Forza Horizon 4 - Colour Creation Database (CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS) *READ FIRST POST*

  • Thread starter Mitcho2001

McLaren Cerberus Pearl: Which Version Should be Added to the Spreadsheet?

  • JaCor653: Base - 0.72 L, 0.71 L, 0.97 R/Highlight - 0.11 L, 1.00 R, 0.96 R (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Mitcho2001: Base - 0.63 R, 0.65 L, 0.98 R/Highlight - 0.08 R, 1.00 R, 0.99 L (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Regal Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.63 R, 0.65 L, 0.44 R
- Flake Color: 0.60 R, 0.74 R, 0.55 R


Victorian Amber Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.07 L, 0.73 L, 0.59 R
- Flake Color: 0.10 L, 0.65 L, 0.67 R


Pharoah Gold Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.09 R, 0.48 R, 0.65 R
- Flake Color: 0.13 L, 0.71 L, 0.58 L


Persian Lime Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.25 L, 0.46 L, 0.52 R
- Flake Color: 0.23 R, 0.54 R, 0.71 R


Terra Cotta Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.01 L, 0.72 L, 0.54 L
- Flake Color: 0.03 L, 0.65 R, 0.72 R


Cranberry Firemist (Cadillac 1974)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.98 R, 0.77 L, 0.37 L
- Flake Color: 0.94 R, 0.76 R, 0.58 R

Gossamer Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1975)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59 R, 0.32 R, 0.78 L
- Flake Color: 0.62 R, 0.41 R, 0.81 L


Cameo Rosewood Firemist (Cadillac 1975)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.04 L, 0.27 R, 0.54 L
- Flake Color: 0.03 L, 0.43 L, 0.71 L


Emberust Firemist (Cadillac 1975)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.03 R, 0.69 L, 0.42 R
- Flake Color: 0.02 R, 0.60 R, 0.56 R


Cerise Firemist (Cadillac 1975)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.96 R, 0.56 L, 0.63 R
- Flake Color: 0.94 L, 0.44 L, 0.65 R


Galloway Green Firemist (Cadillac 1975/1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.48 L, 0.19 L, 0.67 R
- Flake Color: 0.46 R, 0.36 R, 0.75 R

Crystal Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59 L, 0.68 R, 0.73 L
- Flake Color: 0.57 L, 0.55 L, 0.88 L


Amberlite Firemist (Cadillac 1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.08 L, 0.65 R, 0.67 L
- Flake Color: 0.11 R, 0.58 R, 0.65 L


Greenbrier Firemist (Cadillac 1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.51 L, 0.48 L, 0.40 R
- Flake Color: 0.54 L, 0.61 L, 0.58 R


Florentine Gold Firemist (Cadillac 1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.12 L, 0.36 R, 0.67 R
- Flake Color: 0.15 L, 0.37 L, 0.71 R


Emberglow Firemist (Cadillac 1976)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.04 L, 0.72 L, 0.62 L
- Flake Color: 0.03 L, 0.69 L, 0.67 R

Thyme Green Firemist (Cadillac 1977)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.45 L, 0.24 L, 0.66 R
- Flake Color: 0.45 R, 0.34 L, 0.74 R


Buckskin Firemist (Cadillac 1977)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.08 R, 0.41 R, 0.73 L
- Flake Color: 0.07 L, 0.40 L, 0.82 L


Frost Orange Firemist (Cadillac 1977)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.03 R, 0.55 L, 0.71 L
- Flake Color: 0.06 L, 0.42 L, 0.85 L


Damson Plum Firemist (Cadillac 1977)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.01 R, 0.92 L, 0.41 R
- Flake Color: 0.98 L, 0.83 R, 0.40 L


Desert Rose Firemist (Cadillac 1977)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.01 L, 0.41 R, 0.66 L
- Flake Color: 0.96 L, 0.44 R, 0.75 L


Cerulean Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1977/1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59 L, 0.42 R, 0.76 R
- Flake Color: 0.61 R, 0.39 L, 0.82 L

Medium Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1978)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59 R, 0.53 R, 0.74 L
- Flake Color: 0.62 L, 0.48 R, 0.80 R


Aztec Gold Firemist (Cadillac 1978)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.10 L, 0.43 R, 0.79 L
- Flake Color: 0.13 R, 0.46 L, 0.79 R


