Thats because one year later, PD are still updating the game considerably and introducing DLC which was NEVER planned. That is why Gt fans approve because any DLC > no DLC. Also please tell me a racing dev (not PC obviously) that continues to update their game, one year on.....I think PD do care about the name of Gran Turismo.

No one said it was perfect, they said superior. Go to GTP people still complain about above issues and I am sure Pd have or will recognise them
GT has a great community, one of the largest if the largest in the racing genre. It has a huge following and fans that realise how great the title or series is too them. I think this is what makes PD so devoted: the fans not the haters or trolls but the fans who do criticise but constructively.

If you honestly think that a forum called FORZA PLANET is not going to be forza biased then I think you need to wake up.
I did not know that in IRL during races the space time continuum freezes and that weather on Earth is always sunny as it is in Forza 4.
Oh yes, and you do dont you. Especially with such educated responses like this:
If you had any sense you would know that those karts only arrived after an installation of spec 2 update so were not on the disc originally.
In that thread you were constantly trying to defend Turn 10 about their greediness which amuses me.
Your telling me that in two months turn 10 were able to model 20 cars but were only able to model 90 or so cars in two years
Not only that but the aventador's gauges were shown half a year ago....yet Turn 10 could not make the deadline for one car in 6 months; but dont worry it coincidentally appeared in the first car pack.
See the problem with you is you lack of comprehension. People do not mind dlc not matter how stupid it is, like for instance paints in GT5 because it is optional. What people do mind is how close the dlc is released within the game s launch a la Forza 4 which had pre planned dlc 1 month later.
Your rebuttal about the scirocco in GT5 was pathetic too; the words "Missed in the last minute" do not prove PD did the same thing as Turn 10. Lets suppose your right though, because even if they did they did not release it straight away because DLC was never planned. It was only due to huge fan outcry that DLC was given.
I would also like to see your excuses for season passes ( lot of other devs do it is not good enough), car tokens, oh yes and of course the wonderful ultimate collection