**Flyin' Miata Super Cup Season 2 Official Thread | CLOSED | Season 3 Link Inside**

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

What should we do?

  • Cancel Autumn Ring, Run Laguna Super Enduro (80 laps)

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Suspend all racing until June 12th

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Keep as is and hope PSN is back up soon

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
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I didn't know it was doing that. I can put up my replay to show what I thought was clean racing on my part. If I knew it was like that I would have left the race so I wouldn't mess anyone up. Like I said, let me know if the problem persists in practice rooms and if it does I won't race in the race on Sunday(if I qualify high enough for the b room).

The problem is likely my rural Missouri internet service. I've got the best offered in my area, it's better than dial up, but still very lacking.

No problem dude, not your fault. 👍
If I were running this I'd add this to track change announcement "due to change of schedule final car decision postponed until race 1 qualifying". Don't think anyone would complain about it.
I was against the custom track as well. The point is that people chose their cars based on the tracks in the series and now that they can't change cars the tracks are being changed.

All because a couple people 'don't like' Autumn Ring Mini or that they realized the '89 isn't as fast there... well they knew the tracklist when they picked their car and so did I. Altering it now isn't fair to the people who strategically chose one car over the other based on the given tracks for the season.

You know what? I don't like Tsukuba OR Laguna Seca, but nobody is going to remove those from the schedule if I complain. It's something I have to deal with, and ARM is something that others (who don't like it) should have to deal with.

That was heartfelt. :indiff:

Wow, Im new at this game and don't really care what track i go to. But if its a track i dont like then i make myself learn it. Find different ways to make me faster through corners and what not. This is what real race car drivers do. I dont see what the big deal is. And besides it is Turbos series and i believe he has control to do what he wants. Im not trying to be rude about this, but if you have problems with him take it to PM's not on the bored.

I didn't know it was doing that. I can put up my replay to show what I thought was clean racing on my part. If I knew it was like that I would have left the race so I wouldn't mess anyone up. Like I said, let me know if the problem persists in practice rooms and if it does I won't race in the race on Sunday(if I qualify high enough for the b room).

The problem is likely my rural Missouri internet service. I've got the best offered in my area, it's better than dial up, but still very lacking.

Yea you were flying all over! :lol: And that is how I got clipped. But it didnt bother me much so its all good. I wasnt in the in the back of the field but did any of you guys notice him lagging throughout the entire race?
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Easy way to fix the track issue would be to allow the 04 drivers to change their car if they want to...

edit: lol dsgerbc said the same thing :crazy:
I really don't think there's that big a difference between the two cars. I can take both of them out on a track and run very similar times.
Not sure what the '04 was good for at ARM, but I managed to get the '89 round in 42.4xx whilst leading a 7 lap race after the Pre-season race on Sunday and ran all 6 flying laps comfortably below 43s (Much to Egg's disappointment ;) ). I agree that there really isn't much difference between the 2, but I also believe people shouldn't be locked into their car choice given the new track change.
Probably just eliminate the '04 from the lineup then. If I allow people to switch back to the '89, 90% of the NB drivers will make the switch. Might as well just stick with one car.
Its up to you man :) I personally feel that the nb is the better car, but requires a more "on the edge" driving style. Feels a lot more risky drivin it to me....I chose it be cause I thought it would force me to be more consistent because its easier to screw up in for me.

Evidence that I need help with consistency? The second half of my race yesterday :P
I'd be cool with driving the NA honestly but wouldn't mind bein the only one running the nb ;)
I really don't see the big drama. The cars are within .1 of each other at every track I've tested. Which one is .1 faster is down to driving style. If you like oversteer you're faster in the NB, if you like understeer you're faster in the NA.
Probably just eliminate the '04 from the lineup then. If I allow people to switch back to the '89, 90% of the NB drivers will make the switch. Might as well just stick with one car.

Another option would be to let anyone use either car for any race :). Wouldn't bother me any and I'd keep my '89 for everything anyway 'cause it's broken in. There'd be absolutely nothing left to complain about :).

The B race was crazy fun. First lap was hairy, but after that it was some good racing... and I moved from 15th to 8th! :).

EDIT: I didn't consider colours. Might make a difference!
I really don't see the big drama. The cars are within .1 of each other at every track I've tested. Which one is .1 faster is down to driving style. If you like oversteer you're faster in the NB, if you like understeer you're faster in the NA.

There you go, problem solved.

Moving on...

