**Flyin' Miata Super Cup Season 2 Official Thread | CLOSED | Season 3 Link Inside**

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

What should we do?

  • Cancel Autumn Ring, Run Laguna Super Enduro (80 laps)

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Suspend all racing until June 12th

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Keep as is and hope PSN is back up soon

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
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It is very hard to keep up in an NB on that course without the draft.

Anyway, that was some crazy fun racing tonight. Could not stop laughing for hours.
RT, on the first page under race results, you put Spec Race Results twice. I think you wanted one to be GT Class Race Results right? Just letting you know.
Holy crap, last night was hilarious. :lol:

Oh, and I have been informed that Brosif has hit the 101.4s without draft. Brosif, go away. :P
Lol last night was freakin amazing. Anyone hear back from SHOTTAYOUTH?
101.6 is my best right now and I still got 2 more hp before full breakin :dopey: Can I pull that off in the first 3 laps? Maybe. Doubtful, but maybe..
I have been running mock-qualifying runs every time I go out, and can easily get to 102 flat, usually I'll get a 101.8 or 9 on my second timed lap. Hopefully that'll be enough. :scared:

And no response back yet, did anyone but me and stig even message him?
Damn this moved along fast...No time to keep up with the thread yesterday so it looks like I'll be relegated to standby status for the GT series. Please add me to the alternate list.

Colors TBD - I need to go buy another car first. :sly:
Holy crap, last night was hilarious. :lol:

Oh, and I have been informed that Brosif has hit the 101.4s without draft. Brosif, go away. :P

That's just straight up ridiculous. Wouldn't think anyone will get anywhere near that in qualifying though.
That's just straight up ridiculous. Wouldn't think anyone will get anywhere near that in qualifying though.

Agreed, the tires aren't warm enough to rotate "perfectly" thru the first set of s's or the chicane until around lap 8. Although my 101.6 was on a lap 4 :ouch::banghead:
That's just straight up ridiculous. Wouldn't think anyone will get anywhere near that in qualifying though.

It was a 1.489 so it wasn't that fast. It was also on lap 9 of a stint so the tires were at optimal temps.
Hmm conundrum. Do you have credit?

Nope, but it's a $7,000 car. Don't understand how someone is supposed to try and make their credit better when nobody will give them a chance. Whatever, not like anything else is going right for me anymore. Only think I have to look forward to is GT Academy...

@ Brosif: that's still a lot faster than I can get...
Nope, but it's a $7,000 car. Don't understand how someone is supposed to try and make their credit better when nobody will give them a chance. Whatever, not like anything else is going right for me anymore. Only think I have to look forward to is GT Academy...

Unfortunately I was in the same bind when I was buying my Scion last year :/ The only people who will give you a credit card are your bank. Cheer up buddy.

Do you have any cash in hand? Are you trying to get the loan from your bank or from the dealer?
Do you have any cash in hand? Are you trying to get the loan from your bank or from the dealer?

No cash, from a small dealer. Big ones won't even touch me. (Banks either, been there done that) No big deal, just going to wait out this GT Academy thing and if I come back a loser (likely) I'll find a new job and a place closer to it to live so I can continue riding my bike.

/end rant

Sorry to those now know more about me than you want to. :lol:
No cash, from a small dealer. Big ones won't even touch me. (Banks either, been there done that) No big deal, just going to wait out this GT Academy thing and if I come back a loser (likely) I'll find a new job and a place closer to it to live so I can continue riding my bike.

/end rant

Sorry to those now know more about me than you want to. :lol:

Hey man, a car can make a huge difference in your life. Help turn things around :D You know that you're getting a week of driving school and possibly a career. Remember it's who they like the most so just do your best to make a good impression 👍

Don't get down quite yet ;)

I'd aim a lil lower for pickin a car though (that's just me)
Thought you might like this http://flagstaff.craigslist.org/cto/2305125989.html
We all got problems man. I'm going through a crisis now as well so I don't even know what to do. The races during the weekend is the only thing keeping me sane.
Don't get down quite yet ;)

Too late.

