Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
It's easy to find forza players who will say all that's great about GT5, where it excels etc, but it's rare, nay impluseable to ever get a GT5 fanboi to utter anything positive about Forza. I've encountered gt5 fans arguing that the livery editor is rubbish as its about racing not painting cars... then defending standard cars by saying gt5 isn't just about nice graphics it's about the physics.... then showing a picture of how great the prem cars look... demented idiots that's what the gt community is made up of, even by gaming standards of forum dwelling fanboys gts are a disgusting bunch of blinkered sunlight dodging basement dwellers....
It's easy to find forza players who will say all that's great about GT5, where it excels etc, but it's rare, nay impluseable to ever get a GT5 fanboi to utter anything positive about Forza. I've encountered gt5 fans arguing that the livery editor is rubbish as its about racing not painting cars... then defending standard cars by saying gt5 isn't just about nice graphics it's about the physics.... then showing a picture of how great the prem cars look... demented idiots that's what the gt community is made up of, even by gaming standards of forum dwelling fanboys gts are a disgusting bunch of blinkered sunlight dodging basement dwellers....

There's people saying that RIGHT NOW in the GT Planet News section about the DLC. Some genius actually has the nerve to say, and I quote "I love the livery editor in Forza, but is it a simulator necessity? Not really, as you can’t get specialized graphics at a dealership. This is labeled a driving simulator, not pimp my ride!
As a artist, I would like the option, but I also respect PD for their dedication for realism.". Seriously?!?! Not having a livery editor is a respect note of dedication to realism on PD's part? Give me a break.

If GT5 and PD were human males there would be NO NEED for them to get married. They'd get 🤬 every night , just hand the fans a toothbrush when it's over.
Thats because one year later, PD are still updating the game considerably and introducing DLC which was NEVER planned. That is why Gt fans approve because any DLC > no DLC. Also please tell me a racing dev (not PC obviously) that continues to update their game, one year on.....I think PD do care about the name of Gran Turismo.

:lol: No one said it was perfect, they said superior. Go to GTP people still complain about above issues and I am sure Pd have or will recognise them

GT has a great community, one of the largest if the largest in the racing genre. It has a huge following and fans that realise how great the title or series is too them. I think this is what makes PD so devoted: the fans not the haters or trolls but the fans who do criticise but constructively.

:lol: If you honestly think that a forum called FORZA PLANET is not going to be forza biased then I think you need to wake up.

I did not know that in IRL during races the space time continuum freezes and that weather on Earth is always sunny as it is in Forza 4.:rolleyes:

Oh yes, and you do dont you. Especially with such educated responses like this:

If you had any sense you would know that those karts only arrived after an installation of spec 2 update so were not on the disc originally. :dunce:

In that thread you were constantly trying to defend Turn 10 about their greediness which amuses me.

Your telling me that in two months turn 10 were able to model 20 cars but were only able to model 90 or so cars in two years :crazy:

Not only that but the aventador's gauges were shown half a year ago....yet Turn 10 could not make the deadline for one car in 6 months; but dont worry it coincidentally appeared in the first car pack.

See the problem with you is you lack of comprehension. People do not mind dlc not matter how stupid it is, like for instance paints in GT5 because it is optional. What people do mind is how close the dlc is released within the game s launch a la Forza 4 which had pre planned dlc 1 month later.

Your rebuttal about the scirocco in GT5 was pathetic too; the words "Missed in the last minute" do not prove PD did the same thing as Turn 10. Lets suppose your right though, because even if they did they did not release it straight away because DLC was never planned. It was only due to huge fan outcry that DLC was given.

I would also like to see your excuses for season passes ( lot of other devs do it is not good enough), car tokens, oh yes and of course the wonderful ultimate collection :confused:

Oh dear we have a serious gt5 fanboy in the room, I'm level 32 on gt5 and have been enjoying gt since number 1 on the playstation. But guess what its no longer the best and it hasnt been for a whle now. Gt4 was one hell of a dissapointment for me, it was just gt3 with more cars and then forza came out with its damage, customization, better phyisics, better car roster(more doesnt equal better) and still the hardcore gt fanoys would not even give forza a chance. Forza 4 is on another level to gt and its about time these so called driving experts over at gt planet realise this.
Since you mentioned Dan Greenwalt and Yamauchi... one of the things I simply laughed at, even to this day, was how fans of the GT series were up in arms crying foul when DG stated 'definitive' a few times while promoting Forza 3, and these GT fans continued to neglect lines that PD/Sony tagged on the GT franchise such as 'the standard' and 'the real driving simulator'. Double standard much?!

