There's also something I don't get: If FM4 is too jaggy, what would you call GT5? I mean, i might have misunderstood what he meant, but looking at GT5's shadows and stuff, it's hard to understand why FM4 would be downrated for that, while GT5 gets the thumb up.
I think you may have missed the post that I was responding to and Max was referring to - that message went to bit heaven for being too... I shouldn't and won't go there. Not my place.
As for the FM "jaggy" comments, all I would say is that if comparing to PC games running very high resolution and anti-aliasing modes, I guess you could make that comparison. I dont' see anything wrong with the graphics of FM that would detract from the racing experience. I could build another PC for gaming if the graphics of the console games bothered me but they don't - and graphics quality is very high on my list, but it's an "item" on my list, not the single deciding factor.
It comes down to playability and immersion for me. I actually just purchased another copy of S2U for Xbox (have S2U on PS3 still) because I still like that game also. The graphics aren't the best and it has some idosyncracses but the "immersion" factor for me is very high. Also purchased the Xbox version, even though my Fanatec works well on both systems, because of the PS3 freezing issue under certain circomstances (high powered cars on certain tracks).