**Flyin' Miata Super Cup Season 2 Official Thread | CLOSED | Season 3 Link Inside**

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

What should we do?

  • Cancel Autumn Ring, Run Laguna Super Enduro (80 laps)

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Suspend all racing until June 12th

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Keep as is and hope PSN is back up soon

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
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That's my point. Count the 3rd lap and average them all out. It would help those that blow a turn on one lap and have an incredible lap moments later. It would help alleviate the crazy amount of pressure people are already under having only 2 chances to run a time under dozens of scrutinizing eyes.

Under that point a blown lap time will still have a negative effect on your average lap time.

You basically have to qualify from wherever you're comfortable from. Brosif has the right idea, pull a clean lap on lap 2 then go balls to the walls if you want on 3 to get a better time.
Jett! What happened to you, you're not even on the Room #2 list?

Yeah, sorry D; I really wanted to be in this race since everyone's running pretty much the same lap times. I'm just picturing one big mob going around the whole track together at the same time, everyone next to one another xD. Didn't even bother to qualify since I didn't wanna be a jerk and bump somone out of group A, just to not show up. But I was ready, I've ran two 17.9s this morning ;]
Motor City Hami
It's a good, fair system, but it took forever on Friday night.

Well it does take some time. But as the season progresses interest in the series most definately will wane and the turnout for quali will decrease.
Under that point a blown lap time will still have a negative effect on your average lap time.

You basically have to qualify from wherever you're comfortable from. Brosif has the right idea, pull a clean lap on lap 2 then go balls to the walls if you want on 3 to get a better time.
That is true, but I just was noticing that the tires still weren't even warm enough after the last qualifying lap; that's why I ran so much faster on the 4th lap.

But as the season progresses interest in the series most definately will wane and the turnout for quali will decrease.
That's true too. :indiff:
That's my point. Count the 3rd lap and average them all out. It would help those that blow a turn on one lap and have an incredible lap moments later. It would help alleviate the crazy amount of pressure people are already under having only 2 chances to run a time under dozens of scrutinizing eyes.

Qualifying would take even longer then as you would have to run 5 lap races to be able to record the lap times from lap 4. Pressure is a good thing in my opinion. Also, your logic is flawed because if we were to average a 3 lap session the qualifier would be under pressure to run clean, fast times for 3 laps rather than just 1.

That is true, but I just was noticing that the tires still weren't even warm enough after the last qualifying lap;

Everyone was in the same boat as you. If I would have pushed on my fourth lap, instead of using it as a cool down like we are supposed to, I probably would have run a 18.0xx.
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I am POSITIVE my quali was a 954......It was on a previous page....but top of b race is ok :) 👍

So sad paddy :(
^^ I think the whole point Graham is trying to make is that qualifying should sort people on how fast can they run consistently, hence the average. If it's a little more demanding logistically - so be it. And you don't need 5 lap races, just need 1st lap time and a total time.
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I am POSITIVE my quali was a 954......It was on a previous page....but top of b race is ok :) 👍

So sad paddy :(

I was watching everything and have all splits for both laps. I double checked it and it's correct, so not sure where the 954 came from.
^ I think the whole point Graham is trying to make is that qualifying should sort people on how fast can they run consistently, hence the average. If it's a little more demanding logistically - so be it. And you don't need 5 lap races, just need 1st lap time and a total time.

but then it wouldn't be qualifying. race-day is for consistency, quali is for speedy hot-laps... kinda racing 101.


looks like I'm the only NB tonight. o_O
Qualifying would take even longer then as you would have to run 5 lap races to be able to record the lap times from lap 4. Pressure is a good thing in my opinion. Also, your logic is flawed because if we were to average a 3 lap session the qualifier would be under pressure to run clean, fast times for 3 laps rather than just 1.
Exactly. It would reward those who are most consistent instead of potentially catching someone who just happened to get lucky. I'll even attest to that as I wished my 18.288 would have counted partly because it was the fastest lap I'd ever run (I'm capable of getting mid 18's on a fairly normal basis). But consider someone who run's low 19's or high 18's and just manages to get lucky right during qualifying...

Or conversely, since I just thought of it; using TOTAL time for the qualifier is another idea. Another method that would reward those who are consistent and not just those that can manage one quick (or lucky) lap.
I was watching everything and have all splits for both laps. I double checked it and it's correct, so not sure where the 954 came from.

Lol no problem man..I thought speed had posted my time up on an earlier page :crazy: OOOO well :D Competition in b race will be almost as tight as A :dopey: can't wait. It hurts to quali 3 thousandths out....it really does....especially cause its because of you evil people who qualid this morning ;)
^ I think the whole point Graham is trying to make is that qualifying should sort people on how fast can they run consistently, hence the average. If it's a little more demanding logistically - so be it. And you don't need 5 lap races, just need 1st lap time and a total time.