You're forgetting quite possibly the worst example from Kaz: "expect perfection".


In all seriousness though, I don't take either Yamauchi's or Greenawalt's presentation words at face value, literally - that'd be silly. When they're giving those talks, they are PR men as much as they are producers, and of course they're going to glamorize their product - they're in the business of selling.

I had no interest in FM until a short while after FM3 came out. I always saw it as the GT impersonator it was almost openly self-described as when it first showed up on the original XBox. But it's really become its own game, slightly different from GT in some ways, almost the same in others, and vastly different in yet other ones. There are problems with FM4, some like the recent issue Wolfe's brought to focus, others more personal issues I have with the interface and general layout of the game, but it definitely has that feeling of automotive passion shot right through it. GT5 has that too, but sometimes it's hard to see because the huge inconsistencies in quality grab your attention.
There's people saying that RIGHT NOW in the GT Planet News section about the DLC. Some genius actually has the nerve to say, and I quote "I love the livery editor in Forza, but is it a simulator necessity? Not really, as you can’t get specialized graphics at a dealership. This is labeled a driving simulator, not pimp my ride!
As a artist, I would like the option, but I also respect PD for their dedication for realism.". Seriously?!?! Not having a livery editor is a respect note of dedication to realism on PD's part? Give me a break.

If GT5 and PD were human males there would be NO NEED for them to get married. They'd get 🤬 every night , just hand the fans a toothbrush when it's over.

This is one of the biggest problems. See you can own both games. The quote you found is saying that as an Artist he'd like to utilise the forza livery editor as a graphical tool. But he has to live with GT5 and no option to get creative.

But why?
OK i realise now that it is debatable whether there is much point in owning both xbox and ps and fm4 and gt5, frankly i dont play my PS3 at all.

But when i did go excitedly down to the store to collect my PS3 and GT5 game i cant remember there ever being any choice i was given.

store clerk: Sir.........heres your PlayStation 3 with GT5.....(i reach to grab it) but wait! Sir, you must please sign this waver and promise and swear on the almighty scroll for your alligence to GT5!
RULE 1, Never ever play the similar game available on another platform nor never utter its name anywhere around unless its to mock its sorry ass....
RULE 2, Never admit GT5's problems, and those standard cars? they are but mere bonus' got a bonus...wheres that similar games 'bonus'...hmmm...hmmm???!!
RULE 3, because Kaz calls this a 'real driving sim' it means it is..its says on the box, also remember this mantra "standard cars are fine, who cares for graphics its a simulator.....but having said that, how great do my prem cars look!!?"

OK....go forth and grind....

You can own both yet these odd fanbois seem to believe the above is actually true..... its just weird..
and where this manifests itself is that PS3 owners like to think us XBOXers are all jealous of PS3 and GT5, when in fact we may even own both or just not care for owning 2 consoles..... personally i wish i never purchased my PS3, but thats a moot point.
PS3 owners like to think cause their system was way over priced it makes them seem special.......noobs.
just thought i share my view as unbiased as i can.
i own a 360 from the start and been a playstation fan from the beginning.
bought a ps3 as well a year + ago for gt to be honest.
been playing gt from the very first ps up to ps3 at the moment,that is untill gt 6 comes out for perhaps the ps4 but anyway.....
point is i own both titles forza 4 and gt5,both as limited edition.
i own all forza titles as well also on the first xbox and still have them all.
i agree across the board that forza has more to offer in terms of customizing,auctioning etc. won't name it all here cause everyone knows what the content is by now.
if i compare them side by side how the handling is of the cars be it with a controller or steering wheel than gran turismo 5 is spot on,forza 4 just doesn't feel how do i put it ...well right in my hands,i play with someone who ranked in the top 10 leaderboard of forza 2,3 and 4.
almost every week i spend some time on forza 4 next to gt5 be it online or in the career mode, im now level 50 in forza 4 and level 38 (a-spec) in gt5.
and still i have problems with how forza 4 handles compared to gt5 given all the time i still devote to it.
and as for who has the better driving game....well at the end of day numbers count so the saying goes :) :
i did my part to support forza 4 since it is not a bad game ^_^ and i like race games.
I despair.....

