Flyin' Miata Super Cup | *Congrats to World Champion Aderrrm!*

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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Are you available for a practice session this week Adam? If you are willing I would like to pick your brain on a few things regarding your driving technique in GT5 and how you analyze/choose a line on course (if you are willing to share such things ,of course :) ) You are the fastest sim racer in GT5 right now I believe- very talented. So anything you could share would be much appreciated.

Cheers m8,


Sure, always willing to help and offer advice. I'm available from Wednesday onwards, Thursday's a maybe.

And no chance... I'm just having a good spell. :embarrassed:
Edit- Tim - Sounds good man, looking forwar to it.👍 Still no net at all, called last night, outage around here, going to call again real soon if its not back on.:grumpy: Cant see starting order etc, good to see D3 bringing the front row though - d3 was the closest guys, congrats to all d3 on that too good races.
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Edit- Tim - Sounds good man, looking forwar to it.👍 Still no net at all, called last night, outage around here, going to call again real soon if its not back on.:grumpy: Cant see starting order etc, good to see D3 bringing the front row though - d3 was the closest guys, congrats to all d3 on that too good races.

You're P1 I'm P2; I didn't pay attention past that... no time to worry about who's behind me :D
So with the PM's that I have received so far, the following times look to be the most popular:

Wildcard Race:
- Saturday - 1pm EST
- Sunday - 3pm or 4pm EST

Championship Race:
- Sunday only - 3pm or 4pm EST

Obviously I would like to run these at separate times. Still waiting on a few more PM's. I think we're going to have a few people that's won't be compatible with these times at all. The only thing we can do it come up with the best compromise. It does have to be earlier for the Euro guys, as well as after Pure, so that's a pretty short window.
I know I'd prefer the wild card on Saturday, doing them back-to-back on Sunday would be hell on the winner of the wildcard.
I know I'd prefer the wild card on Saturday, doing them back-to-back on Sunday would be hell on the winner of the wildcard.

Maybe, maybe not. The Wildcard race is going to be kind of a sprint-race. ;)

Edit: can anyone tell me if this car already has the carbon driveshaft pre-installed?
Maybe, maybe not. The Wildcard race is going to be kind of a sprint-race. ;)

Edit: can anyone tell me if this car already has the carbon driveshaft pre-installed?

So it's going to be at Laguna Seca? :sly:
So with the PM's that I have received so far, the following times look to be the most popular:

Wildcard Race:
- Saturday - 1pm EST
- Sunday - 3pm or 4pm EST

Championship Race:
- Sunday only - 3pm or 4pm EST

Obviously I would like to run these at separate times. Still waiting on a few more PM's. I think we're going to have a few people that's won't be compatible with these times at all. The only thing we can do it come up with the best compromise. It does have to be earlier for the Euro guys, as well as after Pure, so that's a pretty short window.

Either of those championship race times is fine with me 👍
Regarding the move on the main straight, I Lewis Hamilton/Alonso/Schumacher'd you :). I claimed the line in the middle of the race track, and the natural layout of the track tightened up to drivers right. I was conscious to give you just a little more than a car width to drivers right to sneak beside me if you desired, but it would have given me the opportunity to dash back left and set up for the next "high speed right left" complex before the first hairpin. I "put the squeeze" on you so to speak. :)
With that out on the open, I feel like a fool for lifting. You do that to me again, I'm squeezing back. :sly: :lol:
And I'm sure with just a little more practice you will learn to get the final element right. It's very autocrossy. You need to nail the entry and get on the backside of the first apex, while keeping the car composed but loaded and then a slight lift to make it unload/load the passenger side of the car as you roll on the throttle. Doing it right is sick fast but it is high risk; you can either understeer in to the barrier an entry, get the car loose and crossed up over the rumble strips, or carry too much speed through the first curb and then understeer in to the exit barrier. A controlled 95% attempt with a focus on a good clean exit is the strategy I employed for the race.
I was hit-or-miss doing that when I had clean air. The draft made it all but impossible to keep the car composed on entry and even when I nailed it, when I lifted to flick the car to the left, it kept pushing right so I couldn't hit the throttle like I wanted to.
If anyone is at home and has their system going right now, can you do me a favor and get me the list of parts that are already installed on the car? Pretty please? :D
Sports ECU, Stage 2 Engine,Sports Intake Manifold,Racing Air Filter,Sports Exhaust Manifold,Catalytic Converter: Sports, Titanium Racing Exhaust,Clutch:twin-plate,Flywheel:semi-racing,Carbon propeller shaft,Fully custom Transmission and suspension. 👍
If anyone is at home and has their system going right now, can you do me a favor and get me the list of parts that are already installed on the car? Pretty please? :D
Body/Chassis: Aerodynamics, Ballast

