Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Forza sounds are very far from perfection. In fact they are largely exaggerated and over emphasized much like Shift 2' sounds but not to that large of an extent lol.

No, not largely exaggerated. The stock cars with no upgrades do sound more beefy than they should, but other than that, they are pretty damn accurate.

In a nutshell, I would rather have over emphasized sounds than that bleeding ear crap you hear in GT5 anyday. Especially after the new update and the wind noise...
The stock cars with no upgrades do sound more beefy than they should...
In testing with/without upgrades, I've hardly been able to tell a difference in sound in FM4. Obviously I don't have time to sit and do it with every car, but has anyone truly found a difference with any of the cars?

The clipping and raspy buzziness with a number of engines also tends to overwhelm the timbre they're known for, which you can hear, but just barely.

In a nutshell, I would rather have over emphasized sounds than that bleeding ear crap you hear in GT5 anyday. Especially after the new update and the wind noise...
I think hardly anyone would disagree.
In testing with/without upgrades, I've hardly been able to tell a difference in sound in FM4. Obviously I don't have time to sit and do it with every car, but has anyone truly found a difference with any of the cars?
The clipping and raspy buzziness with a number of engines also tends to overwhelm the timbre they're known for, which you can hear, but just barely.

I think hardly anyone would disagree.

I have. I am not the kind that sits down and tests every car to hear the sound difference though.

Taking say the 03 Mustang from stock, upgrading intake, exhaust, valves, etc, you hear a big difference. Toss in weight reduction, and a turbo or supercharger, and even more difference. And of course do an engine swap, and ...well you get it.
I have. I am not the kind that sits down and tests every car to hear the sound difference though...
I'll try the '03 Mustang next time I play. 👍

Luminis -- No, not really. I'll take angry bees in a can over a fleet of vacuum cleaners.
In testing with/without upgrades, I've hardly been able to tell a difference in sound in FM4.

To be honest, on some cars, the changes are very, very subtle unless you're changing the induction method or swap a different engine in...

I must have gotten lucky then because every car that I have fully tuned sounds massively different. The ZR1 and Eclipse come to mind off the top of my head. The ZR1 just sounds like an insane beast and the turbo effects on the Eclipse become very pronounced after upgrades.
I must have gotten lucky then because every car that I have fully tuned sounds massively different. The ZR1 and Eclipse come to mind off the top of my head. The ZR1 just sounds like an insane beast and the turbo effects on the Eclipse become very pronounced after upgrades.
Sure, if you go on and upgrade the engine to the max, you'll be hearing some differences, every time. Take a muscle car, for example, slap a sport exhaust on it and the sound doesn't change much, even though it would change dramatically IRL.

Also, fully modded engines usually have a higher redline thanks to the the new cams. Which, in itself, changes the sound a lot.
Sure, if you go on and upgrade the engine to the max, you'll be hearing some differences, every time. Take a muscle car, for example, slap a sport exhaust on it and the sound doesn't change much, even though it would change dramatically IRL.

That's not always the case though. There are performance exhaust systems that do not change a bunch in note.
That's not always the case though. There are performance exhaust systems that do not change a bunch in note.
Most, however, do, and I'd find it hard to believe that all 500+ cars in Forza come with exactly one of those, Also, you could use the race exhaust, which are straight pipes. Now, putting straight pipes on a car will change the sound dramatically IRL on just about anything, and quite a bit. It doesn't in Forza. Which is hardly suprising, but still.

Also, from the description of the sport exhause (higher diameter, different exhaust manifold, different cat etc.) it doesn't sound like something that wouldn't alter a car's sound.

I just used the Evo 9 for a little test. You can slap the race exhaust on and the difference is barely audible.
ZR1chris and Luminis both have good points.

I think both of you are trying to say the same thing........."FORZA sounds better"
"FORZA sounds better"
:lol: That's for sure.

In Forza, switching an Evo's stock exhaust to a race exhaust makes the car go from sounding like a stock Evo to a slightly louder stock Evo.

