- 4,440
- zr1chris
- zr1chris
Ps: Porsche in confirmed in FM4..![]()
You post this on 2 threads in a row but have no proof to go with your claim. Proof please.
Ps: Porsche in confirmed in FM4..![]()
Hotspitta... when/where/who confirmed Porsche for FM4? The images we saw I wouldn't say is confirmation, just more of a likelihood that Porsche could be in it (and I hope so).
Hotspitta...Riight.. Every other forza game had Porsche..so its a bit more than a likelihood dont you think?👍
I don't know what that says mate it's blank on my iPhone.
Maybe someone will explain later.
LuminisWell, I wouldn't consider it a confirmation, but it's definitely a decent clue. And, as I said in the other thread, the reason why most people assumed that Porsche was out was pretty flimsy to being with (in my opinion)...
It was only one person who assumed it I think.
Honestly Badned could confirm this in the car list as it was released officially but forzacentral went down.
but they tend to be a bit much on defending Forza and calling anyone a troll when someone points out an issue with the game.. kinda reminds me of here sometimes, only not as bad as over there (and note, it's MUCH better than around FM3's launch)![]()
Well FM.net basically became draconian on stamping down on dissenters, due to the huge outcry of anger and frustration over the loss of the Custom Public Lobbies, that took over FM.net for months after FM3's release.
The Rebellion over the loss of the CPL's just spilled out over from the problems and solutions section and took over the general section as well, loads of people started using the "green fist" logo in there sigs, as the bring back the CPL's campaign swung into force.
The angry CPL thread/s grew in size at an astonishing rate, FM.net became a kinda no go area for guys like Che and Dan, as the disenfranchised FM2 fans had taken up their pitchforks and torches and were out en mass.
Che continued to pour petrol on the fire by avoiding the issue by dismissing the FM2 fans concerns as unimportant or misguided, and when he did comment his remarks were to the effect of "take it or leave", which was a slap in the face for many fans who supported the franchise since FM1.
When the outcry over the CPL's showed no signs of abating, they finally brought out the ban hammer, and banished the most vocal of the CPL supporters like TRC GeorgiaDawg, even i was placed on moderation though they informed me via PM i had broken non of the forum rules, but would remain on moderation.
They re-configured the forum to restrict any complaints to a single thread, but by then most of the most ardent/vocal CPL supporters had either given up and moved on, been banned, or placed on moderation.
So i can see why FM.net isnt as open to dissent as say GTP, they have had their forum effectively taken over with angry FM2 fans which turned the place into a bit of a war zone for a couple of months.
So the management are a bit touchy about dissent over there since then.![]()
While all of this is true (and pretty pathetic), the crowd there now posting are aces for the most part. The problem now is that the performance and layout is probably one of the worst forums on the internet.
There's got to be a reason why T10 decided not to put it into FM3, and I'm guessing it's due to many lobbies being 2-3 cars max or something.
If I remember right, people were also complaining about how you coulld only find good, clean racers in racing leagues and such, so I never really understood what the big deal with the loss of the custom public lobbies was. At least for the more hardcore racers.
Either way, it's good to have them back. More options can't hurt.
Quick question for those of you with a Fanatec wheel for xbox-
Does Forza 3 offer the same straight line realism (with Fanatec wheel) as GT5 with a DFGT wheel or better?
Meaning, when I am driving in a straight line at higher speeds in GT5 with my DFGT, and I let go of the wheel for a second I will lose control, whereas the MS wheel on Forza 3 will allow me to literally let go of the wheel totally for the entire straight without ever hinting at losing control. Just researching before I buy a different wheel for Forza 4, thanks.
Both of my Fanatec wheel does the the same as Logitech wheels. Both Logitech and Fanatec wheel simulate wheel center with "no force feedback". The only difference is you can add dead zone (Fanatec) which I don't like or weaken the ffb which weakens other ffb effects as well. The reason why a real car doesn't do this is because a real steering wheel has forces coming from both side holding the wheel centered. I think PD is trying to simulate forces that IRL you feel through your body more than the steering wheel (G forces)I don't have a Fanatec wheel, yet at least, but from what I read, the Fanatecs and Thurstmaster T500RS doesn't do this, or you have the option to minimize/eliminate this effect.
I just don't understand one thing though. The hardcore audience was never robbed of good online play. Private custom matches had all the options in the world. One thing about the hardcore group is they seek out others of the same ilk and usually beyond "finding some cool guys" online. I personally think the whole backlash was WAY overblown and really, to me, felt like a bunch of guys who wanted to trounce all over unsuspecting newbies to the game which is VERY sad.