Food for thought: A somewhat disturbing essay

  • Thread starter Zardoz
Which sort of Muslims?

This sort:

Attack on Iraq an attack on Islam: Bukhari

Dangerous Concepts - to Attack Islam and Consolidate the Western Culture

The Multifocal Attack On Islam

The War Against Islam

The War On Islam

Is It A War On Islam?
Still, none of this amounts to a war on Islam. Some will disagree. The fanatical hordes spilling out of Pakistan's madrassas imagine seeing Richard the Lion Hearted bearing down upon them. Sword in hand they pray to Allah to grant war and send the modern Saladin, one who can miraculously dodge cruise missiles and hurl them back to their launchers.

Here's a non-Muslim who agrees:

President prepares U.S. for conflict with 'radical Islam' from Spain to Indonesia

When we went in, mullahs all over the world were raving about it being an assault on the faith. You don't remember that?


(BTW, if you think I'm paranoid, take a look at this site! Serious fear and loathing here: )

And finally, the CBS Evening News' lead story tonight is the possibility of a U.S. air strike on Iran to take out its nuclear facilities. The White House is "not denying that there are contingency military plans", they say.



"Eurabia", indeed:

Europe's Muslim Street

More are on the way. Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

A parallel process of Muslim enfranchisement is accompanying this population surge. Nearly half of the 5 million to 7 million Muslims in France are already French citizens. The situation is similar for most of the 2 million Muslims in Great Britain. Most recently, in 2000, Germany joined the countries where citizenship is granted according to birthplace instead of ancestry. The new German citizenship laws added already a half million voters to the rolls and have opened the road to citizenship to all other Muslims in Germany. With currently 160,000 new Muslim citizens a year, the number of voters might total 3 million in the next decade.


From CNN -

4/9/06 CNN News (Pg. Unavail. Online)
2006 WLNR 5981198

Copyright 2006 Voxant Inc.

April 9, 2006

Interviews With the investigative journalist, the Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh. His article, "The Iran Plans," appears in the new issue of The New Yorker magazine. Sy Hersh, welcome back to "Late Edition."

SEYMOUR HERSH, THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINE: Glad to be here. BLITZER: Here's, among other things, what you write in the article: "A government consultant with close ties to the civilian leadership in the Pentagon said that Bush was 'absolutely convinced that Iran is going to get the bomb' if it is not stopped. He said that the president believes that he must do 'what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,' and that 'saving Iran is going to be his legacy.' " So what's your bottom line? Do you believe, based on the reporting you did for this article, that the president of the United States is now aggressively plotting military action, a preemptive strike against Iran?

HERSH: The word I hear is messianic. He thinks, as I wrote, that he's the only one now who will have the courage to do it. He's politically free. I don't think he's overwhelmingly concerned about the '06 elections, congressional elections. I think he really thinks he has a chance, and this is going to be his mission.

BLITZER: So your sources have concluded basically that the diplomatic option as it's going forward is not necessarily going to work?

HERSH: That's the fear. The fear is that we're back to the pre- Iraqi invasion game when we went through the U.N. exercise. The fear is that the White House, there's some people in the White House who aren't really, no matter what happens diplomatically, they don't believe Iran's going to give up its ambitions. BLITZER: The rhetoric coming from the president and the vice president, Dick Cheney, has been very serious. I want you to listen to these excerpts of what the president and vice president recently said.


BUSH: The threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our strong ally, Israel. That's a threat. A serious threat. It's a threat to world peace. It's a threat in essence to a strong alliance. I made it clear -- I'll make clear again -- that we will use military might to protect our ally, Israel.



RICHARD CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United States is keeping all options on the table in addressing the irresponsible conduct of the regime. And we join other nations in sending that regime a clear message: We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.


BLITZER: Well, what do you think? Given the enormous military headaches the United States now has in Iraq, does the U.S. military have the wherewithal to launch another preemptive strike, this time against Iran?

HERSH: Oh, sure. We have plenty of air power. We can do it. We have great precision bombings. There's been a lot of planning going on. It's more than planning, it's operational planning. It's beyond contingency planning. There's serious, specific plans. Nobody's made a decision yet. There hasn't been a warning order or an execute order. But the planning's gotten much more intense and much more focused.