just cause Forza feels different to GT doesn't mean GT is right and Forza wrong... classic fanboy garbage firstly.
secondly just cause something sells alot doesn't mean it's the best. Stupid stupid people!!!!

honestly now tell me how your so sure GT is right and Forza wrong , tell me your experience of track driving? and how many cars you've tested in your life please.

me well bit of track day action but that's it really. few driving days but never allowed to thrash the Supercars . so for me I can't which is better , forza or gt, so how can you?
@artboy76 its because the cars keep skidding in forza 4 no matter how i put the sensitivity of the gas i tried everything setting it up correctly.
in gt5 if i setup a car by adjusting the roll-bar or suspension and take it to the track with my setup adjusted to either the wheel (i have a g-27) or pad it works even the amg sls 2010 model i had problems with works sublime.
i just can't get it right in forza 4 and i pay attention here as well how others do set up there cars.
@artboy76 its because the cars keep skidding in forza 4 no matter how i put the sensitivity of the gas i tried everything setting it up correctly.
in gt5 if i setup a car by adjusting the roll-bar or suspension and take it to the track with my setup adjusted to either the wheel (i have a g-27) or pad it works even the amg sls 2010 model i had problems with works sublime.
i just can't get it right in forza 4 and i pay attention here as well how others do set up there cars.

I have no problems with someone stating their preference in this VS discussion - I like the color red, you like blue, neither is right or wrong. The problem with these VS discussions is everyone thinks they can give an "unbiased" opinion. Everyone is biased in some way. It is only when all of the variables are known that we can come to a agree to disagree. We never usually get all variables...

*** Wheel or pad (impossible to compare apples to apples)
*** Type of wheel/pedals (can make big difference)
*** Racers maturity level (kido, thirty something, over the hill gang)
*** Racers IRL "driving" experience (doesn't drive, just got temps, veteran road warrior)
*** Racers IRL "racing" experience
*** IRL car ownership history (econno boxes, luxury, road/touring, muscle cars, trucks, etc.)
*** Country of origin (this on plays big into the red vs blue preference)
*** Knowledge of cars (can put own gas in, can wrench with the best)
*** ... could go on...

There is so much that goes into our like, dislike, or preference in our game of choice. More preference than fact.

EDIT: Also, your "... cars keep skidding in forza 4..." statement sounds VERY SIMILAR to my opinion of GT5 early on. I had made the comment at one point on GTPlanet that many cars in GT5 feel like they are on ice. Was this an accurate assessment of GT5 or the driver?
just thought i share my view as unbiased as i can.
i own a 360 from the start and been a playstation fan from the beginning.
bought a ps3 as well a year + ago for gt to be honest.
been playing gt from the very first ps up to ps3 at the moment,that is untill gt 6 comes out for perhaps the ps4 but anyway.....
point is i own both titles forza 4 and gt5,both as limited edition.
i own all forza titles as well also on the first xbox and still have them all.
i agree across the board that forza has more to offer in terms of customizing,auctioning etc. won't name it all here cause everyone knows what the content is by now.
if i compare them side by side how the handling is of the cars be it with a controller or steering wheel than gran turismo 5 is spot on,forza 4 just doesn't feel how do i put it ...well right in my hands,i play with someone who ranked in the top 10 leaderboard of forza 2,3 and 4.
almost every week i spend some time on forza 4 next to gt5 be it online or in the career mode, im now level 50 in forza 4 and level 38 (a-spec) in gt5.
and still i have problems with how forza 4 handles compared to gt5 given all the time i still devote to it.
and as for who has the better driving game....well at the end of day numbers count so the saying goes :) :
i did my part to support forza 4 since it is not a bad game ^_^ and i like race games.

First can I point out that when you joined Forza Planet you agreed to follow the AUP, part of which includes:

You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

The use of capitals when required (such as at the start of sentences, for true nouns and single 'I's, is not option. Please ensure all your future posts follow the AUP.

