Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
There's also something I don't get: If FM4 is too jaggy, what would you call GT5? I mean, i might have misunderstood what he meant, but looking at GT5's shadows and stuff, it's hard to understand why FM4 would be downrated for that, while GT5 gets the thumb up.

I think you may have missed the post that I was responding to and Max was referring to - that message went to bit heaven for being too... I shouldn't and won't go there. Not my place.

As for the FM "jaggy" comments, all I would say is that if comparing to PC games running very high resolution and anti-aliasing modes, I guess you could make that comparison. I dont' see anything wrong with the graphics of FM that would detract from the racing experience. I could build another PC for gaming if the graphics of the console games bothered me but they don't - and graphics quality is very high on my list, but it's an "item" on my list, not the single deciding factor.
It comes down to playability and immersion for me. I actually just purchased another copy of S2U for Xbox (have S2U on PS3 still) because I still like that game also. The graphics aren't the best and it has some idosyncracses but the "immersion" factor for me is very high. Also purchased the Xbox version, even though my Fanatec works well on both systems, because of the PS3 freezing issue under certain circomstances (high powered cars on certain tracks).
Hey t.o., what did I say to dampen your "urge"? Forza's implementation of triple-screen works great, it's when I race something else that I miss the triple-screen.

That's the problem, I had dampened my own urge for triple screen and now you brought it back :( I had just got the urge out my system and now it's flowing again. I'm back to figuring out how to scheme it in a way it "makes sense" to the wife.
If by S2u you mean shift 2, I agree, I love that game warts and all, in fact I was still hammering Fm3 up till that came out then it took over my (very small) gaming time.
In fact it went, FM3 obsessed, GT5 hype machine and purchased ps3 and game.... to disappointment so back to FM 3 till shift came out and I loved the dirty gritty feel to it, like club racing compared to say F1 it had a lovely rawness to Forzas glam sharpness.

may slap the disk in later now instead of fm4 to reminis.

shift 2 had alot of elements is like to see both gt and fm draw from. Shift 2 was the console game Race pro should of been.

works conversions ruled my life in shift 2. awesome.
There's also something I don't get: If FM4 is too jaggy, what would you call GT5? I mean, i might have misunderstood what he meant, but looking at GT5's shadows and stuff, it's hard to understand why FM4 would be downrated for that, while GT5 gets the thumb up.

I jst dont get it when people say F4 has jaggies? I cant find none whatso ever:boggled:
I jst dont get it when people say F4 has jaggies? I cant find none whatso ever:boggled:
Well, there's a lot of aliasing. It's the bane of console games, I reckon :lol: So, if I'm being honest, there are a lot of jaggies in basically all console games... At least compared to a PC title.

However, I still think that Forza 4 isn't that bad in that regard, at least compared to its direct competitor. Then again, it's the shadows that really stand out as being jaggy in GT5, so I don't know whether that's the exact point the poster who brought this uo was getting at.
The shadows aren't the only jaggy part in GT5. Premium cars look stunning but the standards have their own share, if not worse, of jaggedness.
don't forget 2D textures slapped onto 3D images. Many standards are cars I like and sadly when I go into photo modes in replay they stand out a lot
My god, I swear the GT forums feels like a cult! :boggled:

People talking about buying the DLC simply to support guy said that he'd buy the DLC, but probably wouldn't use the cars, just so he'd support PD. Seems like it would have the opposite effect, paying for a mediocre car pack would bring about more mediocre car packs, especially considering who is running the whole deal.

Oh well, I don't plan on buying it. Just going to stick with the better (IMO) FM DLC.
At least the new GT5 cars aren't race mods. But oh wait, another GT-R!

Chances are next month's Forza DLC will have either one or both the 86 and BRZ.
That's kind of my point on not buying Prologue.. your support by buying it is sending the message that it's OK for the dev to spend time working on a glorified demo rather than the next full fledged release. I mean folks bought the last DLC car pack and i t was mostly race mods of existing cars in the game, a game which had "1000+ cars" and only 19 racemods. The highlight of the 1st GT5 DLC was Spa and the disco kart track. And the DLC we are getting after that first one is 4 cars for $4, pretty much on par with the flack PD got when they first mentioned they wanted to charge $1 or more per car.

I even read a guy on gtp that bought 5-6 paint chip DLCs (yep, $10+ on paint chips...) just so he can have the paint on hand if he ever wants to use it and to support the idea of the 'cool' paint chip idea... Don't think he realized he could of duplicate glitched them.

Fanboys be fanboys though...

