Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Or just throw away the points im general, and make the reward for the challenges the stuff in the store. Repeat to gain the same car if you want multiple (or hey, to unlock in the autoshow!). Make the challenge hard enough, and it will still allow the car to be exclusive.
Or just throw away the points im general, and make the reward for the challenges the stuff in the store. Repeat to gain the same car if you want multiple (or hey, to unlock in the autoshow!). Make the challenge hard enough, and it will still allow the car to be exclusive.
To extend on that - keep it and remove the clothing and vanity items from every single other part of the game and keep them in there.

It'll free up the wheel spins from feeling completely useless the majority of the time, as well as keeping the exclusivity of the cars if they're locked to challenges. Hell, keep the weekly challenges and have that unlock the vehicle/'s.
I've always thought that the Forzathon shop should work like the Specialty Dealer in FM7 was intended to, where the items in it are exclusive to that section and have a somewhat regular rotation, so no one is completely locked out of them if they miss the first run of them but they still have to wait a while for the next shot.

Creating a seperate currency that has limited ways to earn it is really quite shortsighted and the main reason people are hoarding it to begin with. It's the whole cryptocurrency fallacy all over again. And while I've no way to prove it the whole setup kinda has the stink of planned microtransactions about it too, but I highly doubt that'll happen after the big loot crate debacle of last year.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is an attempt to limit the possibility of people stockpiling #Forzathon Shop cars in order to sell them for millions on the Auction House the week after.

Legendary painters then. If you don't have this status (and correct me if I'm wrong), but most gamers who aren't painters can't sell for millions unless that's the car's worth.

As an example, since I don't have this status, if I put up an FE car, the default 5.5 million for minimum buyout is no longer available (like in FM7). Now the best I can sell any cars (which is rare as it is), is basically 20,000 above the in-game "worth", assuming someone buys it out.
To extend on that - keep it and remove the clothing and vanity items from every single other part of the game and keep them in there.

It'll free up the wheel spins from feeling completely useless the majority of the time, as well as keeping the exclusivity of the cars if they're locked to challenges. Hell, keep the weekly challenges and have that unlock the vehicle/'s.

I kinda want to say that you can't also receive a car in a wheel spin more than twice either, but I guess having more than one 10 mil car to sell at auction would be nice.
Or just put a cap on the amount of times you're able to purchase the vehicle. I'd be happy with that one more than the alternative to be honest.

I wouldn't mind if each player was restricted to only one of each car. Yes... ONE. :P

I know people buy lots of Skylines, RX-7s, etc. but the only reason they're forced to do so is because you must manually change liveries for each tune you have.

Obviously, the AH would have to go, but if people can't behave, what can Playground do?
I don't believe a significant enough percentage of the player base is in the position to buy loads of cars from the forzathon shop and then sell them on the AH for 20m to warrant any limits being introduced. PG just need to put some actual worthwhile cars in the shop, all the wheelspin exclusives I've managed to buy (often multiple times) in the AH for regular prices. I'd like to see the 10m cars in there and I'd happily pay 500FP for 250 GTO, and then do the same the week after for any other of the sixteen 10m cars in the game.
I feel like the devs are almost too concerned about what the stats say over what the players say, so when a whole lot of us talk about the game being mindless tedium, they say that the game's doing well because there's more players than ever playing for longer than ever. And it shows that the game is geared towards making statistics, otherwise they wouldn't have made certain cars so unreliable to obtain but with a lackluster progression system that gets tedious before it's even finished.

No car should be locked behind wheelspins, and should be able obtainable through the career if not available in the autoshow. Remember in FH2, where each roadtrip was a new championship that you selected at the Horizon festival? That was a good system, just make it so that you win a car from these championships, sometimes that car is available in the autoshow, sometimes it's not. I know that it's been done a million times before, but that's because it works and encourages players to drive cars they wouldn't normally drive. Heck, the game has an incredible car list, but instead of embracing this they encourage players to drive S2 class AWD swapped things, exemplified by Forzathon Live and the weekly challenges wanting us to get retro rally cars going 300KM/H.

The barn finds are done quite lazily, you find the poorly hidden shed that stands out like a sore thumb compared to every other building, wait some time and you have a new car. And so are the business ventures, which are just some generic challenges followed by passive income, no need to maintain the business because it works on magic. The dialogue is bad, it's like they wrote the character dialogues two minutes before they got someone from the office to record the voices, which makes all of the above even more tedious.

