Food Ethics (Poll)

  • Thread starter Danoff

Why do you refuse to eat certain foods?

  • I'm against animal torture (eg: foie gras)

    Votes: 55 30.6%
  • I'm against animal killing (vegetarian)

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • I'm against animal labor (vegan)

    Votes: 7 3.9%
  • I'm trying to limit my greenhouse gas footprint

    Votes: 17 9.4%
  • I refuse to eat genetically modified foods

    Votes: 15 8.3%
  • I refuse to eat meat that has been treated with hormones treatment

    Votes: 21 11.7%
  • I'm refuse to eat meat that has been treated with prophylactic antibiotics

    Votes: 14 7.8%
  • I eat "free range"

    Votes: 31 17.2%
  • I eat "organic"

    Votes: 26 14.4%
  • I won't eat smart animals

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • I won't eat endangered animals

    Votes: 57 31.7%
  • I won't eat cute animals

    Votes: 14 7.8%
  • I'll eat whatever is tasty.

    Votes: 104 57.8%
  • Danoff is an uninformed looser who doesn't know about my particular concerns (this is "other")

    Votes: 23 12.8%
  • Only "natural" ingredients.

    Votes: 14 7.8%
  • I'm watching my figure

    Votes: 33 18.3%
  • I won't eat foods my religion bans

    Votes: 8 4.4%

  • Total voters
If the organic choice actually tastes better and it's not overpriced, I'll give it a try. But usually, my palette and biota can't detect much difference. This is going to sound weird, but I have tried some organic foods that disagreed with me, so I'm a bit skeptical, such that "organic label" is largely without proof. If it tastes better in my personal opinion, that's really all that matters.

I'm with you on the whole "Organic" thing. It's a label that the markets love to have but I don't feel any better quality and I think it's a contrived concept in many cases.
I'm pretty sure nearly every fruit and veggie sold is a GMO. Larger, juicier, more flavorful and seedless produce.
I was basing that comment on what the study said. It makes a lot of sense when you think about how much we use corn and soybeans for. Corn isn't just corn. It's sugar, filler, thickening agents, breading, and even fuel. Similarly, soybeans are everything from edamame to sauces to protein additives and supplements. Governments subsidize these industries much more over other farmed goods. By default they will represent a large amount of the farmed plant population as a whole, making them far more important to have improvements available with GE technology. They will get the most focus in studies because they are where the most profit can be found.

The stuff that most worries me regarding spraying are things in the broccoli and cauliflower families. They have a lot of small, hidden surface area that is hard to clean. But that leaves room for many contaminates, not just herbicides or pesticides.

Ultimately, I don't worry too much. It's all just thought exercises. Those who are picky can join a CSA. The one we joined this year allows members to visit the farm. If I am truly concerned I can do a personal inspection. Since we found a slug on a piece of lettuce one day and we occasionally find something that's been nibbled on, I'm guessing they don't spray a lot of chemicals.
I don't eat meat at all.
Two reasons being
1. I don't like it, yes I tried it when I was younger didn't like anything I tried Beef Chicken Lamb etc.
2. I hate seeing living creatures killed for food.
Hell I turn the tv over if there is a lion about to pounce on a zebra I know it's nature and all that but doesn't stop me feeling bad.
I don't eat dairy products I don't think so anyway I am not a label checker but I don't like milk in brews I don't like yoghurts or creams and Oh yes Eggs don't agree with me at all so I give them a wide birth.
My main reason for not eating sausages and macdonalds is because they taste horrible. The smell of KFC makes me feel sick.
Get this I will eat the pastry from a pork pie but never the meat my wife eats that as she likes it.
Apart from that lot I will eat almost anything else and do so regularly.
That probably has nothing to do with the chicken (seriously, the colonol has to be turning in his grave at an alarming speed).:lol:

I get you there about 20 miles from me they opened a KFC right next door to an open sewer works. The ones which have huge circle things like wells full of water like the image below. My wife called there with her sister and left not long after as she said without exaggeration there must have been 1000 large winged fly things on the walls and the food.
And the area as it was a sunny day stank vile of sewerage.
How is this allowed I don't know. It is closed now and has become a garage of some sort.

Get this I will eat the pastry from a pork pie but never the meat my wife eats that as she likes it.
Lard is often used in pastry on a pork pie which contains rendered pig fat. And as you said you weren't a label checker so unfortunately you could be eating some traces of meat.
Where is the Halal option?

