TVRKing 6,847 SeismicGravy Aug 24, 2002 #62 British car mate. Ford Sierra Cosworth being the fastest.
SaleenASL 1,786 Aug 24, 2002 #63 there is a truck by another manufactuere called sierra. didnt know if he was getting mixed up. too bad we never got anything like the cosworth.
there is a truck by another manufactuere called sierra. didnt know if he was getting mixed up. too bad we never got anything like the cosworth.
S Supraman4life 149 Aug 24, 2002 #65 ALtough ford has some good stuff im a ford haitter and a chevy apreciater but for that reson i always find it fun to make fun of fords whenever isee one
ALtough ford has some good stuff im a ford haitter and a chevy apreciater but for that reson i always find it fun to make fun of fords whenever isee one
F1man 3,261 Aug 25, 2002 #68 cheap cars =break down to much! expensive=never break down in my inpinion!
M Meglomaniac 538 Aug 25, 2002 #69 nah but in britain sierra is a name of a Ford car, tad old now but still if u made it into a cossie its fantastic.
nah but in britain sierra is a name of a Ford car, tad old now but still if u made it into a cossie its fantastic.
TVRKing 6,847 SeismicGravy Aug 25, 2002 #70 Some people here have got 540bhp out of their "Cossie" motor. 😈