There's some real talent at Playground Games, hence why we have this beautiful looking map with all four seasons. But the trouble is in game design, where the focus is on getting people playing for a longer time and completing more of the game, but without putting effort into making this process fun. Outside of the map and what Turn 10 gives them, there appears to be minimal creativity and only small steps back and forth to improving the game's design.

Process the progress.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is an attempt to limit the possibility of people stockpiling #Forzathon Shop cars in order to sell them for millions on the Auction House the week after.
Feels like the obvious solution would be to stop letting people sell cheap cars for 20 million just because they painted or tuned it.
But I haven't understood the direction of this game at all so far.

Or just throw away the points im general, and make the reward for the challenges the stuff in the store. Repeat to gain the same car if you want multiple (or hey, to unlock in the autoshow!). Make the challenge hard enough, and it will still allow the car to be exclusive.
But what about all the times people attempt those challenges and their progress isn't tracked?
Would be infuriating.
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I feel like the devs are almost too concerned about what the stats say over what the players say, so when a whole lot of us talk about the game being mindless tedium, they say that the game's doing well because there's more players than ever playing for longer than ever. And it shows that the game is geared towards making statistics, otherwise they wouldn't have made certain cars so unreliable to obtain but with a lackluster progression system that gets tedious before it's even finished.

No car should be locked behind wheelspins, and should be able obtainable through the career if not available in the autoshow. Remember in FH2, where each roadtrip was a new championship that you selected at the Horizon festival? That was a good system, just make it so that you win a car from these championships, sometimes that car is available in the autoshow, sometimes it's not. I know that it's been done a million times before, but that's because it works and encourages players to drive cars they wouldn't normally drive. Heck, the game has an incredible car list, but instead of embracing this they encourage players to drive S2 class AWD swapped things, exemplified by Forzathon Live and the weekly challenges wanting us to get retro rally cars going 300KM/H.

The barn finds are done quite lazily, you find the poorly hidden shed that stands out like a sore thumb compared to every other building, wait some time and you have a new car. And so are the business ventures, which are just some generic challenges followed by passive income, no need to maintain the business because it works on magic. The dialogue is bad, it's like they wrote the character dialogues two minutes before they got someone from the office to record the voices, which makes all of the above even more tedious.

There's some real talent at Playground Games, hence why we have this beautiful looking map with all four seasons. But the trouble is in game design, where the focus is on getting people playing for a longer time and completing more of the game, but without putting effort into making this process fun. Outside of the map and what Turn 10 gives them, there appears to be minimal creativity and only small steps back and forth to improving the game's design.

Process the progress.

Which is why I'm really, really scared of what they'll come up with in their upcoming RPG.

Of all the studios Microsoft has recently acquired, the one I'm least interested in is Playground.
Horse Drift Zones in Fable Horizon?

Or maybe the reason why FH4's content is such a snooze fest is because all the creatives have been poached for the second studio?
If the next Horizon game is like this one, I don't think I would buy it day one. We've done the sandbox thing, guys. Three times in a row. I think it is time for another Horizon with a *hushed* linear structure.
I felt this most strongly in the first few minutes of Fortune Island. That whole intro gave me a sense of purpose and adventure. But the then the "sandbox" opened up and my interest evaporated.
I just feel like FH4 doesn't properly guide me to actually do things. Some will say that it's a good thing that we've been given free reign to do anything in any car in any order. But, as I said, we've done this three times now. I don't think I can stand one more of these but with a bigger map this time.
If the next Horizon game is like this one, I don't think I would buy it day one. We've done the sandbox thing, guys. Three times in a row. I think it is time for another Horizon with a *hushed* linear structure.
I felt this most strongly in the first few minutes of Fortune Island. That whole intro gave me a sense of purpose and adventure. But the then the "sandbox" opened up and my interest evaporated.
I just feel like FH4 doesn't properly guide me to actually do things. Some will say that it's a good thing that we've been given free reign to do anything in any car in any order. But, as I said, we've done this three times now. I don't think I can stand one more of these but with a bigger map this time.

Forza Horizon was never intended to be Microsoft's main system seller. As a game, it's little more than what you said: an automotive sandbox. And it's fine that way. None of the things Playground added to make it different have changed the game in a positive way.

Lots of things in FH4 are the same old pigs with a lipstick. The stories and the Trailblazers are repurposed Bucket List challenges. The different racing series already existed, but they didn't have a "specialist" in each who kept talking to you. The Route Creator is little more than the old Bucket List Blueprint with the ability to add checkpoints.

