Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
They could have stopped at patch 1.02 and moved on, promising to get it right on GT6 and they still would have sold 5 million copies of GT5 as well as sold GT6 like hot cakes. There are many games in the same state or worse released, haven't seen any put out release after release, for free, to do the drastic changes done like PD did. Do you know a game that has?

Diablo 2 had another update only a few months ago (which added new content free of charge) and the game is over 10 years old.

Yes OLDSKOOLACURA the sound of the cars is good, its too good. Its like making all guns, including .22s sound like assault rifles. Its arcade like. Many, not all, of the cars in FM4 sound like a 70s muscle car or an Italian super car, no matter how many cylinders or what decade they are from.

Not even remotely true.

Why does it seem like you've never played or owned FM4? Probably because you haven't, yes?
PC Game. You can find mods for PC games that are almost 20 years old like Doom. Again, not a console. Apples, oranges.

Blizzard (the games developers) released an official update for diablo 2. It's not some mod team tweaking an old game.

You literally cannot play the game online without installing the newest patch.

March 23rd, 2010

Diablo II 1.13 Live -- Ladder Reset - Nebu
The 1.13 patch for Diablo II is now live! With this patch we have included a number of changes including a new respec system, allowing you to reset your character's stats and skills. To update to 1.13 simply connect to, or to download and install manually visit our Diablo II Patch page.

With the release of 1.13 the Diablo II ladder has been reset and all previous ladder characters are now normal non-ladder characters. To participate in the new ladder you'll need to create a new character and ensure the "Ladder Character" option is checked. For more information on ladder characters visit the Arreat Summit Realm Character Types page.

My mistake, I thought it was earlier this year not last year but still, the game was over 9 years old when this patch was released.
PC Game. You can find mods for PC games that are almost 20 years old like Doom. Again, not a console. Apples, oranges.
First off, it wasn't me who brought Diablo II up, second, mods aren't official support by the developer, third, I'd even challenge the statement that it's apples and oranges, beccause, frankly, the only reason I can see why you'd want to sepperate official support fromt he devloper on consoles and PC would be to further your point, in my opinion.

Also, I stand by what I said earlier: Pc or console, I know of no developer that takes over a year to deliver promised features. Do you?
First off, it wasn't me who brought Diablo II up, second, mods aren't official support by the developer, third, I'd even challenge the statement that it's apples and oranges, beccause, frankly, the only reason I can see why you'd want to sepperate official support fromt he devloper on consoles and PC would be to further your point, in my opinion.

Also, I stand by what I said earlier: Pc or console, I know of no developer that takes over a year to deliver promised features. Do you?

I know you didn't bring it up.

PC games run on different OS with different hardware. It would be like having FM4 work on the regular XBox also or GT5 working on the PS2 and PS. And all these systems having different video cards, etc.. You can have one Windows 2000 machine a game doesn't work on and other it does because of hardware. You don't have that issue with console games and PC games are also scalable for performance.
I know you didn't bring it up.

PC games run on different OS with different hardware. It would be like having FM4 work on the regular XBox also or GT5 working on the PS2 and PS. And all these systems having different video cards, etc.. You can have one Windows 2000 machine a game doesn't work on and other it does because of hardware. You don't have that issue with console games and PC games are also scalable for performance.

You realise it's a much much harder to update a game on PC right? They have to make sure they don't break it for any particular hardware and/or software setup.

Seriously, why don't you just admit your statement was a load of rubbish? It would be much easier for us all.


Sorry T-12, I was making this post before you posted.
And I don't understand why its so hard to understand that no one said either is 100% accurate, but its debatable on which is better because its not cut and dry at all.

And GT5 has:

Wind sounds, that go away while drafting and low speed.

Accurate passing sounds, muffled car engine you can tell is coming to your rear, side and past you

Transmission whine. Talk to anyone who races, that is much of what you hear in the car.

Change in muffler signature when the muffler is changed. No changes at all in FM4, huge ones in GT5

I can hear turbo chargers kicking in much better in GT5 than FM4. Don't know how realistic it is. If its not, I will just use the excuse people use for FM4. I can hear it clearer and louder, its better.

This kid is pissing me off so let me set him straight.

If you upgrade to a RACE transmission it whines like a cat.

