Cheers Blitz 👍 you too.. i'd forgotten how good that 'Smoothe the Hustler' track was, as for 'T.R.O.Y'... (along with 'Mainsource's' 'Looking at the front door' that someone mentioned earlier)... Easily 2 of my all time favorite classic tunes.
Midnite P, Excellent 'Capitol D' tune used to listen to his stuff alot, quite like some of the stuff the 'Molemen' did aswell.. especially this tune featuring 'Doom':
cullenand, Some great tunes there... especially like 'Blackstar' 'Definition'.. i find it impossible not to bop my head whilst listening to that tune.
Anyway.. thought i'd post a few more tunes, they're not exactly old skool in the purest sense.. TBH i think most of the old skool artist/tunes have already been mentioned a few pages ago (with exception of 'Schooly D', 'Cold Crush Brothers').. anyway these are mostly from the 90's:
'Kool G Rap & Polo' 'Streets of NY':
'ED OG & the Bulldogs' 'Love comes and goes':
'Son Of Bazerk' 'The Band gets swivy on the wheels'.. (love the use of 'Ice cubes' 'Amerikkka's most wanted'):
'Organized Konfusion' 'Let's Organize'.. (love this tune but TBH the whole album is dope.. still can't believe it's from 1994, ahead of it's time IMO):
'J Rawls' 'Blue # 2.. Homeskillit & Charlie Cooper'.. (not exactly old skool.. 2000-2002 i think, but i love it regardless):
Noticed someone mentioned about the East/West battles 15 years ago.. Yeah i think alot of it was just marketing for sales, but damn it produced some fine tunes... these were 2 of my faves of that era:
'Royal Flush' 'Worldwide':
'Tim Dog Ft KRS One' 'I get Wrecked'... (Kris Parkers on fine form with this 1) i believe it's a 2nd diss to 'Snoop Dog' :
PS, props!! to the guy who mentioned 'Hijack' 'Demon Boyz' 'Blade' etc, British old skool deserves some love:
'Demon Boyz' 'Recognition':