I do find it hilarious that some people are so virulently anti-vegan, just for the sake of being anti-vegan.
Ah, gotcha! So to my mind you followed your curiosity with a sort of pro/con assessment.
I look at it as pushback to those "meat is murder" types we've all heard of, but I'll say that I've never actually encountered one in person.
Vegan is something else.
I know of Vegas who are doing it for climate change, but those people are essentially adopting a religious moral code about animals for something that makes almost no impact on climate change compared to (as the video points out) vegetarianism, or even a low-meat diet. Veganism is a moral code, drawn from essentially thin air, that its followers adopt for no apparent reason.
In short, I think they're completely crazy.
It may come down to preparation, as it's been my experience that soy chorizo just doesn't have the fat. Something like a chorizo and potato taco filling, where the chorizo is on display and the rendering of fat plays and important role...well I suspect the difference there would be much more noticeable.I honestly can't tell the difference between Soy Chorizo and actual Chorizo. That may be on me for not being discerning enough, and that's fine.
I completely disagree.One interesting advantage for the impossible burger is the mitigation of e-coli or food preparation sanitation issues.
I completely disagree.
Lettuce is a common source of e-coli.
Cooks letting the food sit out of temperature before and after preparation, regardless of it being meat based.
Poorly cleaned fridges/freezers/grills/ovens/counters.
I worked food-service, you might be suprised how nasty a commercial kitchen is compared to the score on the wall.
Our home kitchens aren't exactly the cleanest either. How often do people pull out their stove or fridge and clean behind them?
Just saying.
Yea, bad lettuce isn't just bad for that reason either, and as long as lettuce is going on your burger, it continues to be a source of food-based illness. But swapping the meat burger for the impossible burger seems like a win in the sanitation department. It is something I'd be interested in seeing analysis on, whether that "seems like" translates to actual results.
I wonder if the same is potentially true for the impossible stuff? Granted, bacteria from faeces is predominantly the contaminant of meat products, which shouldn't be present when impossible meat is made. I hope.
Without even getting into contaminants introduced into meat during processing, a major concern when grinding is relocating harmful bacteria to a part of the meat where it may not be killed during the cooking process.Seems like the ingredients in the impossible burger go through the grinder (unless I'm wrong?) in a similar way to how ground beef is made. I understand that a lot of meat contamination happens when it is ground. I wonder if the same is potentially true for the impossible stuff? Granted, bacteria from faeces is predominantly the contaminant of meat products, which shouldn't be present when impossible meat is made. I hope.
Without even getting into contaminants introduced into meat during processing, a major concern when grinding is relocating harmful bacteria to a part of the meat where it may not be killed during the cooking process.
You take a steak, and maybe it has bacteria growing on the outside. That bacteria doesn't naturally migrate into the center of the cut, so when you sear the outside of the steak, even if you only cook it to rare, the bacteria gets killed off.
Take that same steak and run it through a grinder (even one that's just been sanitized), or even chop it finely by hand, and that bacteria that was previously relegated to the outside of the meat is now incorporated throughout. Throw that burger into a ripping hot pan to get a good crust but only cook the center to 145 for medium-rare, now any bacteria present in the center is still alive. That's why cooking it to 160 internally is recommended.
It's not all sour grapes, mind you. The presence of bacteria isn't guaranteed, and even the presence of bacteria doesn't guarantee you'll get sick--I know plenty of people who eat rare and medium-rare burgers and who have never experienced food poisoning. I've eaten tartare--minced, raw beef--on numerous occasions and have yet to get sick from it (though I have gotten food poisoning on other occasions).
Eating a burger that's been cooked to 160 doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience either. Tenderness is all but guaranteed if it's been prepared properly, but connective tissue that's been ground up is still connective tissue that can be transformed into something wonderful if it's cooked at the appropriate temperature for the appropriate amount of time. That collagen turns into gelatin...which is a very good thing. I cook my burgers to 165 for that very reason, not really even because of food safety.