I only like meat from animals that are killed via throat slitting(the least barbaric way apparently).
I don't eat meat at all.
Two reasons being

2. I hate seeing living creatures killed for food.

What makes it different for a human to kill creatures to eat vs. an animal? I'm an avid hunter and I don't like to see the animal die either, but I do like to eat.
I'm against animal torture and malice. I don't think gavage is torture for geese, however.
I generally don't care what I eat as long as it's not gonna kill me. The only thing stopping me from eating something is personal preference. But when it comes to meat, I think animals should at least be treated humanely for the course of their lives up until slaughter. And the method of slaughter should be humane. However, I don't know what method of slaughter is considered the most humane. Nor do I really know how well, in a general sense, animals raised for meat are treated in Canada.
I get you there about 20 miles from me they opened a KFC right next door to an open sewer works. The ones which have huge circle things like wells full of water like the image below. My wife called there with her sister and left not long after as she said without exaggeration there must have been 1000 large winged fly things on the walls and the food.
And the area as it was a sunny day stank vile of sewerage.
How is this allowed I don't know.
I guess the water treatment plant didn't anticipate how much something as awful as a KFC would affect its local environment.
I guess the water treatment plant didn't anticipate how much something as awful as a KFC would affect its local environment.
Also, I would never of thought KFC would leave an after taste of "1000 large winged fly things".
I eat only what is in my diet plan in an attempt to lose weight. I don't like seeing animals abused though. If you're going to take an animal for food, do it humanely.
I eat only what is in my diet plan in an attempt to lose weight. I don't like seeing animals abused though. If you're going to take an animal for food, do it humanely.
I never gave a second thought to stuff like this until the last few years. As I ate less and less meat I started to think more about getting higher quality meat and that usually means free run, naturally fed beef, chicken, pork etc. One of the places I buy poultry for example is Hilltop Acres Poultry in the St. Jacobs Farmers Market. I visited their local facility a few years ago when they had an open house and it was pretty impressive. The cost is only slightly higher than grocery store poultry but it's much leaner and IMO, tastes quite a bit better. They sell everything there too. My mother used to love turkey necks for some reason and they sold huge necks there, 2" in diameter. You can even buy Pope's Noses there sometimes, one of my favourites. They also supply whole, freshly slaughtered turkeys for pickup around Christmas and Thanksgiving and they are out of this world delicious!!
Lard is often used in pastry on a pork pie which contains rendered pig fat. And as you said you weren't a label checker so unfortunately you could be eating some traces of meat.
I take your word for it, I could be eating traces. As I said I don't eat meat as it's the taste and I am sympathetic to animals. I couldn't be bothered to check labels all the time so I could have eaten all sorts without knowing but I don't worry about it, Cheers for the advice though:tup:

What makes it different for a human to kill creatures to eat vs. an animal? I'm an avid hunter and I don't like to see the animal die either, but I do like to eat.

If you live in a place where you need to hunt to eat then fair enough you either eat or die.
I don't know what option you have towards eating veggies and fruit where you are. Truth be if it come to starving me and my kids or killing an animal to feed them as much as it would hurt me and go against my principles I know I would do it.
Animals do kill to survive to eat but I suppose going to Tesco is not possible to them in reality so it is their nature to survive and the only way they know how is hunting.
Animals do kill to survive to eat but I suppose going to Tesco is not possible to them in reality so it is their nature to survive and the only way they know how is hunting.

But what if someone doesn't want to go that route?

It's considerably cheaper to hunt an animal yourself and either process it yourself or pay a butcher to do it. Plus it was in the wild so you know it wasn't stuck in a small cage.
But what if someone doesn't want to go that route?

It's considerably cheaper to hunt an animal yourself and either process it yourself or pay a butcher to do it. Plus it was in the wild so you know it wasn't stuck in a small cage.

I accept that 100%. I just don't like the idea of killing animals unless it is to put them out of severe pain or incurable diseases.
It's just my own views I know meat is a huge part of humans diet like everything else though in the food chain for humans it's choice if we eat it mainly depending on the taste with most people.
People often get the idea of a bearded tree hugger with jesus boots and white socks on when you say you don't eat meat, that is not me by a long shot.
I accept that 100%. I just don't like the idea of killing animals unless it is to put them out of severe pain or incurable diseases.
It's just my own views I know meat is a huge part of humans diet like everything else though in the food chain for humans it's choice if we eat it mainly depending on the taste with most people.
People often get the idea of a bearded tree hugger with jesus boots and white socks on when you say you don't eat meat, that is not me by a long shot.
In Canada, the wildlife populations are well managed and I assume it's the same in the U.S. and most western nations. We must kill a certain number of deer each year for example or we'll be overrun with them very quickly because of the dwindling population of their natural predators, the cougar, bear, wolves etc. There are already tens of thousands of animal/vehicle collisions with many injuries and several deaths per year and that number would skyrocket if the populations went unchecked. Hunting through a tag system is good for hunters and their families and the general public.

If you live in a place where you need to hunt to eat then fair enough you either eat or die.
I don't know what option you have towards eating veggies and fruit where you are. Truth be if it come to starving me and my kids or killing an animal to feed them as much as it would hurt me and go against my principles I know I would do it.
Animals do kill to survive to eat but I suppose going to Tesco is not possible to them in reality so it is their nature to survive and the only way they know how is hunting.