Autumn Haze Firemist (Cadillac 1978)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.05 L, 0.32 L, 0.45 R
- Flake Color: 0.13 R, 0.18 R, 0.69 R


Canyon Copper Firemist (Cadillac 1978)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.01 R, 0.46 R, 0.64 L
- Flake Color: 0.00 L, 0.67 R, 0.80 R


Basil Green Firemist (Cadillac 1978/1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.46 R, 0.22 L, 0.69 R
- Flake Color: 0.41 L, 0.35 L, 0.75 R


Western Saddle Firemist (Cadillac 1978/1979/1980)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.06 L, 0.47 L, 0.73 R
- Flake Color: 0.04 R, 0.54 R, 0.78 R

Slate Firemist (Cadillac 1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.51 R, 0.16 R, 0.54 L
- Flake Color: 0.63 R, 0.09 L, 0.67 L


Pottery Gold Firemist (Cadillac 1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.10 L, 0.29 R, 0.60 R
- Flake Color: 0.13 L, 0.30 R, 0.62 R


Biscayne Aqua Firemist (Cadillac 1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.52 L, 0.56 L, 0.69 R
- Flake Color: 0.56 L, 0.50 R, 0.80 L


Cedar Firemist (Cadillac 1979)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.02 R, 0.47 L, 0.55 L
- Flake Color: 0.04 R, 0.43 L, 0.61 L

Azure Blue Firemist (Cadillac 1980)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.58 R, 0.43 L, 0.71 L
- Flake Color: 0.61 L, 0.41 L, 0.73 L


Desert Sand Firemist (Cadillac 1980)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.03 L, 0.22 R, 0.62 R
- Flake Color: 0.04 R, 0.24 L, 0.67 R


Victoria Plum Firemist (Cadillac 1980)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.01 L, 0.61 L, 0.38 L
- Flake Color: 0.98 L, 0.75 R, 0.58 R


Sheffield Gray Firemist (Cadillac 1980)

Paint Type:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.62 R, 0.18 L, 0.48 R
- Flake Color: 0.64 R, 0.21 R, 0.53 R

@PlumCrazy010 I’m going to let @JaCor653 weigh in on that because I honestly don’t know if they’re accurate or not so I can’t say :( He’s the one that does a lot of the Classic American car colors. I wish I could give better advice or my thoughts :( What reference pictures did you use?
@MadaraxUchiha . I have numerous reference pictures. The problem is, with older cars it is kind of hard to tell how badly weathered, sunfaded, oxidized the finish is. And then there is the matter of differing lighting conditions, etc. I typically would start with the paint sample color from PaintRef, capture the RGB and convert it to an HSB value in the Forza colorspace range. That would usually give a pretty good place to start for the hue on the base paint, and the saturation was often seemed in the ballpark too. Brightness was almost always too dark. Then I would cross reference with what I felt were the best reference pictures I could find, and adjust the base and flake colors to a compromise that I felt captured the color. For a small number of colors, I could not find a reference picture on the internet, and I kind of had to wing it base on PaintRef and factory paint chips. These were mostly the brown and beige colors. I guess people don't tend to restore cars in undesirable colors.
@PlumCrazy010 you colors look good. I haven't checked for accuracy, but based on how they look and how you described your method, I assume they are pretty close. I just have one problem. Why did you post so many posts in a row? I'll admit, we don't really talk about "forum rules" around here, and we have double-posted in this thread. However, you have at least twelve consecutive posts in a row. That's just not right. I appreciate your effort, but there are just some things you're not supposed to do in a forum thread such as this one. I welcome you to post more paints here, but I ask one thing of you. Could you wait until you have all of your colors done and then post them, knowing that if you have more you can just edit your post? @MadaraxUchiha has proven that these posts have can handle extremely large amounts of information. The was one time when he posted over 100 paint colors at one time. Considering the way he does his posts, that was over 600 images. The point is, don't be afraid to do "color dumps," and keep the guidelines of Internet forums in mind.
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@JaCor653 Sorry, I was under the impression that one excessively long scrolling page would be a greater annoyance than multiple posts, so I grouped them by year to prevent that. I'll remember that consolidating them is the preferred solution next time.
I am doing all of the colors Aston Martin lists in the configurator for the DB11. @Do2g, that means that eventually, I will have done the color you requested eventually. There are 13 standard colors and 18 Q Division colors left for me to do. Those will be coming in the next few days.

