Flag haters

  • Thread starter mrkevans
I've seen plenty of comments in this thread saying "I get kicked by -insert nationality- because I am -insert nationality-", and I saw a guy a couple of pages claiming to be ashamed to be British because they were the "most racist and discriminatory" group of them all. The fact is that there are racist 🤬 in every country.

I'd guess that the vast majority of GT5 players from all around the world are happy to race with anybody as long as they're clean, and as long as they don't have a bad connection that is making the experience worse for other players (in this situation, the person should be informed that they should leave... common courtesy, people). The unfortunate thing is that the normal people are a silent majority, and they get overwhelmed by the very vocal minority that shout racist remarks and have room names like "no Adolf's".

Nobody should feel ashamed of where they come from because of the actions of the idiotic minority, in the same way that innocent people should not be asked to explain the actions of these racist idiots just because they happen to live in the same country.
The way I see it, sure there is a language barrier but if you can prove it's because of your nationality, then that's virtual racism. I don't see it as a huge deal, but if it progresses, you should be able to what nations can join.
I join those "Xxxx country only" rooms just to make them mad, usually blaring some sort of death metal in my mic. Course I'm just a snobbish American :D
virtual racism... now im convinced our global water supply has been poisoned with something to create pure self centered liberal crybabies. nobody owes you a race in there lobby. for some reason they dont want you there. move on. lifes not fair, people are selfish, some countries dont like other ones. move on. i trully hope im dealling with children here because if this thread is filled with adults we are doomed as a species, my god im scared of my fellow mans path foward.
I've seen plenty of comments in this thread saying "I get kicked by -insert nationality- because I am -insert nationality-", and I saw a guy a couple of pages claiming to be ashamed to be British because they were the "most racist and discriminatory" group of them all. The fact is that there are racist 🤬 in every country.

I'd guess that the vast majority of GT5 players from all around the world are happy to race with anybody as long as they're clean, and as long as they don't have a bad connection that is making the experience worse for other players (in this situation, the person should be informed that they should leave... common courtesy, people). The unfortunate thing is that the normal people are a silent majority, and they get overwhelmed by the very vocal minority that shout racist remarks and have room names like "no Adolf's".

Nobody should feel ashamed of where they come from because of the actions of the idiotic minority, in the same way that innocent people should not be asked to explain the actions of these racist idiots just because they happen to live in the same country.


Don't be ashamed of what idiots say about who you are or where you're from. Just ingnore them and move on. Sometimes in this modern world with the Internet, hiding behind connected wires on computers and zeros and ones, truly shows people's behavior and inner selves, regardless of whoever they are and/or where they're from.. :indiff:

After hearing idiotic stuff on the internet, espically comments and online play. This makes me lose faith in humanity. :facepalm:

virtual racism... now im convinced our global water supply has been poisoned with something to create pure self centered liberal crybabies. nobody owes you a race in there lobby. for some reason they dont want you there. move on. lifes not fair, people are selfish, some countries dont like other ones. move on. i trully hope im dealling with children here because if this thread is filled with adults we are doomed as a species, my god im scared of my fellow mans path foward.

This thread and fourm is mixed with all ages and nationalties who love chatting and hanging with other people who love GT. As with other games and GT5 online, we have to deal with stupid 🤬 who give heck and ruin people's fun playing.

They say online gaming is the future. When we all have to deal with 🤬 in the real world, now playing a game online and dealing with the same idiots? Yeah right. :rolleyes:

We must prepare for the doomsday of the human race. :scared::facepalm:
The British are the most racist and discriminatory when kicking people from rooms...

Have you tried joining an American Nascar public room?
I wouldn't say people are racist though, just stupid and ignorant. And I'd say you guys are over exaggerating a bit. There are a lot of friendly and diverse rooms I've seen. I've raced in my French and British and German rooms and was welcomed. Once I joined those rare Japanese lobbies just to kill some time and one person greeted my by trying to speak English and say hello. We talked a little but it was nice. Sure people get kicked for the flag next to their name but tbh, I wouldn't even want to bother racing in a room with idiots who kick people based solely on a flag next to their name.

And its very stupid to assume that someone with a different flag is going to lag.

Btw what other online games display flag next to the player? I honestly don't know any.

virtual racism... now im convinced our global water supply has been poisoned with something to create pure self centered liberal crybabies. nobody owes you a race in there lobby. for some reason they dont want you there. move on. lifes not fair, people are selfish, some countries dont like other ones. move on. i trully hope im dealling with children here because if this thread is filled with adults we are doomed as a species, my god im scared of my fellow mans path foward.

Why do you find this thread to be a doom towards mankind?
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virtual racism... now im convinced our global water supply has been poisoned with something to create pure self centered liberal crybabies. nobody owes you a race in there lobby. for some reason they dont want you there. move on. lifes not fair, people are selfish, some countries dont like other ones. move on. i trully hope im dealling with children here because if this thread is filled with adults we are doomed as a species, my god im scared of my fellow mans path foward.

Well personally I feel this thread is filled with people who are concerned about negative behaviour and if that makes them "self centered liberal crybabies" then I would much rather be among them than the people they are complaining about.

But all in all I agree ...its better to just move on. A world where everyone has the same sense of right and wrong is an impossibility. Just as we have day and night, we must have good and bad. As long as the "good", or the "self centered liberal crybabies" as you call them, outnumber the negative ones, its all good in my book!
I just think removing the flags would help solve this issue, country politics shouldn't be a problem here because at the end of the day we all just want a good race, I love competing with people from all over the world I just wish more gamers on gt5 felt the same.