And what Brosif is saying is that it's counter-intuitive to think you have less pressure put on you to run three clean laps rather than one.

You have much more pressure spread over greater time because you're always on the edge about staying consistent where in our current system you can effectively just throw away the first flyer to build up momentum and the second to really nail it in.
^ I think the whole point Graham is trying to make is that qualifying should sort people on how fast can they run consistently, hence the average. If it's a little more demanding logistically - so be it.

Well I understand his point but I don't agree with it for more than one reason. To each there own.
I gotta agree with Brosif on the averages thing...I run consistent mid 18s (with multiple 18 flats as my best) but having to do that with everyone watching 3 times in a row would suck.

In other news - Practice room open
1472 6118 3615 5261 6466
Or conversely, since I just thought of it; using TOTAL time for the qualifier is another idea. Another method that would reward those who are consistent and not just those that can manage one quick (or lucky) lap.

Then only one person could run at a time as the current two person format requires one of the qualifiers to hang back ~20 seconds to allow for a gap.
I have no beef with current qualifying system. Just gotta train myself not to try an all-out lap2, only to be forced to do a very safe lap3.
^ I think the whole point Graham is trying to make is that qualifying should sort people on how fast can they run consistently, hence the average. If it's a little more demanding logistically - so be it. And you don't need 5 lap races, just need 1st lap time and a total time.
At least somebody gets the idea. I was starting to think that I wasn't making sense to anyone but myself.

but then it wouldn't be qualifying. race-day is for consistency, quali is for speedy hot-laps... kinda racing 101.
I guess that's true too.

Oh well, I was just trying to think of someway to even things out a little bit so everyone might have a chance to race with the big boys.

We had a similar problem last season where one of the fastest guys didn't take well the idea of public qualifying because he didn't want people to know his 'secrets' for driving fast. My argument was the same then as it is now; anything that HELPS others get faster can only be a good thing. Allowing the perhaps not so fast people a chance to run with the fast guys (by way of average laps or total time) might give them a chance to pick up some pointers or driving lines from the faster guys and would eventually help them to be faster... thus offering more competition for the fast guys and in turn requiring them to up their game even more. Everybody gets better as a result. 👍

Well I understand his point but I don't agree with it for more than one reason. To each there own.
👍 Exactly... and I'm just trying to inspire thoughtful discussion.

Then only one person could run at a time as the current two person format requires one of the qualifiers to hang back ~20 seconds to allow for a gap.
That's true, but it's a minor inconvenience for running that format.

I have no beef with current qualifying system. Just gotta train myself not to try an all-out lap2, only to be forced to do a very safe lap3.
That's mainly the problem with most people. We aren't all as level headed as the fast guys, so few of us realize this. :)
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Also, just to note, up to four people can qualify at the same time if there's at least four other registered drivers in the room to watch obviously. For every extra driver you decrease the gap time 5 seconds to make it work.

2 drivers, 20 seconds. 3 drivers - 15 seconds. 4 drivers - 10.
I doubt the qauli policy is going to change...We all know what it is, and lets face it the fast will be fast....If we do total time or averages it's just going to increase the likelihood of someone screwing up. Thats just as likely for the "really fast" guys as it is for everyone else. In the current quali format, if you drop a tire that affects you adversely you still have one more chance, in either of the other two formats you'd be SCREWED.

1472 6118 3615 5261 6466 - bumping practice room since everyone's so chatty today :)
I qualified 9th in group b. I ain't complaining about not making a faster time. You do what you can in thosw two laps. If u don't qualify in a high position or make the field at all, that's just racing. Even the best nascar drivers have their good days and bad days.
^ That's the spirit. 👍

The racing in room B will be just as good as in the A room anyway, so no one should worry about their qualifying position that much.
^ That's the spirit. 👍

The racing in room B will be just as good as in the A room anyway, so no one should worry about their qualifying position that much.

👍 If ya'll can catch me ;)
Whoa, take it down a notch man. I'm not discriminating your taste in music, I'm just saying I prefer the howl of tires and the roar of engines. Also, next time you make a 'highlight' reel... try not to highlight both of my spinouts. :lol:

It does say that, but it's incorrect. And what happens next race, you're going to put up an argument again? I'm just asking kindly. I switched from green because there are too many shades of green; I ran pink last season so I decided to stick with it. There are very few people using reds/blues/yellows.

Wasnt trying to argue, I will change it. Im just not a fan of reds/blues/yellows. yes there are alot of colors to choose from but sheez... next someone is gonna tell me my yellow is too close to theirs......:dopey:
Goodness gracious, I barely made room B. Definitely need to practice for Autumn Ring this week. :crazy:

Sorry if I missed this anywhere, but who will be hosting room B?
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