In GT, switching an Evo's stock exhaust to a race exhaust makes the car go from sounding like a Hoover to a slightly louder Dyson.
For anyone that doesn't know Nick, or why he's such a big deal with T10 - all you need to know is the sounds are going to get even better with every single release.

Whether they'll ever reach the nearly surreal accuracy found in PGR4 is another matter altogether as that's dependent on both the DSP and CPU of the next Xbox.
No car sounds the same with the hood up and sitting over the engine as they do inside the car, driving. That is why all of FM4's cars sound so throaty and good, they are recorded from the tail pipe and sitting over the engine with the hood up. Sounds great, but not real. I'd like to hear a difference between in car, out of car on the hood or roof and following, instead of all being the exact same.

Now FM4 does great with reproducing acoustics in a tunnel. PD seems to have added wind noise in offline races. I just noticed it with the 86 GT, you hear it at speed, goes away when drafting. Another area that needs improvement in both games since I haven't noticed it online with GT5 and at all with FM4.

Another thing is that while FM4 has all those replay cameras, none are inside. How can that be? And most seem IMO useless to tell the truth. I love the fixed track side cameras in PD. Wish FM4 had them too.
Most, however, do, and I'd find it hard to believe that all 500+ cars in Forza come with exactly one of those, Also, you could use the race exhaust, which are straight pipes. Now, putting straight pipes on a car will change the sound dramatically IRL on just about anything, and quite a bit. It doesn't in Forza. Which is hardly suprising, but still.

Also, from the description of the sport exhause (higher diameter, different exhaust manifold, different cat etc.) it doesn't sound like something that wouldn't alter a car's sound.

I just used the Evo 9 for a little test. You can slap the race exhaust on and the difference is barely audible.

I see what your saying and I agree. I'm still much more satisfied with this than GT5.

In GT, switching an Evo's stock exhaust to a race exhaust makes the car go from sounding like a Hoover to a slightly louder Dyson.

I don't think they had much of a choice. GT5 at release was not what most people expected. True expectations were higher than any other racing sim on consoles ever. Although it still had it's moments where it shined it still left me feeling majorly disappointed at release and even now still a little. What the game is now is simply what it should have been at release imho and even now it still leaves a little to be desired. It still needs leaderboards and a much better A-Spec. Better tire physics would be a plus also but I might have just been spoiled by FM4.

They could have stopped at patch 1.02 and moved on, promising to get it right on GT6 and they still would have sold 5 million copies of GT5 as well as sold GT6 like hot cakes. There are many games in the same state or worse released, haven't seen any put out release after release, for free, to do the drastic changes done like PD did. Do you know a game that has?

Most, however, do, and I'd find it hard to believe that all 500+ cars in Forza come with exactly one of those, Also, you could use the race exhaust, which are straight pipes. Now, putting straight pipes on a car will change the sound dramatically IRL on just about anything, and quite a bit. It doesn't in Forza. Which is hardly suprising, but still.

Also, from the description of the sport exhause (higher diameter, different exhaust manifold, different cat etc.) it doesn't sound like something that wouldn't alter a car's sound.

I just used the Evo 9 for a little test. You can slap the race exhaust on and the difference is barely audible.

When I started playing GT5, I had a Nissan, a 370 I think, that I changed the exhaust on. Couldn't stand the noise, thought there was an issue with the game or something. It has a clacking sound. Then I did some research, found out why. FM5 should have that, and have a difference in what cars sound like in the cabin over the hood and following.
Another thing is that while FM4 has all those replay cameras, none are inside. How can that be? And most seem IMO useless to tell the truth. I love the fixed track side cameras in PD. Wish FM4 had them too.

Not entirely true. You can go inside YOUR car in replay mode but not other cars. Of course to get around that, if you're playing online, is to have the guys you're racing with to send their copy of the replay to you. Then you get their cockpit view.

