Forza Horizon 2 General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Frizbe
I'm already sold - Forza with rain... Forza.. with.. Raaayyyyyne!
Let that sink in for a moment. :D
I agree Horizon 2 is sounding really dang good.
  • Rain / weather for the first time ever in Forza
  • Larger map than Horizon 2
  • Invisible barriers removed which means will be able to explore almost the entire map
  • Southern Europe
  • 3x more drivable area
  • 3x bigger play space
  • Destructible environments
Those 7 bullets sound really good. It all comes down to the amount of cars at this point for me.

One last point. I have a feeling Horizon 1 will be one of the free games of the month in the near future to help promote Horizon 2.
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Clubs are back, too!

“It’s really inspired by what happens in the real world,” explains Fulton. “You can take your car to a Car Meet and enter an online hangout, basically, where you can hang-out, you can socialise, you can meet new people, you can chat.”

In a Car Meet you can show off your own custom designs or tunes, or browse those of others. Players can grab liveries, tunes, or even entire cars from each other within Car Meets (for which they’ll be compensated). Beyond that, Car Meets also serve as a place to party up with other players or, better yet, wait for friends to come online. Unlike a static lobby, in Car Meets you can trigger quick Showdown Races against other players within the Car Meet. At the conclusion of a Showdown Race you’ll be returned directly to the Car Meet. It means if you’re planning an online session with several mates, but a few of them are late, you can kill time with quick-fire races from within a Car Meet rather than stare gormlessly at an online spreadsheet of Gamertags.

And holy crap, tunes?! Am I reading that right?! Did Horizon 2 and I just become best friends? YUP!
Not wanting to piss in anybody's Cheerios too early, but IIRC, "tunes" are just what they referred to part combinations as in FH1. Not the fiddly bits we know and love from FM.

Same goes for "hundreds" of cars. They used that for FM5, and it ended up meaning simply 200.
Not wanting to piss in anybody's Cheerios too early, but IIRC, "tunes" are just what they referred to part combinations as in FH1. Not the fiddly bits we know and love from FM.

Same goes for "hundreds" of cars. They used that for FM5, and it ended up meaning simply 200.
Haha, I just came to the same realization. That's mostly likely what they mean.
How does everyone here feel about the Driveatars? I am intrigued by the premise but it sounds like the implementation has been lacking from what I hear from FM5. And the official boards sound pretty upset about their inclusion.
Given their behavior, I think they make more sense in a game like this.
I haven't gotten to try out the Drivatars yet, but can't wait to meet them in FH2 though. There kick Rival's AI asses with ease! I wonder if you can use them offline as well?
Some of the commenters to that IGN article are posting this picture... bastards :D

Some of the commenters to that IGN article are posting this picture... bastards :D

I'll be honest with you. Those commenters are right. DriveClub really doesn't stand a chance against Forza Horizon 2. Not only is it not a open world racer, but it doesn't even have customization but preset liveries for teams...

Don't want to turn this into a FH2 vs DC thread, so I'll stop here.
I'll be honest with you. Those commenters are right. DriveClub really doesn't stand a chance against Forza Horizon 2. Not only is it not a open world racer, but it doesn't even have customization but preset liveries for teams...

Don't want to turn this into a FH2 vs DC thread, so I'll stop here.
Fanbois everywhere I think.

Both games are different (in the first place), secondly they are not design to compete with each other and thirdly ... what the 🤬 that has to do with anything, is like "oh GTA V is better than Watch Doges because hur hur" while both thing being essentially different.

IGN is gaming idioticy at it's best, from flaming posts, to click bait articles, misleading titles and 12 year old plaguing the place in the comment section making this idea of "console war", is completely 🤬 retarded.

Hence why I like GTP, at least here people have some degree of self awareness about what games are and what a good game means, disregarding the whole console war (it doesn't apply to the whole community, but at least most of the community). It amazes that someone would be retarded enough to bring that stuff, but if so then so be it.

And being really really honest, I do expect quite the microtransaction parade with this one, and here I'm wondering where is the place for FH2 in that grave having The Crew nearing release date.
Clubs are back, too!

"It’s really inspired by what happens in the real world,” explains Fulton. “You can take your car to a Car Meet and enter an online hangout, basically, where you can hang-out, you can socialise, you can meet new people, you can chat.”

In a Car Meet you can show off your own custom designs or tunes, or browse those of others. Players can grab liveries, tunes, or even entire cars from each other within Car Meets (for which they’ll be compensated). Beyond that, Car Meets also serve as a place to party up with other players or, better yet, wait for friends to come online. Unlike a static lobby, in Car Meets you can trigger quick Showdown Races against other players within the Car Meet. At the conclusion of a Showdown Race you’ll be returned directly to the Car Meet. It means if you’re planning an online session with several mates, but a few of them are late, you can kill time with quick-fire races from within a Car Meet rather than stare gormlessly at an online spreadsheet of Gamertags."