I didn't buy the FM3UC because I didn't see the point in being an LCE/VIP owner and spending another $30 for what I pretty much had already, aside from 2 DLC packs which I didn't care for and the 3 exclusive DLC cars were not worth the price tag for me. Had I not purchased any DLC and wanted it, then $30 would be a no brainer. To me it's all about principle. I loathe the idea of Prologues, there's simply no need for it so if PD releases the next game as being a Prologue it'll be another game I pass on. Same for DLC, if it's mediocre or a waste I won't buy. It's why I got the track pack DLC and only the track pack DLC, pretty much the only good thing about the last DLC.
Prologue would be fine if it were more in line with a demo and was available online. The way they did it with selling it for 40 bucks was dumb, however people still bought it. I admit I bought it, but I bought it used for around half that, just cause I figured it would hold me over till GT5. As far as the FM3UC, I bought that because I had just gotten an Xbox to play Forza, and I figured that way I'd have all the DLC (save for the Players' choice pack). I went into FM4 knowing that they are probably going to come out with a FM4UC, and that I'm going to buy the DLC anyways since I'd rather just have it now than bother waiting for the cheaper collection to be released.
I even read a guy on gtp that bought 5-6 paint chip DLCs (yep, $10+ on paint chips...) just so he can have the paint on hand if he ever wants to use it and to support the idea of the 'cool' paint chip idea... Don't think he realized he could of duplicate glitched them.

Actually, he can't, at least until the 2.02 update lands later this evening or early tomorrow morning. The best you can do to duplicate the DLC paint as of right now is to back up your save, paint a car with the colour then send it to someone, restore, and receive the car back. You can't have more than a single chip in your possession, but you can at least have multiple cars painted with it. I figured this out while sending out prizes for the competitions :P
My god, I swear the GT forums feels like a cult! :boggled:

People talking about buying the DLC simply to support guy said that he'd buy the DLC, but probably wouldn't use the cars, just so he'd support PD. Seems like it would have the opposite effect, paying for a mediocre car pack would bring about more mediocre car packs, especially considering who is running the whole deal.

Oh well, I don't plan on buying it. Just going to stick with the better (IMO) FM DLC.

I agree... Every once in awhile I browse through the GT news section (and comments) and forum threads. A very strange group for the most part. I don't mean to include everyone in my assessment, but the GT following seems to be rather immature, very rabid, loyal, and naive fanbase willing to accept anything and everything GT/PD.

Car collecting seems to be a huge GT past-time with many claiming 800-1000 cars. Actually collecting in general - race suites/helmets, museum cards, horns, etc.. The truth is the GT series has hit a cord with a certain group and PD is reaping the benefits. More power to em', just not my cup of tea. It is best to stay away from talking virtual racing alternatives with a GT fan as it's usually a "talk to the hand" response.

Maybe, just maybe, PD will get around to bumping up the low points in that game and if so I may dust it off and give it some play time. For now, Forza 4 provides everything I need in a virtual racer.
You know, I don't mind the whole buying stuff to support a developer idea. I do that myself, at times. However, I do so to support some small-ish companies that actually awed me with their game (Super Giant Games and their game Bastion, for example).

I won't go out of my way to help a huge developer who disappointed me, though, and I don't understand why you would want to do that. But I assume that PD are fully aware that they can do pretty much anything they want and it will sell like hotcakes, period.

That is why, a while back, I said i don't want Forza to reach that level of popularity. I have the feeling that PD is abusing that to get by with what I would consider a poor attempt of a game, compared to what I thought they could do. I'd rather see Forza sell only a fraction of what GT does, if it keeps T10 on their toes and forces them to keep the quality of their games up.

As far as Prologue goes, I've neveer liked the idea of PD charging 40 bucks for a work in progress version of GT5. I mean, it's okay if they do that and people like it, sure. But after seeing GT5, it doesn't look like work in progress version, it looks and feels completely different and, partially, is even superior to the final game. Makes no sense to me.
I am rapidly forgetting GT5 :( , not everybody over there is closed minded though, I had no prior experience with Forza and I was willing to give it a try, glad I did.
That is why, a while back, I said i don't want Forza to reach that level of popularity. I have the feeling that PD is abusing that to get by with what I would consider a poor attempt of a game, compared to what I thought they could do. I'd rather see Forza sell only a fraction of what GT does, if it keeps T10 on their toes and forces them to keep the quality of their games up.

I know what you mean, it's like the Apple iPod and other MP3 players. I will probably buy only Sansa MP3 players for as long as they make them because I have more confidence in their product(I may have washed my Clip in the washer... It still works like I was never an idiot). Apple on the other hand can add a color to their lineup and sell 4X the number that Clips sell because of the name.

GT5 was severely lacking at launch and none of the updates or DLC have made he come running back, I haven't been able to put Forza 4 down even though I recently got Saints Row 3 and Skyrim.
Every time a new GT comes out it's like a new generation of car. Like...GT1 was the Corvette C1, GT2 the C2, GT3 = C3 and so on...but with Forza...It doesn't feel like a new generation. It feels like T10 have...It kinda feels like the company making the car has changed and that new company has added their own touches to it, but it's still really the same car. It's kinda like the Jeep. The original Jeep was made by one company, then Willy's Ford got a hold of it and added their changes, then AMC had it and added their style, and finally Chrysler got it and has since added their tweaks. But...The Wrangler, is still based off and looks a lot like the original Jeep. Sure, it has newer technology and leather seats, but...It's basically a Willy's.