Edit: @ tyl0r_r: You wouldn't do that in a real racing series though. Some teams will certainly change cars in the middle of a season, but won't switch back and forth.
Wow, Im new at this game and don't really care what track i go to. But if its a track i dont like then i make myself learn it. Find different ways to make me faster through corners and what not. This is what real race car drivers do. I dont see what the big deal is. And besides it is Turbos series and i believe he has control to do what he wants. Im not trying to be rude about this, but if you have problems with him take it to PM's not on the bored.
It is Turbo's series (your brother, right?), but Graham is not the only one irritated by changes to the schedule. I'm not as talented as most of you, so I have to work hard to make up most of the difference (e.g. taking all week to drop from 1:09.8 to 1:05.2 @ clubman with 5 days still to go until qualifying). The switch to GVER really hurt me and instead of being mid-pack in Group A I qualified 26th thanks to work schedules and prior commitments. The same goes now for ARM -- I'm currently down from 46.5 to 43.2 and would be pretty confident about making 42s & Group A with another couple days' practice over the week.

Instead, that couple of free days' practice will now go towards CRI -- a track on which I've maybe run 40 laps meaning I have another snowball's chance at making Group A (unless a large % of the field decides to stop running this series). There will not likely be any group A points this week for me effectively killing any pipedream hope I had about being semi-competitive/consistent in the overall series.

So no, I don't see a problem telling someone that their seemingly arbitrary last minute decisions really do affect people and that I really don't appreciate snide little suggestions to learn all the tracks 💡

Yea you were flying all over! :lol: And that is how I got clipped. But it didnt bother me much so its all good. I wasnt in the in the back of the field but did any of you guys notice him lagging throughout the entire race?

He stopped glitching after the tunnel on lap 1. I suspect his internet connection couldn't handle knowing the detailed movements of 14 other cars in his immediate vicinity...
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Hey Doc when'd you pit and what were your lap times like right before the pit?

edit: got off work early so practice room at CRI
1472 6399 8537 0922 2321
Another option would be to let anyone use either car for any race :). Wouldn't bother me any and I'd keep my '89 for everything anyway 'cause it's broken in. There'd be absolutely nothing left to complain about :).

The B race was crazy fun. First lap was hairy, but after that it was some good racing... and I moved from 15th to 8th! :).

EDIT: I didn't consider colours. Might make a difference!

I think its a proven fact color adds HP! :lol: Car needs to be black or pink after last nights race!

He stopped glitching after the tunnel on lap 1. I suspect his internet connection couldn't handle knowing the detailed movements of 14 other cars in his immediate vicinity...

Oh okay. It was very weird on my screen. But atleast it stopped. 👍
Can I make a suggestion for everyone who's upset about the track change? Yes, I realize that the track was changed to the one I asked for, but the switch to GVER messed me up as much as anyone; I didn't get to practice it at all in the week before qualifying. As I mentioned earlier, immediately after qualifying, I ran some more practice laps in another room, and took another second off my time very quickly, which would have been worth several positions. So I understand where you're coming from.

However, all that being said: It's just a game. Don't take it so seriously! There was no entry fee for this contest, nor will there be a cash prize at the end. The only reason to involve yourself in this event is to have fun driving a slow car fast with other people who enjoy driving slow cars fast. Which tracks you do it on and which particular model Miata you drive are secondary concerns. Yeah, I was a little disappointed about GVER, but I got over it and thoroughly enjoyed going three wide into turn 1 near the back of the pack. :)

Also, if I could make a suggestion to Turbo: Let people switch to NA if they really feel they would prefer it over NB. No points have been scored yet, so it doesn't drastically affect the series.
I have a feeling that nobody would switch to NA, they would just be happy about having an option to do it. :)
Graham, please stop.
Ok I don't even know why you're bringing that up; it has nothing to do with this. Not that you were a part of that anyway. I don't really appreciate the use of that word towards me (I thought the forum had a swear censor) but I'm not trying to be anything to anybody, even if it comes across that I am. I'm generally pretty tactful but I guess that falls apart when I try to genuinely contribute to a meaningful discussion only to have my opinion disregarded as if I didn't even put in the effort to offer anything worthy of consideration.

But if its a track i dont like then i make myself learn it. Find different ways to make me faster through corners and what not. This is what real race car drivers do. I dont see what the big deal is.
You just said the same thing I've been trying to get across. Regardless who does and doesn't like ARM, it was part of the schedule and everyone should deal with it. I don't have a problem whatsoever with Turbo.

I really don't think there's that big a difference between the two cars. I can take both of them out on a track and run very similar times.
You also made 3rd in the Academy finals. You are undoubtedly awesome. Not all of us are on par with your level of driving. ;)👍

but I also believe people shouldn't be locked into their car choice given the new track change.
It's not even about car choice at this point, I don't really car if I use the '89 or the '04... it's about integrity. The schedule was set and people made decisions based on that and now it's been changed.

It would be like if the ALMS officials made an announcement this coming weekend that the next race would in fact not be held at Long Beach but instead it would be held at Road Atlanta.