Little tricks.You just reminded me. I tried avocado blanching on your recommendation. I'm impressed. 👍
You just reminded me. I tried avocado blanching on your recommendation. I'm impressed. 👍
Drop a ripe, uncut avocado into boiling water for 15-20 seconds and then straight into an ice bath to shock it. Once cut, the avocado won't brown for hours. It's silly to do it for an avocado you're consuming immediately and unlikely to not finish, but if you have diced avocado out for tacos for a party, or even guac, it can sit out and stay green.Info?
Drop a ripe, uncut avocado into boiling water for 15-20 seconds and then straight into an ice bath to shock it. Once cut, the avocado won't brown for hours. It's silly to do it for an avocado you're consuming immediately and unlikely to not finish, but if you have diced avocado out for tacos for a party, or even guac, it can sit out and stay green.
Be careful not to go longer or skip the bath, as it will get bitter.
If you make guac, though, that combined with squirting citrus juice on it before filming the surface with plastic will keep it green in storage for days. Even better is covering the surface with oil to create a hermetic seal, and then cover normally without pressing plastic wrap down to the surface.
Edit: Any oil you'd cook with is fine, but know that you'll be stirring it in before you consume it again. Since I use avocado oil regularly anyway, I use it here as it seems obvious. A light olive oil works well in the absence of avocado oil.
Vegan is something else.
I know of Vegas who are doing it for climate change, but those people are essentially adopting a religious moral code about animals for something that makes almost no impact on climate change compared to (as the video points out) vegetarianism, or even a low-meat diet. Veganism is a moral code, drawn from essentially thin air, that its followers adopt for no apparent reason.
In short, I think they're completely crazy.
I'm just curious, how do you personally define someone as a vegan?
Is it someone who follows a plant based diet, or someone who also won't use any animal based products etc in their life?
I believe a Vegan is someone who adheres to a strict diet and lifestyle that avoids all animal products (except human, and sometimes insects) including animal meat but also including products of animal hides, bones, and even animal labor.
There's a fungus amungus.just keep the fungi as far away from me as possible
His sentiment echoed my own; they don't really taste like beef but they stand on their own.
I think there's a lot to look forward to...and that's as someone who has no hang ups about beef other than a desire for meat of a certain quality.Interesting.
This particular industry is still very young. I don't mean that patties for burgers other than meat is young, I mean plant-based meat. As a result, I expect a LOT of improvement in the coming years, not just in taste, but in price. The plant-based meat thing could end up making real meat look like an internal combustion engine at some point. I could easily see it tasting better, being cheaper, and being healthier (and better for the environment).
I have both knowingly and unknowingly eaten horse. Knowingly from horse meatballs in Germany and unknowingly from the horse meat scandal where cheap and potentially illegal backstreet horse meat was used as a misleading, uninformed substitute for beef in many supermarket products.
The knowingly consumed horse meatballs were not that great, to be honest, but I suspect that horses aren't farmed for food in as great a number as cattle, sheep or pigs and thusly aren't raised in the same way with end taste in mind. It didn't taste awful, it was just... a meal.
The unknowingly consumed supermarket horse meat is a crapshoot because I don't know what percentage of a particular meal was actually beef and what was actually horse and given that it's supermarket food and ready meals, packed full of additional ingredients that give a neutral, repeatable taste anyway.
I'm not averse to knowingly eating horse again if I saw it on a menu in a restaurant. I'd like to try it and eat it with spices, sauces and whatnot to see if it really can be a good meat. The taboo of what animals we do and don't eat doesn't affect me personally when it comes to horses, at least:
Rabbit I've eaten lots of times and don't consider it unusual. Culturally, it's common throughout Wales to eat rabbit as a normal, non-controversial foodstuff. It's usually only the most urban areas or those who have rabbits as pets that don't. Same goes for pigeon (not pictured).
How's that? I did notice that foie gras is cited specifically as an example of animal cruelty, but I didn't think much of it as I don't put much stock in polls as a representation of what people as a whole actually believe anyway. However, you've now brought it up in actual discussion and I'm driven to comment.(because foie gras)