I quote...
you dont get kicked because of your flag. you get kicked for the fact that you live in another country and are on another server. its a fact that the further the signal has to travel the higher the ping will be.
Then explain being yelled at for being a different nationality. I've been yelled and kicked for being American. They even even say it themselves, because we are American.
Hey how about other nationalities we do like racing against? That's a much more positive subject. I'm American but I've found I like racing Canadians the best. Good competition, good sports and well, not jerks.
Hey how about other nationalities we do like racing against? That's a much more positive subject. I'm American but I've found I like racing Canadians the best. Good competition, good sports and well, not jerks.

In truth, Canadians don't really have much to be angry about...:sly:
you dont get kicked because of your flag. you get kicked for the fact that you live in another country and are on another server. its a fact that the further the signal has to travel the higher the ping will be.

I'm pretty sure people (even me) are getting kicked out and not merely disconnected. There is a difference upon exit, if you have a bad connection it will say "You were disconnected", if you were kicked out by host or vote, it will say "You were rejected".

I myself, a few hours ago got kicked out of an all Brazil room. I didn't care, I loaded the room list back up and moved on. If someone doesn't want me there, I'm not going to stay somewhere I'm not wanted.

I see a lot of people using the "race card" here when in fact most (if not all) of the cases here are prejudice. Calling someone a racist is based on hate towards a skin colour or "race". I'm Canadian, if an American doesn't like me based on my country, its not racist, its prejudice (I know there's a fine line between the two BUT there is a line)! Just to clear it up for some people as calling someone racist is a tad bit over-the-top.
you dont get kicked because of your flag. you get kicked for the fact that you live in another country and are on another server. its a fact that the further the signal has to travel the higher the ping will be.

Yes some of the time its down to that, but in most cases I've encountered its simply down to the flag next to my name, that's a fact! I've entered many lobbys as the only brit with people from all world racing and got kicked for no explanation! Usually hearing something about UK guy just before it happens
....doesn't like me based on my country, its not racist, its prejudice

Yep, people are getting those two words confused.
And like I mentioned in my above post...
I'll be glad if I get kicked from a room because of my flag, because I wouldn't even want to race with those ignorant 🤬 anyway.
It is really disappointing to be booted twice in a row by the same nationality hosts. And even worse is to hear a lot of ****** about yourself. (I speak three out of the top four languages spoken in this planet so it covers most of the gt5 players)
im Irish and never had a problem with any nationality i have friends on PSN from all over the world :)

So do I, I think it depends what country you are from which determines the level of unfair kicks you get. Being from the UK I get kicked from Australian and French lobbys most, guess it kind of figures why.
I host rooms routinely, I've never kicked someone because of where they are from. I actually relish the chance to play with someone abroad. Unfortunately, this world is full of people who do discriminate against others. I've been kicked several times because of the stars and stripes. It's too bad people are that way, but what can you do.
been kicked several times, but not because of country (I hope) or because of trolling around...even from a GTP server..eventhough I played within all the regulations/rules (practice). Maybe I got kicked because I did not inform earlier that I would participate in the GTP race????
The British are the most racist and discriminatory when kicking people from rooms... I'm English, but I'm ashamed to have the same flag as these racist people.

I saw a room titled-
"UK only, No Adolfs" (as In no Germans)
There are also other racist room titles, such as no french etc... the most common one is against germans because it's immature kids who think being xenophobic is funny.

When the kids of Britiain stop being racist then we can complain about being kicked from a room. It's no surprise to me that its happening because our country's behavior is unacceptable...


Sorry british players, but its a sad true. Thankfully not all the british people are equal :)
I am realy starting to get fed up with being kicked from a gt5 lobby for simply having a British flag next to my gamer tag, some are actually quite offensive before they kick even just upon joining the lobby, I realise some people want to stick with others from same country for lagg issues but a lot of it is just hating, I think pd need to remove the flags to stop this happening, gt5 is the only game I've played that seems to have this problem.
I was being rammed by racers in a Canadian room. so what though I Kicked their collective butts in High speed ring in a Celica GT-Four!!
My guess is that at least half the people that have GT have no idea GTPlanet exists. They may not know about our community and obviously show it by acting the way they do online.
So do I, I think it depends what country you are from which determines the level of unfair kicks you get. Being from the UK I get kicked from Australian and French lobbys most, guess it kind of figures why.

Some people will kick because of flag and mostly that is because they absolute 🤬 the best thing to do is ignore them beacause there are sad people that get enjoyment of watching you get mad.
However there is always more good people than bad :) so just get on with it
Just throwing my two cents in.

The game runs like a torrent, off of all the lobby users connections, therefore I feel I am well within my rights to kick you from my (Australian) lobby if you're from the other side of the planet, it's not a xenophobic thing, it's a 'your-10,000-miles-away-and-will-lag-the-****-out-of-everyone' thing. However, I don't agree with some of the harshness that can accompany it.
Just throwing my two cents in.

The game runs like a torrent, off of all the lobby users connections, therefore I feel I am well within my rights to kick you from my (Australian) lobby if you're from the other side of the planet, it's not a xenophobic thing, it's a 'your-10,000-miles-away-and-will-lag-the-****-out-of-everyone' thing. However, I don't agree with some of the harshness that can accompany it.

I don't mind that if you put oz only in the header title, the last time I joined an Australian room I entered half way through a race, while choosing a car for the race the host told me via his Mic "dont bother staying you pommy c**t because I am going to kick you as soon as this race finishes" how charming!
Sorry for posting over a year after the last post, I haven't noticed but I do agree, having a flag next to your name CAN be a problem.
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Sorry for posting over a year after the last post, I haven't noticed but I do agree, having a flag next to your name CAN be a problem.
... I can't believe a year has disappeared from right under my nose already!

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