Now onto this part of your post:
As for who has the better driving game....well at the end of day numbers count so the saying goes :) :
Sales do not equal quality and never have, a few examples from an article I read a few days ago should help illustrate this:

Ke$ha's "Tik-Tok" sold more copies than ANY Beatles single

Led Zeppelin, REM, and Depeche Mode have never had a number one single, Rihanna has 10

Celine Dion's "Falling Into You" sold more copies than any Queen, Nirvana, or Bruce Springsteen record

Barbra Streisand has sold more records (140 million) than Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, and Tom Petty combined

The cast of "Glee" has had more songs chart than The Beatles

Source -

Now while I'm not going to compare GT5 to the cast of Glee, I hope the above illustrates that popularity and sales do not (and never will) automatically equal quality.

If a game (or a film, or a book, or a record, etc, etc) is good then it may or many not sell in massive quantities, just as if a game (or a film, or a book, or a record, etc, etc) sells millions then it may or may not be good. One does not automatically mean the other.

Cheers scaff, much ore ellegantly and succinctly put than I could of done, his post made me want to throw my laptop out of the window!!!
@artboy76 its because the cars keep skidding in forza 4 no matter how i put the sensitivity of the gas i tried everything setting it up correctly.
Now, this is interesting... Because most people seem to think that Forza is too easy/forigiving/grippy, or however they put it.

That said, it is true that there are no tyres that offer as much grip as GT5's racing soft tyres, however, Forza's Sport Tyres will basically keep most cars up to A class glued to the road pretty easily, so this is kinda suprising.

One thing to remember: The suspension tuning in GT5 was "backwards", if my memory serves me. So, if you are going by what GT5 taught you about suspension tuning, that kind of result would be expected.
I honestly don't believe that every driving game should be judged on how it feels compared to GT5.
This is part of the problem, people in their millions buying GT5, total sheep to a brand "sony" "gran turismo", and then with clever marketing (GT Academy, sponcer Le Mans cars etc etc) and a healthy dose of Japanese quirkiness and bravado and suddenly GT5 IS the real driving simulator......quick how does Shift 2 feel against GT5..hmmm, too hard, it must be rubbish, quick how does Forza compare...hmmm not the same feel i get from GT5, which as we now know IS the real driving simulator........

rinse and repeat....

one further thing i'll say again...even if you did have in GT5 the real driving simulator (which i dont think you do BTW) the mere fact 800 of its cars are in fact old last gen cars with presumably last gen physics and no interior views....well it kinda renders the rest of the stuff as, well.....pointless....
Sales do not equal quality and never have, a few examples from an article I read a few days ago should help illustrate this:

Source -

Now while I'm not going to compare GT5 to the cast of Glee, I hope the above illustrates that popularity and sales do not (and never will) automatically equal quality.

If a game (or a film, or a book, or a record, etc, etc) is good then it may or many not sell in massive quantities, just as if a game (or a film, or a book, or a record, etc, etc) sells millions then it may or may not be good. One does not automatically mean the other.


How many times I have to use this example. Back in the 70's a guy put a rock in a box and sold OVER A MILLION OF THEM. YES A MILLION PEOPLE PAID ACTUAL MONEY FOR A PET ROCK.
How many times I have to use this example. Back in the 70's a guy put a rock in a box and sold OVER A MILLION OF THEM. YES A MILLION PEOPLE PAID ACTUAL MONEY FOR A PET ROCK.

I'd have called mine Simon :D
Unbiased opinion here...(1st time poster)

I've never owned any GT game or Forza game but I've played some of the GT games since GT1 and tried Forza 2 back in the day. I wanted to finally jump into the sim racing genre so I downloaded the Forza 4 demo upon release. At this point I have never tried GT5 nor was even interested in buying it. I wanted F4 because of all the cars that were in it compared to GT5. I'm a muscle car guy but I've also owned some pretty cool imports such as the 2000 S2000 the year it came out which was hard to get because of low production #'s.

So when I tried the demo I was impressed by the intuitive interface. And the graphics while pretty good somehow didn't impress me as much as thought it would. One thing that really bothered me was the jaggies. There were everywhere clearly visible on my 73" 3D DLP. I wondered if this was just the demo but later found out through message boards that the retail version was the same. From the start I tried Simulation control settings. The reason is I used to play Ferrari F355 Challenge on Dreamcast with the Sega steering wheel and it felt as close to real life at the time for videogames (2000/2001) That game gave me videogame driving skills that I could actually apply to real life driving and visa versa. I thought F4 felt pretty good through the controller. The manual clutch felt real good. Since I didn't have a wheel I didn't care much about what I thought about the physics at that point. I was going off visuals and sounds then and would get a wheel later.