Engine: ECU Tuning, Engine Tuning - Stage 2

Intake System: Sports Intake Manifold, Racing Air Filter

Exhaust: Sports Exhaust Manifold, Catalytic Converter - Sports, Titanium Racing Exhaust

Turbo Kits: None

Transmission: Fully Customizable Transmission

Drivetrain: Clutch - Twin Plate, Flywheel - Semi Racing, Differential (See Note), Carbon Drive Shaft

Suspension: Fully Customizable Kit

Brakes: Brake Balance Controller

NOTE: There is now an LSD available for purchase! There is also a standard LSD but on my screen, it is not checked. I'm not touching it.
I wont know what my time frame is for sunday untill thursday or friday, but saturday is clear for me. Upgraded speed/reconnection due tomorrow. Thats why my nets been out, ridiculous if you ask me. 👎
Turbo have you watched the results from Division 1 and what are your thoughts about it?

Nobody posted the replay so no, I haven't. Penalties have been laid out based on 2-3 people opinion of the situation which all matched. Thought it was a done deal.
Nobody posted the replay so no, I haven't. Penalties have been laid out based on 2-3 people opinion of the situation which all matched. Thought it was a done deal.

Talking of penalties (I must be the bain of your life bringing this up all the time), did you come to a decision on the incidents at Twin Cities?
Talking of penalties (I must be the bain of your life bringing this up all the time), did you come to a decision on the incidents at Twin Cities?

Probably not since I haven't seen a replay. :)

This is also the reason why we're shrinking to two divisions next season and I'm hosting both of them.
With that out on the open, I feel like a fool for lifting. You do that to me again, I'm squeezing back. :sly: :lol:

Haha! :) :) Go for it :sly: :lol: Don't feel like a fool, you made the right move by backing off; The pass wouldn't have stuck anyway given the following series of corners and your passing speed. The key to passing at Madrid was getting a run off of the final chicane, or the first hairpin, towing in the DRS to pull past the car being overtaken and then nailing the braking in the next corner to make it stick. I made a bobble in the chicane, but I think you didn't take the chicane perfectly either so you didn't really get as big a run as you could have. With a bigger run you would have just driven by me and been a half car length in front by the braking zone. And at that point I would have conceded the position (and set up for a counter attack on the next straight, hehehehe) ;)
Yes, it appears that there's definitely something wrong with the GT5 servers and it seems to be getting worse. I have to say it leaves a very sour taste in my mouth but of course, we don't pay for online access so we can only complain so much. Still, if this is going to be an ongoing problem, we may have to account for it next season. Maybe add a race next season and allow us to drop two of them?

Back to the battle itself, very good stuff there. I found out that you can set up a pass starting at the first hairpin that, if done correctly, will have you side-by-side by T6 and possible take the lead at T8. I've done in a few times myself during the week in practice races and Turbo did the same to me once or twice. I almost pulled it off against Forced in the race. It didn't work but as a consolation, I got some epic side-by-side action which still left me grinning after the race.

And here it is! 👍

(Note: If you didn't notice it already, my race vids can be seen in 720p)

Just watched the video. LOL!!!! Super Clean battle!! :)
Haha! :) :) Go for it :sly: :lol: Don't feel like a fool, you made the right move by backing off; The pass wouldn't have stuck anyway given the following series of corners and your passing speed. The key to passing at Madrid was getting a run off of the final chicane, or the first hairpin, towing in the DRS to pull past the car being overtaken and then nailing the braking in the next corner to make it stick. I made a bobble in the chicane, but I think you didn't take the chicane perfectly either so you didn't really get as big a run as you could have. With a bigger run you would have just driven by me and been a half car length in front by the braking zone. And at that point I would have conceded the position (and set up for a counter attack on the next straight, hehehehe) ;)
What I wanted to do is go side-by-side at T1 and stay that way through T2. I would have slowed down a little more than usual and then attack to the inside on exit to get out in front and drive defensively into T6 to hold the lead. In reality, we likely were headed towards a Hamilton/Massa incident. :lol:
Just watched the video. LOL!!!! Super Clean battle!! :)
After seeing it from that viewpoint, I realized I gave you too much room on the roundabout. :P
Not sure if the wildcard time has been set, but I have to work all day Saturday until 5 pm central time.
Not sure if the wildcard time has been set, but I have to work all day Saturday until 5 pm central time.

Looking at the times, we may end up doing the wildcard race on Sunday at 2pm EST, then doing the Laguna race at 3pm EST. Will kind of suck for the person that advances to race so much, but there's not much else we can do.
So we also won't know if we need to practice laguna seca until we have to race there? Sounds like a recipe for crashes.

If we're running the wild-card and final back-to-back you have to do it at Laguna Seca and stop being cagey. It's the only way the wild-card winner stands a shot at being something other than a road-hazard.

(btw, I'm ok with this ^ ... I'll run two races back-to-back on the same track no problem.)
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