When the Exhaust is changed in Forza 4 the sounds change drastically. It gives the car a meaty race sound when driven really hard. GT5's race titanium exhaust sounds like **** and transforms any cars growl which a growl in GT5 is rare and makes it a purr.

Forza 4's turbo spooling sounds are light years ahead of GT5's. More like a whole new dimension. When you take certain cars you can hear it spooling EXTREMELY loud when you're revving the engine. I've been to tons of Autocross events. I have heard peoples turbo's from my own car. I'm 100% positive that Turn 10 modeled the Turbo's correctly , and if not better than PD's.

Wind sounds are present in Forza 4. If we just had the audio sliders back from Forza 3 we could focus just on the wind sounds. Take a Buggati Veyron down the Le man straight and come back and tell me. I've been in a Twin Turbo Dodge stealth and me and my friend went 140 MPH. If you've ever been that fast you would know that you could not hear much to nothing because the sounds of the engine and the turbo's are traveling backwards , which is the case in Forza 4.

On the other hand do you even OWN Forza 4 for the Xbox 360 ?

It doesn't matter if you do or not you're just making yourself look stupid. I'm not a Forza fanboy I just hate when people make things up and don't have any proof or automotive experience to back it up.

This kid is pissing me off so let me set him straight.

If you upgrade to a RACE transmission it whines like a cat.

When the Exhaust is changed in Forza 4 the sounds change drastically. It gives the car a meaty race sound when driven really hard. GT5's race titanium exhaust sounds like **** and transforms any cars growl which a growl in GT5 is rare and makes it a purr.

Forza 4's turbo spooling sounds are light years ahead of GT5's. More like a whole new dimension. When you take certain cars you can hear it spooling EXTREMELY loud when you're revving the engine. I've been to tons of Autocross events. I have heard peoples turbo's from my own car. I'm 100% positive that Turn 10 modeled the Turbo's correctly , and if not better than PD's.

Wind sounds are present in Forza 4. If we just had the audio sliders back from Forza 3 we could focus just on the wind sounds. Take a Buggati Veyron down the Le man straight and come back and tell me. I've been in a Twin Turbo Dodge stealth and me and my friend went 140 MPH. If you've ever been that fast you would know that you could not hear much to nothing because the sounds of the engine and the turbo's are traveling backwards , which is the case in Forza 4.

On the other hand do you even OWN Forza 4 for the Xbox 360 ?

It doesn't matter if you do or not you're just making yourself look stupid. I'm not a Forza fanboy I just hate when people make things up and don't have any proof or automotive experience to back it up.

I not only own Forza, I've owned a dozen cars from Italy, America, England and Japan. And I've spent some time on the Autobahn. Driven on roads in the Caribbean, Europe and drove from Florida to Alaska one summer.

Look, you are entitled to your opinion as well as I am entitled to mine. I have both games and like them both. I wish they would both fix what's wrong with their sound. Neither is correct, but both could be.
The point some of us are trying to make is that Forza 4 is about as good as it gets right now. Is there room for improvement? Of course. But with FM4, you gotta do some serious mental gymnastics in order to say it's not as good as Gran Turismo 5's. GT5s sound effects are terrible, and again, you have to do some serious mental gymnastics in your head to convince yourself that they come anywhere close to realistic or acceptable.
Look, you are entitled to your opinion as well as I am entitled to mine. I have both games and like them both. I wish they would both fix what's wrong with their sound. Neither is correct, but both could be.
Which is perfectly fine, because we're not saying that Forza is perfect. Just that it's better than GT5. And not being perfect doesn't change that. That's all.

Because, frankly, a game doesn't have to get its sound perfect to be better than GT5 in that regard.
Neither is correct, but both could be.

Neither will ever be correct. They are simulations, the best they will ever get is close. Total simulation of physical reality is impossible.

Forza 4 is currently closer to reality than GT5 is.
The point some of us are trying to make is that Forza 4 is about as good as it gets right now. Is there room for improvement? Of course. But with FM4, you gotta do some serious mental gymnastics in order to say it's not as good as Gran Turismo 5's. GT5s sound effects are terrible, and again, you have to do some serious mental gymnastics in your head to convince yourself that they come anywhere close to realistic or acceptable.