Well still trying to figure out which sim to get after my experience with the Forza4 demo i began researching GT5. With all the complaints I heard about it I never thought I would of end up choosing it at the end of the day. Spec 2.0 was to be released that same week and GT fanboys on message boards were excited in anticipation. Also the price of GT5 had dropped to $40. I thought to myself if there were any time to jump into GT5 it would be now. And if i didn't like it I wouldnt be much at a loss with only spending $40. Needless to say I bought it used for $35 LOL because I figured so many people were mad at PD that I would use this as a way to pre-emptively strike against them should the game turn out to be a disaster. Like I said i have no ties to the Gran Turismo brand other than its been around along time and I watched my car nut friends play it since the PSX days.

For the first day of playing I did some back to back testing of GT5 and Forza 4 both hooked up through my 3D-ready home theater which I had just bought a month prior so i can easily switch back and forth between both games. One thing I noticed immediately is that both games have jaggies. Its just that Forza has a ton more and it really bothered my eyes. GT5 not so much. I read about the infamous screen tearing problem of GT5 but couldn't immediately produce it. I know its there but it didn't jump out at me as much as the jaggies did in Forza 4. Also the overall graphics on both game are exceptional aside from F4 jaggies. But when it comes to realism (photorealism) while driving there is no question. GT5 looks close to what it looks like when i'm driving in the real world.

Because I was using the controller i didn't want to come to any early conclusions about the driving physics so I went out and got a Fanatec GT2 wheel, Clubsport pedals, and CSR shifter. I also heard the spec 2.0 update would fix some of the issues with manual/clutch on GT5. So when the wheel came I could finally see which game felt more real to me. The feeling of weight and momentum in GT5 is what gave me the impression that I was driving a real car in my living room. I came to this real quickly. I didn't even factor in the countersteering glitch or permassist that I read about though I'm sure that it affected my decision at the time. But now that Turn 10 fixed this it would be the core driving system in Forza 4 that I could test with the wheel but sadly the demo can not be patched obviously.

Here are some comparisons:

The sound of Forza 4 really pumps through my home theater. Gran Turismo's vacuum cleaner sound complaints are valid. But i don't believe either game are getting authentic sounds correctly but for pure entertainment F4 wins.

The car list in Forza 4 is fantastic. Gran Turismo is good maybe great. The reason I would go out and buy Forza is primarily for the cars that GT5 doesn't have.

The 3D feature in Gran Turismo is some of the best I've seen of all 3D PS# games. Yes it drop the rez and the framerate. But if you have not tried it you just don't know what you're missing. You definitely won't care much about not being at 60fps (coming from a 60fps whore) and the depth perception is amazing and helps you judge corners and turns. Also screen tearing is damn near non-existent. I simply cannot play GT5 without 3D and if Forza supported 3D i would have probably already bought it.

Needless to say now that the steering is fixed on Forza I'm going to eventually pick it up. And maybe I might even find the physics to be better than GT5 now. But the sensation of driving in my living room as if i'm driving out in the real world simply hits my subconscoius more in GT5. No fanboy feelings for either game involved.
Unbiased opinion here...(1st time poster)

I've never owned any GT game or Forza game but I've played some of the GT games since GT1 and tried Forza 2 back in the day. ....

Ok, nice read but flawed from the beginning. You're comparing a "full" (and I use the term loosely) game of GT5 to a demo version of Forza 4. Kinda kills the whole point of the post. See what I mean?

I too am an anti-jaggiest. lol. And it was always a thing that bothered me with Forza and , to be honest, most games period. I was anticipating GT5 to be virtually jaggie free. What I found was that it was almost worse. Now I know you're going to say, "No way GT5 is worse". Here's where I'm coming from. With Forza you have a consistency across the screen. Nothing looks drastically worse than the other thing. Nothing looks tremendously better than something else on the screen. The picture is consistent so after while your eyes adjust to what you see. With GT5 you can get a great looking section of the screen on the left and some horrid looking jaggies happening on something else on the right. Totally breaking the consistency.

