- 1,258
- NY, NY
- GTP_shawtyoner
- shawtyoner
I've been driving on GT since I was a young man but, the more I read about Forza the more I want to branch out and become a two system home. I was prepared to purchase a PS4 to run GT6. Why do I have to chose one?
I've been a 2 system man since PS2 and original XBox. I couldn't bring myself to only choosing one, as both systems have great games. Which can suck at certain points because usually I buy games more for one system, and only buy a few key games for the other which makes it all the more difficult to throw down all this cash on a system only to play but a few games on it.
I do think however for this new iteration, PS4 will be my main console, XB1 whenever I decide to give in, will be primarily for Forza and any other exclusives that peak my interest.
The only thing that is still really keeping me from buying next gen right away is that GT6 will remain on PS3. I figured I would wait for FM5 to run its course, release all its DLC, and hopefully down the line I can pick it all up at a reasonable price.