The Viridian green looks turquoise when I add those values but in the picture posted it looks as it should.

I don't know what to tell you. The values of the color in the picture are the same ones I listed. It looked accurate on my TV and computer. I know we've talked about the differences in color representation among different devices' screens, but still. If you think the color is inaccurate, the you could just bump the hue slider for both the base and the flake a bit to the left to make the color more green. Here is the reference image I used:

Viridian Green (Aston Martin).JPG

Ceramic Blue (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59L, 0.61L, 0.80R
- Flake Color: 0.61L, 0.29R, 0.92L


China Grey (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.62L, 0.07L, 0.42R


Concours Blue (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.59R, 0.34R, 0.54L
- Flake Color: 0.60L, 0.33R, 0.62L


Intense Blue (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.62L, 0.99R, 0.57R
- Flake Color: 0.55L, 0.99R, 0.95L


Lunar White (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.59L, 0.04R, 0.95R


Magnetic Silver (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.61L, 0.15R, 0.40R
- Flake Color: 0.61R, 0.05L, 0.77R


Midnight Blue (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.61L, 0.76R, 0.22L
- Flake Color: 0.59R, 0.56R, 0.91L


Morning Frost White (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.10L, 0.05R, 0.91R
- Flake Color: 0.00L, 0.00L, 1.00R


Ocellus Teal (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.56L, 0.99R, 0.42R
- Flake Color: 0.53L, 0.99R, 0.92L


Onyx Black (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.00L, 0.00L, 0.07R
- Flake Color: 0.00L, 0.00L, 0.34R


Sabiro Blue (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.62L, 0.48L, 0.27R
- Flake Color: 0.57R, 1.00R, 0.55L


Skyfall Silver (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.58R, 0.11L, 0.62R
- Flake Color: 0.58R, 0.09L, 0.90R


Ultramarine Black (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.67R, 0.95L, 0.15R
- Flake Color: 0.61R, 0.94L, 0.32R


White Stone (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.09L, 0.09L, 1.00R


Xenon Grey (Aston Martin)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.62R, 0.16L, 0.37R
- Flake Color: 0.61L, 0.18R, 0.74R

I am doing all of the colors Aston Martin lists in the configurator for the DB11. @Do2g, that means that eventually, I will have done the color you requested eventually. There are 13 standard colors and 18 Q Division colors left for me to do. Those will be coming in the next few days.

Wonderful job, @JaCor653! I appreciate your efforts as I am a fan of putting in game manufacturer colour codes on different vehicles in game. Keep up the great work @JaCor653.

A week or two ago, I believe this is what I was referring too, @MadaraxUchiha for the newer Lamborghini matte paint colours (Grigio Titans, G. Adamas, Marrone Apus, etc.). Having all the matte colours for say, the Aventador SV labeled so you could say, apply them to a Mazda, Toyota, Ferrari, etc. etc., or even older models of Lamborghini.
Wonderful job, @JaCor653! I appreciate your efforts as I am a fan of putting in game manufacturer colour codes on different vehicles in game. Keep up the great work @JaCor653.

A week or two ago, I believe this is what I was referring too, @MadaraxUchiha for the newer Lamborghini matte paint colours (Grigio Titans, Grigio Adamas, Marrone Apus, etc.). Having all the matte colours for say, the Aventador SV labeled so you could say, apply them to a Mazda, Toyota, Ferrari, etc. etc., or even older models of Lamborghini.

I'm glad that you like my Aston Martin colors. That's the cool thing about this hobby we have. It's kind of like the ultimate personalization service. You can have any color, on any car, for free.
Hmmm believe this is a wrap color I don’t think this is a official ford color
View attachment 927641 View attachment 927642
So @JaCor653 told you before about requesting colors but not providing any name or anything about it, so sadly none of us are going to do it :( You haven’t done the research and there isn’t any information provided, so I apologize but none of us will touch it until you can get a name for us.

