In addition to the ones already mentioned you can also add in MAG, SOCOM and BF:BC2 to the list as well.
All had a significant amount of content added to them (both free and chargeable) post release, and in all cases it continued for a good year after release.
SOCOM and GT5 are however similar in more ways that just post go-live support, in both cases a large amount of the post go-live support was to fix issues that should never have occurred in the first place.
Mag had DLC you paid for. The changes after release pretty much involved getting the game ready for the content you paid for. SOCOM? If you mean Confrontation, the patch that took a year to fix broken features and added a few small things from previous games, because Sony turned the game over to a company that had only done a PSP game before, is kinda like what PD has done, sorta. Slant Six decided not to release the important updates that would make the game easier to play and did a giant patch that took a year to code and test. Stupid. And I don't know of any totally new features. Like if they had put out the respawn version of the game like SOCOM 4 into that game, it would like what PD has done. PD was putting out patches monthly that sometimes added totally free things like Seasonal Events or racing uniforms or online car dealership. But SOCOM Confrontation didn't release any totally new things over that year did they? They just did a patch to
fix what was broken. If PD had done only that, they would have stopped putting out patches 6 months ago. BFBC2 was different too. But they didn't release any totally new content. They released their full game, every map with every mode, in timed releases. They didn't put in totally new content. Its like ok, this map that initially was only Rush mode, this week we are releasing it in Conquest mode, kinda like PD saying this no weather map now has weather. Now if DICE had said, OK, we are introducing a totally new mode with entirely new equipment and maps... FOR FREE that would be more like what PD is doing. Also with BFBC2 you had to pay for those maps if you didn't have the Limited Edition or whatever it was called, those maps were if you paid for that extra Elite or Limited membership or bought the game at initial release. If BFBC2 Vietnam came out for free, sure, that would have been closer to what PD has done. But that was premium content.
I don't know about these other games mentioned. Releasing new models for a game for free is not what I am talking about. If you think if a game released new cars or guns or boats to be used in an existing game is the same as what PD is doing over the past year and foreseeable future, you missed the point. PD added
major Changes and new features for free. Yeah and comparing a console game to a PC game doesn't really apply well either because you have games like Counter Strike, a community made mod that was picked up by the company and released. You don't see community based mods in console games. I would consider adding a new mission as the same as adding a new track to a racing game. Its not a totally new feature. Its more of the same with different surroundings. A new ship or car or gun is more of the same with a new piece of equipment, in the same game.
Regardless of all this. PD could have said, hey, Sony made us publish the game 2 years early, its on them, this is what you get. They could have patched some issues and moved to GT6. And the game would STILL sell 5 million copies (see below), it has that much of a following. And GT6 would have still been a best seller because it has that much of a following. They didn't have to add ANY new content or major features
for over a year, they could have just fixed a couple of broken things and gone on to work on GT6. But as Kaz said in his holiday greetings this year, PD listens to its fans. And the game is still selling well a year later.
Forza 4 first 8 weeks sales estimates:
Week 1 running total sales - 451,716
week 2 running total sales - 637,800
week 3 running total sales - 737,619
week 4 running total sales - 808,571
week 5 running total sales - 864,038
week 6 running total sales - 910,989
week 7 running total sales - 981,175
week 8 running total sales - 1,074,151
In comparison it took Forza 3 just five weeks to reach the 1 million mark. However, when compared to GT 5, the numbers are very different indeed.
GT 5 first 8 weeks sales estimates:
Week 1 running total sales - 1,916,892
week 2 running total sales - 2,504,635
week 3 running total sales - 3,037,386
week 4 running total sales - 3,526,765
week 5 running total sales - 3,988,649
week 6 running total sales - 4,234,395
week 7 running total sales - 4,373,785
week 8 running total sales - 4,471,137
Yes OLDSKOOLACURA the sound of the cars is good, its too good. Its like making all guns, including .22s sound like assault rifles. Its arcade like. Many, not all, of the cars in FM4 sound like a 70s muscle car or an Italian super car, no matter how many cylinders or what decade they are from.
Thanks for the tip about finding cockpit view t.o.. I knew about the camera mode to the left, just not pushing A. You would think that would be a default mode.