
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I think the flags should stay but maybe add something like age related rooms so the young kids stay and play with there own kind, sort of like censorship for movies.

I disagree with this, I'm 15 years old but I consider myself very mature. I have asked many people to stop being racist to others and am always the one to leave a room before uttering a retort to the idiot who has directed his racism at me.
This is what puts me off from playing with strangers, I only really host lobbies with my friends. This way I know we'll have a good time :)
Yep! To much discrimination online.

Nothing bad menth but the majority of relatives and friends i know have a little bad image of some english/british people.
Due to:
1-tv documantery series like:
*common life Pest Controll uk (Something like dirty jobs. People whe empty appartments or clean appartments due to exessive smell and/or waste resulting in many police calls from neighbours, people that free up plugged toilet pipes and reservoirs and others things like that).
*The airport uk" (Bristol airport? Lots of drunks and drug trafficers :) )
*Cops highway police uk. :dunce:
2-Encouners on holidays to spain and other hot&alcoholic holiday destinations.
3-Many online gamers thinks that 10% of the UK gamers ALWAYS swear the hell out of themselve on to everything wrong according to them.
i think thats the reason UK flags get a little more discriminated.
Me with my Belgian flag (Fallen & broken German flag :P ) Gets kicked to every now and than without even said or raced anything.
Lately I'm just having problems finding & staying in a decent non-SRF race room. Either I get disconnected by the server, or the game freezes, or I've joined just as everyone's doing their final race of the night, or maybe get kicked for some unknown reason.

Was particularly bad the other day. Finally after about 6 or 7 failed attempts, I found a room that seemed ok.... until I discovered that the guys playing were a bunch of filthy racists using mics to call everyone else on the track the N-word. So I ended up kicking myself out :ill:

To the original topic, I play on US servers in the evenings... it doesn't seem like there's a lot of flag-kicking going on here :confused:
I have never been kicked, i guess I have been lucky. My only problem is that i chat with the DS3 and i am not fast to reply to someone when they are talking.
For Kicking, Racism and Bad driving the worst countries in my experience are Spain, Britain and America. The odd thing is the best people I've raced against (in terms of politeness and driving skill) are from Britain and America. Undoubtably there are some good Spanish drivers, but I've found them few and far between.