I'm not as talented as most of you, so I have to work hard to make up most of the difference (e.g. taking all week to drop from 1:09.8 to 1:05.2 @ clubman with 5 days still to go until qualifying). The switch to GVER really hurt me and instead of being mid-pack in Group A I qualified 26th thanks to work schedules and prior commitments. The same goes now for ARM -- I'm currently down from 46.5 to 43.2 and would be pretty confident about making 42s & Group A with another couple days' practice over the week.
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Changing from ARM to CRI doesn't bother me personally (because I actually really enjoyed the couple of practice races we had at CRI) but for people that don't have every single evening to dedicate to practicing it can have a negative effect. It doesn't seem right to alter the next race on the schedule when someone has been practicing for it already. It's almost more acceptable to change the Autumn Ring Full (for example) as that is a couple races away and certainly not the prime focus for practicing. The very next race, however, is too soon to change in my opinion.

I think its a proven fact color adds HP! :lol: Car needs to be black or pink after last nights race!
SHH! Everyone knows that yellow adds the most HP! ;)
Can I make a suggestion for everyone who's upset about the track change? Yes, I realize that the track was changed to the one I asked for, but the switch to GVER messed me up as much as anyone; I didn't get to practice it at all in the week before qualifying. As I mentioned earlier, immediately after qualifying, I ran some more practice laps in another room, and took another second off my time very quickly, which would have been worth several positions. So I understand where you're coming from.

However, all that being said: It's just a game. Don't take it so seriously! There was no entry fee for this contest, nor will there be a cash prize at the end. The only reason to involve yourself in this event is to have fun driving a slow car fast with other people who enjoy driving slow cars fast. Which tracks you do it on and which particular model Miata you drive are secondary concerns. Yeah, I was a little disappointed about GVER, but I got over it and thoroughly enjoyed going three wide into turn 1 near the back of the pack. :)

Also, if I could make a suggestion to Turbo: Let people switch to NA if they really feel they would prefer it over NB. No points have been scored yet, so it doesn't drastically affect the series.

Yes very true it is just a game, its made to just have fun! This is why i joined. But we also have to understand that we cant really have an excuses cause me and my brother (Turbo) also have no time during the day to practice. We both work 9-6 and dont get home until quarter till 7. Turbo is able to play as soon as he gets home. As for me i have to wait till about 10 or 11 sometimes to even get to use my ps3. I then go to bed at midnight. This leaves me 2 hours to try and practice as much as possible. I joined this Flyin' Miata Super Cup mid last week. I literally had no time to practice. (Car has like 20 miles on it for qualifying and race day sunday) I still managed to take this car and finish first or could have been second in group b with a controller. It can be done! :rolleyes:
You also made 3rd in the Academy finals. You are undoubtedly awesome. Not all of us are on par with your level of driving. ;)👍

The point I was trying to get across was more along the lines of both cars being equal, doesn't matter who's driving them. ;)
The point I was trying to get across was more along the lines of both cars being equal, doesn't matter who's driving them. ;)
The point I was trying to get across is that you're consistently fast, doesn't matter what car you're driving.

The rest of us may not be as fortunate and are perhaps better with one car over the other (hence the reason I went with the '04) but it can also depend on the track. It's been said numerous times that the '04 tends to shine on the more technical tracks and the '89 has better pull on the straights.
I'm sticking with the NB regardless. Hate that it is slower on a straight, but I like how it drives a bit better for me anyway. Also my NA has like 40 miles on it.
A week's notice should be enough... Serious practice time up to this point should have been dedicated to GVER anyway, and this week dedicated to the next course. Having Internet problems here. As soon as I left the B race last night my modem went crazy. Stupid AT&T.
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There you go, problem solved.

Moving on...

Edit: @ tyl0r_r: You wouldn't do that in a real racing series though. Some teams will certainly change cars in the middle of a season, but won't switch back and forth.

The pro teams in SCCA and NASA's Spec Miata own multiple cars and do switch between years throughout the year to match the track.

Why would anyone care if someone wanted to change back and forth in this series if the cars are really that close. If someone wants to break in two cars, practice, tune the LSD and pick one, why not?

Turbo - I think I posted a comment early on (post #107) that by adding a second style of car, you were just asking for this type of headache. Can of worms now open...
Having Internet problems here. As soon as I left the B race last night my modem went crazy. Stupid AT&T.

AT&T screwed me out of running last night too. I switched to a Google server and got in, but the B group was already on lap 5.
AT&T screwed me out of running last night too. I switched to a Google server and got in, but the B group was already on lap 5.
Did you have to look up 80710092? I had that problem last night after the race and after I search I found out how to switch to a Google DNS to get around the error.
Did you have to look up 80710092? I had that problem last night after the race and after I search I found out how to switch to a Google DNS to get around the error.

Same thing here, but I did not get to race. The top of group B are the guys I was able to run with all week in practice. I was pretty pissed.
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