^^ Join a credit union.

I've tried to get a loan twice over the last few weeks with my old credit union. Won't touch me either. Problem is I made some bad decisions in the past, and even though I'm caught up and current with everything, my credit doesn't show that yet and is doing nothing but dragging me down...

Call me crazy but I do NOT support the credit system at all.
Too late.

I've tried to get a loan twice over the last few weeks with my old credit union. Won't touch me either. Problem is I made some bad decisions in the past, and even though I'm caught up and current with everything, my credit doesn't show that yet and is doing nothing but dragging me down...

Call me crazy but I do NOT support the credit system at all.

I don't blame you most governmnent systems here in the US are a tad bit flawed. But seriously dude, if you put the work in you're going to get something huge out of going to silverstone. I'm not saying you're going to win, I don't know that. But they aren't gonna just send you home with no second look. Make a mark, make an impression. Don't worry about winning. That'll just screw with your head. You just need something to get you excited again.
You just need something to get you excited again.

Oh I'm excited about Silverstone. Just can't say the same for anything else from day to day.

Anyways, this is not a therapy session. :lol:

Anyone want to write up an article about the series for the online GT magazine? We have a couple days before it goes to "print". I suck at making fancy articles. :dopey:
Oh I'm excited about Silverstone. Just can't say the same for anything else from day to day.

Anyways, this is not a therapy session. :lol:

Anyone want to write up an article about the series for the online GT magazine? We have a couple days before it goes to "print". I suck at making fancy articles. :dopey:

Haha :D I suck at writing otherwise I'd do it...plus I wasn't really part of season 1 :P
Don't understand how someone is supposed to try and make their credit better when nobody will give them a chance.

That's the classic chicken-and-egg conundrum of the credit market. It's like applying for a job straight out of college, and everyone wants x years of experience, which... you don't have... because you can't find a job... because you have no experience.

Yeah. :banghead:

You'll get there though, you just gotta keep on keeping on. I dropped out of college because of a medical problem and moved back in with the parents, and couldn't go back for several years. But at age 27, I finally got out, now I've got a good job, my own house, perfect credit. And yeah, with all the cheap credit available to me, you'd think I'd love it? But I still think the system is a bunch of ********. Free balance transfers, free gas, zero interest, same as cash, rewards points, cash back, blah blah blah, I don't care, I don't want it, because it's all on the backs of people who get completely screwed. Life happens, you miss one payment and get hit with balloon interest and penalties and suddenly owe twice what you borrowed on a "zero interest" loan. No thanks.

If the banks won't give you a loan, then stick it to `em. Prove them wrong by saving the money you would have paid them each month, and then buy whatever you want with cash. It's the only true "no interest" deal in town.

Ahem. *steps down off soapbox*

So it looks like I'm only about 0.5-1.0 seconds off the pace at CRI. Maybe I'll be near the back of Group A this time. :eek:
Hey I know a way to get this all better...Kind off... lets all met up on Gt5 and goof around andplay punt a fiat....Ill be the fiat and you guys do the punting! ill set up the room and pick out the perfect track for punting....IT WILL BE FUUNNNNN!
If the banks won't give you a loan, then stick it to `em. Prove them wrong by saving the money you would have paid them each month, and then buy whatever you want with cash. It's the only true "no interest" deal in town.

That's what I told the guy. "If I had $2,500 to put down on this car, I'd just pay cash for something". Given my salary level it'll be a while before I can pay cash for something, so going to live the simple life for a while it seems. :crazy:
Hey I know a way to get this all better...Kind off... lets all met up on Gt5 and goof around andplay punt a fiat....Ill be the fiat and you guys do the punting! ill set up the room and pick out the perfect track for punting....IT WILL BE FUUNNNNN!

There's a solution!
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