And holy crap, tunes?! Am I reading that right?! Did Horizon 2 and I just become best friends? YUP!
Wow that's sounding almost identical to TDU2. For those that don't know, TDU2 has one of THE best racing lobbies I have ever seen in a racing game. You can actually get out of your car and walk around every persons car in the lobby and view their vinyl creations while you wait to start a race. Sounds like Horizon 2 lobby is similar to that. Just not sure if we can actually walk around in Horizon 2.
Fanbois everywhere I think.

Both games are different (in the first place), secondly they are not design to compete with each other and thirdly ... what the 🤬 that has to do with anything, is like "oh GTA V is better than Watch Doges because hur hur" while both thing being essentially different.

IGN is gaming idioticy at it's best, from flaming posts, to click bait articles, misleading titles and 12 year old plaguing the place in the comment section making this idea of "console war", is completely 🤬 retarded.

Hence why I like GTP, at least here people have some degree of self awareness about what games are and what a good game means, disregarding the whole console war (it doesn't apply to the whole community, but at least most of the community). It amazes that someone would be retarded enough to bring that stuff, but if so then so be it.

And being really really honest, I do expect quite the microtransaction parade with this one, and here I'm wondering where is the place for FH2 in that grave having The Crew nearing release date.
Whoa man, not being a fanboy here... I know DriveClub isn't competing against FH2, but I do believe, IMO, that DC won't be on 'that' level of fun like FH2. Let's not start a war here please..... :\
Whoa man, not being a fanboy here... I know DriveClub isn't competing against FH2, but I do believe, IMO, that DC won't be on 'that' level of fun like FH2. Let's not start a war here please..... :\
You start the comparison, you take the consequences of starting it.

Not against you, just the whole idea of this place becoming as retarded as IGN.
It's killing me how the background screen is literally a censored trailer (presumable FH2). You can see artifacting and stuff and sometimes show some car-like figures when the censor screws up.

Let us see the trailerrrr

IGCD (which, if you don't know it, is basically a site that identifies and lists every vehicle in games) had a finer look behind the blurring and found C7 Corvette taillights and what looks like a LaFerrari. They're vague, but you can kind of see the resemblance.
And being really really honest, I do expect quite the microtransaction parade with this one, and here I'm wondering where is the place for FH2 in that grave having The Crew nearing release date.
I know fanboyism is bad but isn't The Crew online only mission based racing? If so, I can't say I'm looking forward to that game at all.
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“We have far more content than we’ve ever had before,” says Fulton. “More than 700 events across the world, contributing to, I think a conservative 100 percent completion time of well over 100 hours. We have absolutely packed this game with racing, with non-racing, with discovery, and the ability to just point your car in any direction and just explore. So that’s freedom.”

That's the best part for me, I completed Horizon in 15 hours or so, and was bored after that.
“We have far more content than we’ve ever had before,” says Fulton. “More than 700 events across the world, contributing to, I think a conservative 100 percent completion time of well over 100 hours. We have absolutely packed this game with racing, with non-racing, with discovery, and the ability to just point your car in any direction and just explore. So that’s freedom.”

That's the best part for me, I completed Horizon in 15 hours or so, and was bored after that.
@Master Weasel and the others are going to love this! :D
“We have far more content than we’ve ever had before,” says Fulton. “More than 700 events across the world, contributing to, I think a conservative 100 percent completion time of well over 100 hours. We have absolutely packed this game with racing, with non-racing, with discovery, and the ability to just point your car in any direction and just explore. So that’s freedom.”

That's the best part for me, I completed Horizon in 15 hours or so, and was bored after that.
Wow even better! I also agree, I got bored of Horizon 1 after I unlocked all the roads within 3 hours. H2 is looking very promising.
IGN's article gave us a basis of where the festival takes place. It's the South of France and Northern Italy.
Glad to hear about the invisible barriers. Don't want a pinball alley game.

Pretty psyched so far. I didn't get Horizon 1 but this seems more like it. If nothing else its going to create some ace screenshots. :D
Glad to hear about the invisible barriers. Don't want a pinball alley game.

Pretty psyched so far. I didn't get Horizon 1 but this seems more like it. If nothing else its going to create some ace screenshots. :D
Same here. I only rented the first one but this is sounding like it could be a day 1 purchase for me. Havent purchased a Forza game since 4 and I still truly love that game.

Also looking forward to your screenshots. You always have an eye for capturing the beauty in every game.
Map size is only 3x bigger? That doesn't sound like an awful lot, especially compared to TDU1...

Well, if my calculations are correct...


We have Horizon's map in the middle. Pink is that very map x3 (So, more or less the estimated size of Horizon 2 map) and in green, we have Oahu, from TDU.

We have to remind something. Horizon map is much smaller than that, since in Horizon a lot of the terrain is not accesible at all, so, if we only count drivable space, Horizon 2 map will be smaller.

The good thing about TDU was the long travels, but most of the map was...the same and the same. I prefer a smaller map, but with more things to do...