Fundamentally, this game hasn't changed since FH2. But does it need to? People want progression these days but how do you do it with almost 600 cars in the game? How do you make the cars feel special this way? Need for Speed's progression worked in the past because the cars were few and had their own customization. In Forza Horizon the Midnight Battles are just ways to win another car, no characterization whatsoever.

I think that, once Microsoft starts to unleash the projects these new studios are working on, it's time for Playground to consider scrapping stories from the game entirely. People keep crying about the sense of progression but, whenever Playground adds events that take effort to complete, they complain it takes too long. Sometimes it's even the same people.

Coke tried to change its flavor once and its "New Coke" was an absolute flop. They had to change it back and add "New Coke" as a distinct flavor. Changing things around is why Need for Speed keeps failing, and Forza Horizon probably doesn't need the changes people ask of it other than more content. To me the ability to drive certain cars in the game is far more significant than the Taxi story.
Maybe in Horizon 5, especially if it did end up set in Japan, they could have you unlock new cars by beating them in battle, TXR style. Give you a few cars in a class, then have you do the races to unlock them by beating that car. So if there were 16 cars in a race and 7 of them were unlockable, then for each one you pass you have a roulette at the end and you win one of them at random. At least it might drive you to replay races and spur you on to acquire cars.
If the next Horizon game is like this one, I don't think I would buy it day one. We've done the sandbox thing, guys. Three times in a row. I think it is time for another Horizon with a *hushed* linear structure.
I felt this most strongly in the first few minutes of Fortune Island. That whole intro gave me a sense of purpose and adventure. But the then the "sandbox" opened up and my interest evaporated.
I just feel like FH4 doesn't properly guide me to actually do things. Some will say that it's a good thing that we've been given free reign to do anything in any car in any order. But, as I said, we've done this three times now. I don't think I can stand one more of these but with a bigger map this time.

Is a "guide" really necessary? The game's progression hooks aren't really complicated. You get into the game, it sends you to a few events with verbal and map prompts, then lets you go do whatever you want. There's not really anything more complicated about it than that - you do stuff, you get influence, you level up. There isn't really a critical path through the game, because it really doesn't care what you do, as long as what you do comes with Influence.

Aside from that, I agree that they can't iterate on the same fundamental design in Forza Horizon 5 again. FH3 is where the baseline current experience really got polished, and then PG bolted some minor changes onto it for FH4. Both games were well reviewed, but I saw a few reviews mention that they'll be disappointed if FH5 is the same fundamental structure again.

I'm hopeful that an extra year of development (assuming FM8 gives 2019 a miss, and we then go back to tick-tock releases in 2020), and making a shiny new game for the new consoles, leads to some bigger changes to the Horizon formula. I don't want it to become Need For Forza, though.

Bigger map, bigger servers, a more sophisticated open world. Maybe set up "race night" events within the world itself, where people can turn up when it's night time, and compete for rare stuff. You could also do gymkhana events, live in the world. Expand on the music festival thing, and make it feel more real - make the festival an actual hub for story "missions", with characters who aren't blandly cheery (for once!). Make it a place you can get out and walk around in. Give the story characters actual daily routines. Have "emergent" side missions, like happening upon an impromptu drag race or something. Give people a home, and let them show off some of their cars. Have a proper actual racetrack on the map itself (ie. Suzuka, if FH5 is in Japan).

Turn Forzathon Live into a slot machine with a bunch of different modifiers and "game" types (I posted about this idea weeks ago here) you can get - a big hourly race or game, with strange conditions and/or modifiers to the rules and physics.

Come up with some racing game version of end-game content!

Playground are slick racing game developers, but I'd like to see them stretch themselves into making some a bit more singular and unique.
Considering how late the Race Regs are coming, it feels less and less likely we'll have an FM8 in 2020.

In fact, my expectation is that the next Forza Motorsport game will not have any number associated with it, and will be the "definitive" simulation from Microsoft. In this market you don't need sequels anymore... It certainly didn't do rFactor any favors.
The forest run achievement on Fortune Island with the Peel P50, how!? I know the access route through the trees is the fastest way to do that trailblazer event but I can't find any way to control the car in order to 3-star it. Any tips?
Sad news, folks. My beautiful Hillman Imp died and became a ghost while it was waiting for a game to load a track. Please pray for my sweet little Imp.