Perfect example of this is NHL 2K6. The rink and ice looked photorealistic. I mean just outstanding YET the players on the ice were looking like some Sega genesis graphics in comparison. Rink and ice looked like millions of colors palette while players look like thousand colors graphics and it stood out and totally broke the immersion.

As far as the 3D I'm glad that you and others are able to enjoy it. I wish I was able to myself but there's no way I'm putting glasses on my face for anything longer than a short movie. It's the sole reason I haven't ran out and got a 3D television already. I just have a thing with wearing those glasses for any period of time. I know if my vision starts to fade I'm definitely going to be a contact lens kinda guy. I just have an aversion to things of my face. I'm waiting until they invent 3D without the glasses.
For the jaggles, the platform is to blame, current consoles are aging and new ones are nearing the end of their dev cycle. I expect FM5/GT6 to have BF3 PC level of detail. As of right now, pCARS reigns supreme in the graphics department.

But I have to say, the demo versions of each franchise both look much better compared to its released counterparts. ie: GT5P's rain effects looked unreal, and FM4D took sharpness to a whole 'nother level.
But I have to say, the demo versions of each franchise both look much better compared to its released counterparts. ie: GT5P's rain effects looked unreal, and FM4D took sharpness to a whole 'nother level.

Thats interesting...and doesn't sound to inviting as far as F4 retail's visuals.

T.O. if what he said is true than do the jaggies get even worse or is it other visual features other than aliasing being degraded. The jaggies in F4 demo danced and sparkled like no other current gen game i've seen. Even little things like the stripes on the road would twinkle like christmas lights. On GT5 they were there but they didn't seem to twinkle and catch my eye alot. I'm sure its something I could get used to but its really hard. Truthfully if it weren't for the demo's jaggies I probably would have never thought to even take a glance at GT5. I would have just went out and bought F4 upon release. It was bad enough (for me) to take a look at the competition. I was still disappointed when I got GT5 but it was not annoying at all and I could play the game and concentrate on driving instead.

Anyone else also feel F4 retail graphics are worse than the demo?
Thats interesting...and doesn't sound to inviting as far as F4 retail's visuals.

T.O. if what he said is true than do the jaggies get even worse or is it other visual features other than aliasing being degraded. The jaggies in F4 demo danced and sparkled like no other current gen game i've seen. Even little things like the stripes on the road would twinkle like christmas lights. On GT5 they were there but they didn't seem to twinkle and catch my eye alot. I'm sure its something I could get used to but its really hard. Truthfully if it weren't for the demo's jaggies I probably would have never thought to even take a glance at GT5. I would have just went out and bought F4 upon release. It was bad enough (for me) to take a look at the competition. I was still disappointed when I got GT5 but it was not annoying at all and I could play the game and concentrate on driving instead.

Anyone else also feel F4 retail graphics are worse than the demo?

I'm going to take a second look at this. But I have to tell you I thought graphically it was the same. Mind you I'm comparing the Alps track on the demo to the retail. Another thing that might come into play is do you have your TV settings adjusted correctly? Most people bring home an HDTV, unpack it and just say GO. I don't know of any TV that's adjusted correctly out the box. Most are in "torch mode" so they can stand out in a field of other TV's on a showroom. This make jaggies jump out the screen and is not the way the TV was meant to be watched.
I visit where there are tons of threads about getting the best calibration out of your tv...i used a setting that a good majority of members used on their same model sets...and it does look a ton better than out of the box...i had to also turn off most of the built-in visual enhancers that are turned on by default.

killzone 3 looks amazing on my previous tv thats now in my bedroom is a 50" plasma panasonic and the 73" dlp is alot more natural looking...i was truly amazed and wasn't expecting it to outclass my faithful plasma.

so the answer is forza should look beautiful on my tv and it does...its just the anti-aliasing comes up short compared to alot of other games especially most PC games...if that was the trade off was to get a solid 60 fps...than i would rather have less jaggies and let the fps drop to 52-55fps from time to time...its worth the drop imo
I visit where there are tons of threads about getting the best calibration out of your tv...i used a setting that a good majority of members used on their same model sets...and it does look a ton better than out of the box...i had to also turn off most of the built-in visual enhancers that are turned on by default.

killzone 3 looks amazing on my previous tv thats now in my bedroom is a 50" plasma panasonic and the 73" dlp is alot more natural looking...i was truly amazed and wasn't expecting it to outclass my faithful plasma.

so the answer is forza should look beautiful on my tv and it does...its just the anti-aliasing comes up short compared to alot of other games especially most PC games...if that was the trade off was to get a solid 60 fps...than i would rather have less jaggies and let the fps drop to 52-55fps from time to time...its worth the drop imo

Ahhh another AVS'er. Yeah I use ControlCal on my Kuro Elites. Very natural looking. 73" DLP you say? hmmmm. Let me not start getting off track. Which DLP do you have, btw?