Forza just isn't making the massive leaps every time that GT does. I mean...even graphically, if you compared the Viper GTS across all five games they'd look radically different with each iteration. But, if you compared the SRT10 across all the Forza games...I don't think there would be nearly as much of a difference.

Forza's always fun to play because you know what you're gonna get, basically. But with NEVER know what you're getting. Heck, everyone was really excited about GT5 and it has become the worst selling GT game ever. But, who knows, GT6 could beat out GT3 for best selling.

(One could also compare Forza to Porsche...although...Forza changes more.)
Lets compare something that exists across three console generations to something that mainly exists on one.

Very valid argument pal, very valid.....

When people run out of actual reasons to criticise the game they turn to "this isn't a labor of GT", or "this has no soul...unlike GT which is like a child of Kaz"...or best "This is too well rounded...clearly just a response to market demand unlike GT which was a personal work of art"
I know what you mean, it's like the Apple iPod and other MP3 players. I will probably buy only Sansa MP3 players for as long as they make them because I have more confidence in their product(I may have washed my Clip in the washer... It still works like I was never an idiot). Apple on the other hand can add a color to their lineup and sell 4X the number that Clips sell because of the name.
Well, yeah... Popularity doesn't indicate quality, no matter how you slice it. The amount of examples for that is overwhelming, but I think Scaff already listed the best of them.
I think you have this the wrong way round. PD and Kaz are under pressure to release DLC because of games like Forza. I can guarantee you that if Forza was not around PD would not have announced a 2-month DLC release cycle.
You don't say, Captain Obvious? :lol:

Honestly, it's pretty easy to tell that other games are causing PD to release DLC - which isn't a problem, at all. The problem is that the DLC, for the most part, isn't... Well, how do I put this... Very impressive.

PD are very old fashioned in their dev style.
That's a nice way to put it, yes. Stuck in the 90s would be another way to sasy it.
It's outside pressure forcing them into the current trend of micro-transactions and DLC, not something that has come from within the core of the company.

That is why they are struggling with this new model. It's not something that comes naturally to them. Christ they've only just worked out how to spread DLC across accounts, and actually had to patch the game to add DLC support! That's how last minute this has all been for them.
And I assume that that means that we are supposed to cut them some slack and not judgge them based on what they actually deliver, right? Because they put sooo much heart and soul into their product and whatever...

Dunno, I don't really care why they aren't getting the DLC done properly, but if it's just that PD hasn't been moving with the times for who knows how long, that's not changing a thing, is it?

I just don't get why people insist on making excuses for PD and GT5...

Every time a new GT comes out it's like a new generation of car. Like...GT1 was the Corvette C1, GT2 the C2, GT3 = C3 and so on...but with Forza...It doesn't feel like a new generation. It feels like T10 have...It kinda feels like the company making the car has changed and that new company has added their own touches to it, but it's still really the same car. It's kinda like the Jeep. The original Jeep was made by one company, then Willy's Ford got a hold of it and added their changes, then AMC had it and added their style, and finally Chrysler got it and has since added their tweaks. But...The Wrangler, is still based off and looks a lot like the original Jeep. Sure, it has newer technology and leather seats, but...It's basically a Willy's.

Forza just isn't making the massive leaps every time that GT does. I mean...even graphically, if you compared the Viper GTS across all five games they'd look radically different with each iteration. But, if you compared the SRT10 across all the Forza games...I don't think there would be nearly as much of a difference.

Forza's always fun to play because you know what you're gonna get, basically. But with NEVER know what you're getting. Heck, everyone was really excited about GT5 and it has become the worst selling GT game ever. But, who knows, GT6 could beat out GT3 for best selling.
That might be because Forza games are released bi-anually and not twice every decade, so it takes much less change per game to move with the times.

Also, are you comparing the development that happened across three console generations to the one that happened across two? Really? And, last but not least, does it make a game better if it changed a lot from the predecessor? Is that what constitutes quality? I don't think so.

(One could also compare Forza to Porsche...although...Forza changes more.)
I could say something about Porsche basically being the shark of the automotive world: Basically perfect from the get to, so very little change was needed, anyways, but I'll at least refrain from likening that to Forza :lol:
I tried new update. Got in my mk1 vw rabbit gti to put bbs rs wheels on. Rs is not a wheel option. Only bbs u can put on is the lm-r and remg. Why can't I put the most iconic and massively played out bbs rs wheels on a mk1?! Im a big vw guy and I can assure u the rs is the most used wheel on mk1. I can put it on a mk4, which should be the super rs not normal rs but not the mk1?!
minor complaint. Lol
haven't really noticed too much different. What's sad is reading how.people went off buying another paint dlc pack just to access the ft86ii concept... and this has a blacked out cockpit... sheesh.
And, on the other hand, T10 fixes bugs like the counter steering issue whithin a few weeks after release and it seems like most people just take it for granted...

Oh well.

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