I also want to point out that the picture has horrible lighting so that wouldn’t help us out much, either, and the color would turn out really ugly. Please provide good reference pictures with lighting that shows off the car color. Proper lighting can make all the difference, and sometimes without it the color ends up looking like a different color entirely or being completely off. We can’t make an accurate color if we don’t know what the hell we’re looking at here lol

If you request colors from us, please do the research and get a name first, as well as the manufacturer and stuff. I’m saying this nicely because I know it has frustrated and annoyed @JaCor653 before and you just did it again after he told you the last time when you requested that other color :(
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So @JaCor653 told be you before about requesting colors but not providing any name or anything about it, so sadly none of us are going to do it :( You haven’t done the research and there isn’t any information provided, so I apologize but none of us will touch it until you can get a name for us.

I also want to point out that the picture has horrible lighting so that wouldn’t help us out much, either, and the color would turn out really ugly. Please provide good reference pictures with lighting that shows off the car color. Proper lighting can make all the difference, and sometimes without it the color ends up looking like a different color entirely or being completely off. We can’t make an accurate color if we don’t know what the hell we’re looking at here lol

If you request colors from us, please do the research and get a name first, as well as the manufacturer and stuff. I’m saying this nicely because I know it has frustrated and annoyed @JaCor653 before and you just did it again after he told you the last time when you requested that other color :(
I know for a fact no one else did or requested the color before and I also know it’s not a factory color. I don’t know the name either because I don’t know the color other than blue. That was also the best picture I could get of the car driving because it’s going the other way I was going.
I know for a fact no one else did or requested the color before and I also know it’s not a factory color. I don’t know the name either because I don’t know the color other than blue. That was also the best picture I could get of the car driving because it’s going the other way I was going.
I believe you may have missed the point entirely that I was trying to make, even though I thought I was pretty clear and direct :(

I’ll let @JaCor653 explain it to you when he gets on.
I believe you may have missed the point entirely that I was trying to make, even though I thought I was pretty clear and direct :(

I’ll let @JaCor653 explain it to you when he gets on.
So what am I supposed to say? Mystery color blue manufacturer unknown? I don’t know who makes that color.
I believe you may have missed the point entirely that I was trying to make, even though I thought I was pretty clear and direct :(

I’ll let @JaCor653 explain it to you when he gets on.

Honestly, I don't care at all. I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and what @Gotbeefboy564 is doing is the exact kind of thing that makes me so angry. I could write some lengthy biography about the history of common sense and what happens when people don't use it (which is about 99% of the time these days), but as I said, I just do not care. The other problem is that @Gotbeefboy564 is not even trying to follow or understand our simple rules, and he just keeps pulling the same dumbass move over and over again. He spots a car in a cool color or spec at whichever exotic car meet he happens to pull up at with his turnip truck, and then he posts a request here without doing any work to help us out or to make our lives easier, thinking that there is no problem. That is why I feel completely, 1000% justified in what I am about to say:

@Gotbeefboy564, you are hereby banned from posting requests in this thread until you can learn to read English, follow directions, and use common sense. Goodbye.
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Honestly, I don't care at all. I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and what @Gotbeefboy564 is doing is the exact kind of thing that makes me so angry. I could write some lengthy biography about the history of common sense and what happens when people don't use it (which is about 99% of the time these days), but like I said, I just do not care. The other problem is that @Gotbeefboy564 is not even trying to follow or understand our simple rules, and he just keeps pulling the same dumbass move over and over again. He spots a car in a cool color or spec at whichever exotic car meet he happens to pull up at with his turnip truck, and then he posts a request here without doing any work to help us out or to make our lives easier, thinking that there is no problem. That is why I feel completely, 1000% justified in what I am about to say:

@Gotbeefboy564, you are hereby banned from posting requests in this thread until you can learn to read English, follow directions, and use common sense. Good bye.

P. S. @MadaraxUchiha, I know that got harsh, but I feel it was the right thing to do. I hope you understand and that you feel the same way.
I mean, it’s not the first time it’s happened because I’ve seen you address it multiple times, when only one time should suffice. To do the same thing over and over even though being told not to do so doesn’t make much sense, or it’s just not caring for the rules nor being considerate at all.

I, too, have a low tolerance for stupidity and ignorance. I suffer fools gladly ;)