The Cameras are actually not bad as you can manipulate them to varying degrees by using the rewind (left trigger) creatively.
:lol: That's for sure.

In Forza, switching an Evo's stock exhaust to a race exhaust makes the car go from sounding like a stock Evo to a slightly louder stock Evo.

In GT, switching an Evo's stock exhaust to a race exhaust makes the car go from sounding like a Hoover to a slightly louder Dyson.


No car sounds the same with the hood up and sitting over the engine as they do inside the car, driving. That is why all of FM4's cars sound so throaty and good, they are recorded from the tail pipe and sitting over the engine with the hood up. Sounds great, but not real. I'd like to hear a difference between in car, out of car on the hood or roof and following, instead of all being the exact same.

Now FM4 does great with reproducing acoustics in a tunnel. PD seems to have added wind noise in offline races. I just noticed it with the 86 GT, you hear it at speed, goes away when drafting. Another area that needs improvement in both games since I haven't noticed it online with GT5 and at all with FM4.

Another thing is that while FM4 has all those replay cameras, none are inside. How can that be? And most seem IMO useless to tell the truth. I love the fixed track side cameras in PD. Wish FM4 had them too.

I may have read this wrong. The sound is different (louder) when you go from in car, hood, rear view. go on the top gear mile run and as your full throttle start changing views
I may have read this wrong. The sound is different (louder) when you go from in car, hood, rear view. go on the top gear mile run and as your full throttle start changing views

I was about to say the same thing. Switching views give different sounds. I don't know how accurate they are but it's not like your sitting on your engine in the cockpit. At least for me it isn't.

I think I might have an example or two in my latest vid but with the music overlaid it's probably hard to differentiate.
I may have read this wrong. The sound is different (louder) when you go from in car, hood, rear view. go on the top gear mile run and as your full throttle start changing views

I notice little to no difference when racing and changing cameras. And you'd hear more than a difference in how loud the sound is, its modified after traveling through various materials plus you are sitting near the transmission etc. resulting in an engine sound not just at a different level, but slightly modified for what's heard standing over the engine with the hood popped.

As for the in cockpit view on replays. Yeah, I would like to see inside MY CAR on replays, at a MINIMUM. At least give me what I am seeing behind the wheel so on replays I can enjoy the gauges and details in the car that I am too busy to enjoy while driving. I really don't care about what it looks like in other cars nearly as much as mine.
As for the in cockpit view on replays. Yeah, I would like to see inside MY CAR on replays, at a MINIMUM. At least give me what I am seeing behind the wheel so on replays I can enjoy the gauges and details in the car that I am too busy to enjoy while driving. I really don't care about what it looks like in other cars nearly as much as mine.

Well as I said, you can see replays from inside your car.

Look at this vid at the 2:26 mark. I didn't use any capture card, just all in-game replay export tools

You do know that most camera views have different angles and such if you keep pressing the "A" button right? For instance, go to "GAME CAMERA" view and keep pressing A and it'll change to different views.
I'll have to go back because what I do is go to camera icon on replay and use the D pad to go through the views. I don't see an in car on that. Which of those views do you hit the A button for in car?
I understand what your saying and to a certain extent I agree, but you are kinda splitting hairs with this. For a game I think the sounds are pretty damn good, esp for not being a SIM like IRACING, etc
I'll have to go back because what I do is go to camera icon on replay and use the D pad to go through the views. I don't see an in car on that. Which of those views do you hit the A button for in car?

Go to "GAME CAMERAS" it's to the left so most people miss it since all the other cameras are right clicks from the default "REPLAY CAMERA". One you see game camera just keep pressing "A" by itself and you'll cycle through the available camera views.
I'd like to hear a difference between in car, out of car on the hood or roof and following, instead of all being the exact same.
It was kinda gimmicky, but I actually used the window feature in Test Drive Unlimited.

In the mood for glorious noise? Window down. Want to tone it down while still being able to hear your engine for shifting/racing? Window up.