I can't tell you. Nobody can say what's going to happen in the future. But I can just tell you there are people in the Pentagon and people, our allies, the allies involved with us diplomatically, the French, the Germans and the Brits, who don't really know what the president is thinking.

Why do you think that Cheney is stating unequivocally that Iran will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons? What do you think he's worried about?
Well, it is an interesting dystopian piece about the direction that the world is taking. It kinda reminded me of Robocop crossed with Terminator for a moment, and then I realised that he is out of his mind.

That said, meh. It makes you think for a minuite, but the conclution that I'm supposed to draw I belive is lost in translation. Am I supposed to support the far-right and move to completely obliterate the Middle East? Am I supposed to support the far-left and cower in fear of the Islamic Fundamentalists, and retreat to the "corner" inside our homes?

Although I would agree that Europe and China are both going to be playing increasingly larger roles in the world today, far larger than that of the last 61 years since WWII, but they still need to deal with the US. His comment about Canada breaking up made me chuckle a bit as well, as I obviously don't have a clue what the problems are between Canadians.

Interesting at best, a good piece of dystopian science fiction.
A very interesting read, but...

In 20 years' time, when nothing has happened 123 minutes into any Indy 500s, I want the 15 minutes I spent reading that paid back to me.

...that's pretty much what I was thinking, too. It's a neat essay and all, but its validity will be pretty easy for us motorheads to disprove when we don't notice anything extraordinary happening during the Indy 500. As if this piece could be taken that seriously to begin with. :lol:

Zardoz is right, though -- it does offer an interesting rebuttal to the way America currently views all of this.
This sort

I'm sorry, you appear to have misunderstood the question.

Which sort of Muslims?

Islam is no more an unified religion than Christianity.
I'm sorry, you appear to have misunderstood the question.

Which sort of Muslims?

Islam is no more an unified religion than Christianity.

Please define "sort". Are you responding to my "ask the Muslims who feel that way" comment?

If you're talking about the two major branches, Sunnis and Shiites, they both feel threatened, dissrespected, and thoroughly humiliated. The other sects are very small, although the most fanatical, the Wahhabis, exert influence way beyond their numbers.
So... why are Sunni Muslims allowing us to base our operations (against Shi'a states) in their countries?
Once again, please define "sort".

So... why are Sunni Muslims allowing us to base our operations (against Shi'a states) in their countries?

Okay, I'll bite. Please specify the countries you are referring to, and the specific Shiite states you are talking about. I'm an American, you know, so you have to be very, very specific with me, or I won't get it.
A slightly entertaining read. I started skimming after I got the gist at the beginning.

I think a writing like this serves at least one purpose - to get people to take terrorists a little more seriously. But the doom and gloom scenario the writer puts forth is pretty laughable.
Why is everyone taking this literature so seriously? He's a Sci-Fi writer, doesn't that tell you something about his intent? "Ooh, I'm shaking in my boots, that was a little freaky to read." Come on. I'm not taking any advice from a guy whose job it is to make up crazily unrealistic scenarios and flights of alien fantasy.
Crazily unrealistic it is, but look beyond the gloss of sci-fi and some of the points he raises are interesting.

What the hell is a "War on Terror" anyway? Why not a "War on Aviation" or a "War on WMDs"? :lol:

But yeah, a lot of this has been said before... I know I've said something to the fact... about how the lack of commitment and preparation for the Iraqi war has is hampering the US's chances of winning it... and others to the right of me have bemoaned how us liberals are all bellyaching about the "Patriot Act" instead of focusing on the reasons it was instituted in the first place... (Is Dan Simmons really a liberal? :lol: )

Still... nothing new... and no, there aren't enough Muslims to take over the world... yet.
Predictable, yes, but I'm always up for a history lesson... :lol:
Well....The muslims again......

Why must it always be them?...

Anyways..the author raises some very interesting and valid points. If you have lived among muslims(the more fanatic types) you know its a time bomb waiting to explode.