**Flyin' Miata Super Cup Season 2 Official Thread | CLOSED | Season 3 Link Inside**

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

What should we do?

  • Cancel Autumn Ring, Run Laguna Super Enduro (80 laps)

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Suspend all racing until June 12th

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Keep as is and hope PSN is back up soon

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
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Here's that 3-wide finish from Madrid tonight:

That's such an amazing finish. I really like Madrid, were you guys running reverse?

Also, it looks like fil[coma] won but it's hard to tell since it's a still shot.
Yeah. I partly threw that line about Spy in there to try and see if anyone could shed light on his whereabouts.

Notable persons that just vanished and away from the fray in season 2:
(in no particular order)

I still see AlGreene71, LVSX4MZ3 (dethcore), tsnacks, and Spyhunter (GTP_Spyhunter) log in to PSN regularly. I have recently practiced with tsnacks at ARR and he made it sound like he was going to make some of the races but I do know that he is a newlywed with a young son so he probably is taking the responsible route and giving his personal life priority. I left a message on tt997’s GTP message board but he never responded and his PSN profile hasn’t logged in for over a month.

Other guys who are missing but accounted for:

El Zissou

Jay_B_II said his scheduled had changed and that Sunday nights were no longer a good time for him to race. El_Z has been too good for us lowly Miata racers since Egg and I passed him on the final straight at Indy in Season 1, dropping him from 1st to 3rd. That is obviously not the real reason, I wish he was still racing with us.

Going karting at the lcoal track that day with my sister.

Uh oh, two questions:
1. Is she of the legal age?
2. Is she hot?

Feel free to punt me off the track in the practice races tonight. :)

Imari's moving to Sydney. I'm moving to Sydney in June as well which is cool, we could chillax sometime.

Well that sounds lovely. I want to move to Sydney. My old roommate moved to Australia last year and she loves it. Why are you moving?

And Brosif? What? I think iamjamen knew Brosif at one point but they left and came at separate times, weird.

iamjamen wasn't really that nice to begin with though. Brosif much more of a bro then he ever would've been.

Yeah that iamjamen dude was a total donkey dick! I am glad that he doesn’t hang around the forums anymore! :lol:

I'm positive that the two are one and the same. However, I'm sure that brosif would just deny that he was jamen in the first place to screw around with me and make me doubt myself. :lol:

Hehehehehehe. :cheers:

I let you guys figure it out.

P.S. My real name is Jamen (pronounced like "gay men" but with a J instead of a G). Hope that helps!
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P.S. My real name is Jamen (pronounced like "gay men" but with a J instead of a G).

Sometimes, I thank god for how easy he makes my life. I have to redeem myself after my "69 feels really nice" comment last night..... :scared:
Uh oh, two questions:
1. Is she of the legal age?
2. Is she hot?

Since she's going karting with him and he uses her psn, we have a girl who games and races. Sooo I believe #2 should be changed to:
2. Is she nominally attractive?
lol you guys are funny.

1. We're asian so you probably can't guess her age. Thus it wouldn't matter.

2. She has a boyfriend. I think? :scared:
lol you guys are funny.

1. We're asian so you probably can't guess her age. Thus it wouldn't matter.

2. She has a boyfriend. I think? :scared:

1. Yikes! That's bad, then it would really matter!
2. Minor inconvenience.
I'm slightly concerned about the 9 people looking at this thread right now and wondering if they're wondering about what I hope they're not wondering about?
lol you guys are funny.

1. We're asian so you probably can't guess her age. Thus it wouldn't matter.

I am also ornamental, well half ornamental (yes, ornamental). I am of the Kamikazi-Nazi persuasion being as my mother is 100% Japanese and my father is a blue-eyed, light brown haired German.
Hey guys, I received a PM from someone this morning explaining that they were having issues being in the practice and race rooms because people weren't taking them seriously and always running them off the track. Just a couple reminders, if you have an issue with someone after a race please take it to PM's. More than likely you'll come to an understanding and it doesn't have to get ugly. I really don't want to be a mediator....
Hey guys, I received a PM from someone this morning explaining that they were having issues being in the practice and race rooms because people weren't taking them seriously and always running them off the track. Just a couple reminders, if you have an issue with someone after a race please take it to PM's. More than likely you'll come to an understanding and it doesn't have to get ugly. I really don't want to be a mediator....
Hey guys, I received a PM from someone this morning explaining that they were having issues being in the practice and race rooms because people weren't taking them seriously and always running them off the track. Just a couple reminders, if you have an issue with someone after a race please take it to PM's. More than likely you'll come to an understanding and it doesn't have to get ugly. I really don't want to be a mediator....

I would hope you informed them that there will be accidental contact especially on CRI due to there only being ONE clean passing zone. That clean passing zone is turn 1 and the ONLY way to pass cleanly there is to brake late, dive deep and claim the inside line. It's the responsibility of both drivers to avoid contact. For a pass to be made anywhere else on the track cleanly, the leading driver absolutely HAS to give up the spot. If they maintain their line there will be contact either in the s's or in the chicane. The end :)
Apparently this started at GVE-R and has continued throughout the week. He's had several issues with one particular person, but thinks that everyone is ganging up on him and blaming him for any contact he makes, including when it's not his fault. We just need to make sure we give each other room, and save judgment until after the replays can be reviewed.
I remember practicing there and we were doing like a practice race and i accidently pushed coma off the track. I felt so bad for that i had to slow down and let people pass me until he caught up and got his spot back.
Apparently this started at GVE-R and has continued throughout the week. He's had several issues with one particular person, but thinks that everyone is ganging up on him and blaming him for any contact he makes, including when it's not his fault. We just need to make sure we give each other room, and save judgment until after the replays can be reviewed.