If you're used to looking at PC games Console action is always going to come up short with the jaggies. But I'm going to have to disagree with you on the framerate thing. If the jaggies are the sacrifice for solid 60 then so be it. I don't want it ever to drop because you KNOW it's going to happen at the worst time. You're 3 wide in a turn meant for 2 and there are two rows of cars in front of you doing the same thing and then you see an opening. You KNOW that's when the frame drop is coming. No thanks, gimme my 60 from start to finish.
73738...its the 2010 model which is very hard to get now...the 2011 version had some issues that weren't in the older model but i heard it got a firmware update and should be ok now. they are actually selling for more than when i bought it a few months ago due to low stock and the holiday rush...i was gona try to get my parents the 60" model and it costs almost as much as what i paid for the 73" :banghead:
I don't see any drop in graphics quality from the demo to release and the framerate is solid at all times. The physics and control are better than the demo. I am using either a 50' Panasonic plasma or three 27" Samsung LCD's (triple screen). I wasn't that impressed with the demo but the more I played the release the more it shined. If someone is rating FM4 based on the short demo they are missing the boat.

EDIT: FM4 and GT5 (at it's best) are both VERY acceptable in the graphics department. I have thought of upgrading my PC for my virtual racing games but it's not worth the trouble to me anymore - been there, done that. I use my PC's to do work (IT consultant), consoles for play.

The 3D feature in Gran Turismo is some of the best I've seen of all 3D PS# games. Yes it drop the rez and the framerate. But if you have not tried it you just don't know what you're missing. You definitely won't care much about not being at 60fps (coming from a 60fps whore) and the depth perception is amazing and helps you judge corners and turns. Also screen tearing is damn near non-existent. I simply cannot play GT5 without 3D and if Forza supported 3D i would have probably already bought it.

If you want to treat yourself, get a triple-screen setup for Forza. It is a truely amazing experience. I feel like I am racing with blinders on without. There is no loss of framerate or graphics quality - win - win, other that the cost. I never did like the lack of peripheral vision in gaming, especially racing, but it is just a shame more games don't support it.

If you want to treat yourself, get a triple-screen setup for Forza. It is a truely amazing experience. I feel like I am racing with blinders on without it now.
There is no loss of framerate or graphics quality - win - win, other that the cost. I never did like the lack of peripheral vision in gaming, especially racing, but it is just a shame more games don't support it.

Gee thanks Fuzzy, just when I was getting the urge to do triple screen out my system here you come. :banghead:
I'm going to make this simple.

The next member who falls under the belief that personal attacks and dig are an acceptable form of debate or discussion, or is under the impression that they have a mandate to tell other members if and what to post will be finding out the hard way that they are incorrect.

Gee thanks Fuzzy, just when I was getting the urge to do triple screen out my system here you come. :banghead:

Hey t.o., what did I say to dampen your "urge"? Forza's implementation of triple-screen works great, it's when I race something else that I miss the triple-screen.

Oh no someone thinks GT5 is better than FM4......must be a fanboy. :rolleyes:

Oh and please stop acting like you are unbiased.👎

I think what he was getting to is another "unbiased" poster without any Forza track record. It is easy to spot someone with what looks like an agenda as they are not contributors elsewhere that could substantiate their "unbiased" claims.
If I create a new GTPlanet account and start off with a post/s on how, in my "unbiased" opinion, FM rules how much credibility to you think I will get with GT crowd? Don't you check a politicians voting record before casing your vote
I think what he was getting to is another "unbiased" poster without any Forza track record.
There's also something I don't get: If FM4 is too jaggy, what would you call GT5? I mean, i might have misunderstood what he meant, but looking at GT5's shadows and stuff, it's hard to understand why FM4 would be downrated for that, while GT5 gets the thumb up.