Please stop trying to make your opinion as a fact because it never will become a fact. Neither games' sounds are realistic. Theres no point debating which one is more realistic because they are both unrealistic. In FM4 the sounds are very exaggerated and it sounds as if you are sitting on the exhaust of the car even when your in a cockpit. In GT5....well I think you know GT5's problem :lol:

rFactor wins be a mile.

rFactor doesn't win ****. It's a 2nd rate arcade game trying to pass itself off as a sim. I would play Shift 2 even over rFactor any day, there is nothing realistic or good about that game.

I liked how all of their cars went from 150 to 0 like it was nothing. The braking model in rFactor is so terrible that you have to play it like you're playing mario kart.
Neither will ever be correct. They are simulations, the best they will ever get is close. Total simulation of physical reality is impossible.

Forza 4 is currently closer to reality than GT5 is.

No one said total simulation of physical reality is possible. But it doesn't take a genius to see that both do something closer to reality than the other and therefore its possible to combine what each does best and be closer to reality, the BEST of both resulting in a better simulation.

Your last statement is an opinion.
lol @rF

99% of the rFactor modding community thinks that difficulty=realism. The remaining 1% are modders that get data (ie: Motec charts) from real life teams.
Since we're discussing sound, and it's between the latest GT and Forza game I have to say that the bulk of sounds in GT5 are not the greatest and do not sound realistic at all. The bulk of sounds in Forza 4 do sound great and are realistic, but they are not perfect. To me the engine sounds are beyond superior on Forza 4. Taking a drive in a VR6 equipped VW sounds like a VR6 equipped VW. Slap a turbo, a race exhaust, etc and it sounds like a VR6 with a turbo, a race exhaust, etc. The inline 5 turbo 20v in the Audi, especially when modified, sounds like it. The Hondas with VTEC motors, you know when VTEC kicks in and sounds like it. In general, there is a reason as to why folks say GT5 engine sounds are like vacuum cleaners. Not all but the vast majority are. There are a few occasions that it sounds good, but not accurate but that is not the norm. Then if you go on to other sounds, the tire squeals are better in Forza 4 and you can tell when it's approaching the loss of grip to no grip. The collision sounds are a bit over the top but this is a game and I'm guessing it's that Hollywood flare they added in which most wanted. Sadly in GT5, generally if you are in a kart or a big Dodge Ram, crashing hard into a wall to a mediocre bump on another car sounds the same. I can go on but in the end, Forza sounds >>> GT sounds.
Sounds are NOT what GT5 is known for by ANY means even if on very few occasions there are some good examples.
lol @rF

99% of the rFactor modding community thinks that difficulty=realism. The remaining 1% are modders that get data (ie: Motec charts) from real life teams.

Have you seen some of the rFactor 2 beta footage? It's incredibly lol, and the developers learned nothing from their previous sim. Players driving around Spa without having to brake even once. Their sim is based on physics from the Matrix.
Please stop trying to make your opinion as a fact because it never will become a fact. Neither games' sounds are realistic. Theres no point debating which one is more realistic because they are both unrealistic. In FM4 the sounds are very exaggerated and it sounds as if you are sitting on the exhaust of the car even when your in a cockpit. In GT5....well I think you know GT5's problem :lol:

rFactor wins be a mile.

But the name of this thread is "Forza 4 vs GT5" not "Forza 4 vs GT5 until GT5 is losing a debate point then introduce another game and claim that both FM4 and GT5 are irrelevant".
I'm in the alpha test for CARS and it's off to a really great start so far. They have Bathurst as one of their tracks, and an Audi TDI R18.
I'm in the alpha test for CARS and it's off to a really great start so far. They have Bathurst as one of their tracks, and an Audi TDI R18.

Isn't the R18 called something else though since they don't have the license?

Not sure how it's relevant to this thread regardless.
Your last statement is an opinion.

Iffy. It's probably possible to count up how many cars each game has that are just outright incorrect at least. If someone was really keen they could compare the outputs for each game compared to a real car and measure how large the actual difference was.

Of course, I'm not going to do this, and neither will anyone else I suspect. I'd be seriously surprised if GT5 came out in front of either of those tests though, leading me to wonder how much of that statement is my opinion and how much it's an actual objective fact.
Still amazed at how poorly represented the corkscrew is in GT5. It just looks like a flat chicane with an unexplained drop on the exiting apex.
Just to get away from the sound debate for a second...

Weren't there a few people who were soooo mad at T10 for releasing the FM3 Ultimate Edition?

Well, it looks like GT5 is getting its own "Ultimate Collection".