I considered saying a bunch of rude things but I happen to respect you and your attitude 👍

A Tesco store is not an option for me because I do not wish to buy dead animals that have been mistreated right? Think about that.

It is not survival to me per say, it is my way of life, I eat only vegi and so forth naturally grown, I eat meat that myself or others kill. I do not have a problem with how I live. No trophies. IMO what I do is not a big deal.
I considered saying a bunch of rude things but I happen to respect you and your attitude 👍

A Tesco store is not an option for me because I do not wish to buy dead animals that have been mistreated right? Think about that.

It is not survival to me per say, it is my way of life, I eat only vegi and so forth naturally grown, I eat meat that myself or others kill. I do not have a problem with how I live. No trophies. IMO what I do is not a big deal.

Understand you 100% just because I am not a fan of hunting I am not going to jump on someone who has your way of life and call you wrong it's your choice how you live. It is not illegal to go hunting so no crimes committed so no problem.
I said earlier I think hunters are murdering animals which in a way it is but hunting to eat as your choice is not trophy hunting which is a totally different kind of hunting. I understand your choices I might not agree with it but I accept each to their own within the laws so no problem.
I am not the one to stand next to the forests with a banner shouting abuse as much as I wouldn't expect people who go hunting to stand outside my house demonstrating to me I should pick up the gun and go hunting.
I can summarise it by two blokes one loves football the other hasn't got time of day for it, personal choices each with there own opinion.
And yes I eat a lot of home grown veggies so much better than the stuff from supermarkets. I buy from a guy who has his own allotment and the taste is how they supposed to taste not just like stale water like the supermarket stuff.👍:)
Understand you 100% just because I am not a fan of hunting I am not going to jump on someone who has your way of life and call you wrong it's your choice how you live. It is not illegal to go hunting so no crimes committed so no problem.
I said earlier I think hunters are murdering animals which in a way it is but hunting to eat as your choice is not trophy hunting which is a totally different kind of hunting. I understand your choices I might not agree with it but I accept each to their own within the laws so no problem.
I am not the one to stand next to the forests with a banner shouting abuse as much as I wouldn't expect people who go hunting to stand outside my house demonstrating to me I should pick up the gun and go hunting.
I can summarise it by two blokes one loves football the other hasn't got time of day for it, personal choices each with there own opinion.
And yes I eat a lot of home grown veggies so much better than the stuff from supermarkets. I buy from a guy who has his own allotment and the taste is how they supposed to taste not just like stale water like the supermarket stuff.👍:)
Did you read my post above?
Did you read my post above?

I'm sure he did seeing as how he gave it a like :lol:

Here in the states I think the government does a good job of overseeing wildlife in general. I am tbh most thankful to fdr for creating a program to lets say delegate the forest? In my case I know for a fact that he created places for me to hike, hunt, and fish, fish so much in fact that he put and created a place for brown trout to thrive.

To me, he created a hunting ground that is abundant. It was all a part of a program designed to get us out of the 30's depression and it worked. Let us not start about the gold standard nor any of the other social programs ;)
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I'm sure he did seeing as how he gave it a like :lol:

Here in the states I think the government does a good job of overseeing wildlife in general. I am tbh most thankful to fdr for creating a program to lets say delegate the forest? In my case I know for a fact that he created places for me to hike, hunt, and fish, fish so much in fact that he put and created a place for brown trout to thrive.

To me, he created a hunting ground that is abundant. It was all a part of a program designed to get us out of the 30's depression and it worked. Let us not start about the gold standard nor any of the other social programs ;)
The reason I asked is because I think it's illogical to think that hunters are murdering animals. Ecologically it's absolutely necessary that we hunt game meat because we've killed most of their natural predators. We are the only predator left that can have a big enough impact to keep the game population under control.

Not to be pedantic or anything, but it was actually Woodrow Wilson that created the National Park Service.
The reason I asked is because I think it's illogical to think that hunters are murdering animals. Ecologically it's absolutely necessary that we hunt game meat because we've killed most of their natural predators. We are the only predator left that can have a big enough impact to keep the game population under control.

Not to be pedantic or anything, but it was actually Woodrow Wilson that created the National Park Service.

I know what your saying and maybe murder officially is the wrong word as I believe only a human killing a human can be classed as murder. Killing an animal is an act so I will call it barbaric.

Have a read of this and tell me what you think of it.
You do seem to like the pedantic argument as we went around and around on one so seemingly silly just a few days back. I know who created the park service, do you know what the CCC is? ;)

Oh I almost forgot to backup my comment.
It's in my distant memory, but I thought you were talking about the creation of the National Park system. If you were talking about FDR and the creation of and work done by the CCC during the depression, then I understand your original comment better in light of that added context. 👍👍