:/ As I said, accidental contact is a given on tracks this tight. I trust pretty much everyone not to wreck someone on purpose, unless we agree beforehand that its a "goofy" race. As far as giving each other room goes....:lol: next time you're behind me I want at least a car's length of room RT ;)
As far as giving each other room goes....:lol: next time you're behind me I want at least a car's length of room RT ;)

I'm specifically talking about corners. I'm sure everyone knows which corners can't or shouldn't be taken side by side, so it's the job of the person going into that corner that is being passed to just give up the spot. Chances are you can get a run and take it back in the next corner. So many mistakes can be avoided by just giving up the spot.
I'm specifically talking about corners. I'm sure everyone knows which corners can't or shouldn't be taken side by side, so it's the job of the person going into that corner that is being passed to just give up the spot. Chances are you can get a run and take it back in the next corner. So many mistakes can be avoided by just giving up the spot.

+1 👍 Now that's making sense.
Just a quick note to the two fellas that were racing with us last night in the '91 Miatas, those cars are obviously illegal until I know exactly what is done with them. I built a '91 up to 387pp last night and it's still around 1 second off the top times at Cape Ring Inside...
Just a quick note to the two fellas that were racing with us last night in the '91 Miatas, those cars are obviously illegal until I know exactly what is done with them. I built a '91 up to 387pp last night and it's still around 1 second off the top times at Cape Ring Inside...

Out of curiosity, what did you put on it (on top of the spec parts) to get it up to 387?
I remember practicing there and we were doing like a practice race and i accidently pushed coma off the track. I felt so bad for that i had to slow down and let people pass me until he caught up and got his spot back.

Well there'd usually be a lag issue with me if I got pushed off track. I usually don't take in any hard feelings when it happens.
Out of curiosity, what did you put on it (on top of the spec parts) to get it up to 387?

Let's see if I can remember...

- Sport intake manifold
- Sport exhaust manifold
- Window weight reduction
- Stage 3 weight reduction
it's the job of the person going into that corner that is being passed to just give up the spot.

Isn't it the job of the person in the back to be patient and wait for a clean pass? The only time you should expect someone to just let you pass is if you're lapping them. Otherwise, the person in front has the right to whatever line they want. It is courteous to let a faster person pass (especially early on in a race) but it shouldn't at all be expected.
I'm saying if they are already pulled to the inside of you going into the corner and there's not enough room for both of you in there, then yes, the person being passed should let them through. Otherwise you risk contact that could have been avoided which could possibly ruin both of your races.
Hey guys, I received a PM from someone this morning explaining that they were having issues being in the practice and race rooms because people weren't taking them seriously and always running them off the track. Just a couple reminders, if you have an issue with someone after a race please take it to PM's. More than likely you'll come to an understanding and it doesn't have to get ugly. I really don't want to be a mediator....

There has definitely been contact in the practice rooms. Brosif and I discussed this privately after we ran into each other a few times, but the consensus between us was that we were just figuring out what we can get away with or not in the practice races so we're ready for the real race on Sunday. I understand that this may not be the case for all contact.

I know I've knocked some people off, but it's never been intentional (unless it's during the race countdown, in which case anything goes :lol:).

The best way to deal with these situations in my opinion is to PM the involved driver; Turbo has enough on his plate organizing this series without having to babysit us all :D

I'll certainly admit that some of the practice rooms degenerate as the night goes on, and sometimes pickup trucks, Volvo wagons, and VW vans might make it onto the track ;) We should probably spin off this type of activity into a separate room if we're done with the Miata's so as not to impede those who still want to run real practice 👍

My 2¢
I'm saying if they are already pulled to the inside of you going into the corner and there's not enough room for both of you in there, then yes, the person being passed should let them through. Otherwise you risk contact that could have been avoided which could possibly ruin both of your races.

However, "being passed" does not mean that if they're going 120 coming up the sweeper and they stand on the brakes to pull abreast of you in the braking zone and end up taking the chicane at 50 mph.

In race, if there is a large incident, try to remember the lap # and I'll definitely review the replay and give my opinion. I'm sure there are others who would be willing to do so as well.

edit: Egg I agree with you turbo shouldn't have to babysit us all, but sending a pm to another driver about contact in a race usually ends as a flamefest.... :guilty:
I'm very sorry, but I have noticed that I just don't have time to go with the schedule. If there is a series while in summer, I might be able to join
We're just talking driver etiquette here, you guys can do whatever you want I guess. Just don't come complaining to me. ;)
I think this (or mostly me) could benefit from a description of how things are gonna be interpreted should smth happen.
So suppose there are multiple cars approaching the chicane. Let's say 4 cars, going 2-wide. What's an orderly conduct? Ok, first car on the inside gets the corner rights. What's the car in a second row on the inside supposed to do? Let the car from the outside on the first row (which will probably brake a little early) in front? Ok to sneak in right behind the car just ahead, braking as late as him?
Or did I get braking/late early completely wrong for this corner (wouldn't be surprising since I went off in this corner more times than I didn't)?
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