Forza Horizon 4 Screenshot 2019.02.05 -
Forza Horizon 4 Screenshot 2019.02.05 -
The forest run achievement on Fortune Island with the Peel P50, how!? I know the access route through the trees is the fastest way to do that trailblazer event but I can't find any way to control the car in order to 3-star it. Any tips?

Abuse rewind.

But it's possible to do without it. I've done it and I imagine several others did it as well.

Use your brakes to prevent it from doing wheelies, convert to AWD and send all the power to the front, keep your route as straight as possible.
Is a "guide" really necessary? The game's progression hooks aren't really complicated. You get into the game, it sends you to a few events with verbal and map prompts, then lets you go do whatever you want. There's not really anything more complicated about it than that - you do stuff, you get influence, you level up. There isn't really a critical path through the game, because it really doesn't care what you do, as long as what you do comes with Influence.

A guide as in a progression system that paces your experience of the game in a way that doesn't run out of structured content after the first 4 hours.
The lack of any direction at all in FH4 really makes it hard to stay focused on anything for me.

When there's no structure or direction, there aren't any "real" accomplishments imo. You can complete stuff and finish things, but nothing really matters anymore in the game.
The do whatever you want approach has benefits, but when you can do anything, and have to do nothing, it all loses all sense of importance.

Basically, nothing in FH4 matters. At all.
The lack of any direction at all in FH4 really makes it hard to stay focused on anything for me.

When there's no structure or direction, there aren't any "real" accomplishments imo. You can complete stuff and finish things, but nothing really matters anymore in the game.
The do whatever you want approach has benefits, but when you can do anything, and have to do nothing, it all loses all sense of importance.

Basically, nothing in FH4 matters. At all.

I often think the same, but I also try to tell myself it doesn't matter much. The structure of FH4 doesn't make it a great game per se, but the gameplay and atmosphere makes it a great experience. To some extent it probably ended up this way because the developers focused so much on creating a living and breathing title prepared for bringing new challenges and content to players every week. From this perspective it actually makes sense why the fundamental structure turned out as an afterthought. The weekly community-focused updates first and foremost require solid gameplay in order to stay afloat, and FH4 mostly delivers in this aspect.
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Sad news, folks. My beautiful Hillman Imp died and became a ghost while it was waiting for a game to load a track. Please pray for my sweet little Imp.

View attachment 798331 View attachment 798332

Oh noes! F


I think that, in saying that "Forza Horizon 4 needs more structured content", people are not taking into account that the "structured" part of the game experience is easily as varied and lenghty as that of other freeroam car games. The fact that it's just the tip of the iceberg is not a weakness of FH4. And if the average player comes back a hour per week to a title six months after it's released, that's a huge success, not a failure.

Which is not to say that PG couldn't do better, of course. I can see myself playing FH4 for a long time, sure, but not as long as, say, Midnight Club 3 back in the days.

Turn Forzathon Live into a slot machine with a bunch of different modifiers and "game" types (I posted about this idea weeks ago here) you can get - a big hourly race or game, with strange conditions and/or modifiers to the rules and physics.

Ugh, as much fun as it'd be to have the odd race with 0.5x gravity, I can already hear the moans and shrieks from the forums...
The lack of any direction at all in FH4 really makes it hard to stay focused on anything for me.

When there's no structure or direction, there aren't any "real" accomplishments imo. You can complete stuff and finish things, but nothing really matters anymore in the game.
The do whatever you want approach has benefits, but when you can do anything, and have to do nothing, it all loses all sense of importance.

Basically, nothing in FH4 matters. At all.

My current direction is to own all the cars in the game.
Ugh, as much fun as it'd be to have the odd race with 0.5x gravity, I can already hear the moans and shrieks from the forums...

It'd just be for Forzathon, which is already a pretty silly thing. I imagine a slot machine-style window coming up on screen for everyone, while you wait to see what the stipulations and modifiers will be. Maybe you get an impromptu point-to-point race, but your brakes are completely disabled. Maybe you get "The Floor Is Lava", where you can't touch an asphalt surface for more than 3 seconds.

Just a silly challenge, that is actually a CHALLENGE, as opposed to the current events which are more just mindless, social affairs (which isn't to say they can't be fun).
Considering how late the Race Regs are coming, it feels less and less likely we'll have an FM8 in 2020.

In fact, my expectation is that the next Forza Motorsport game will not have any number associated with it, and will be the "definitive" simulation from Microsoft. In this market you don't need sequels anymore... It certainly didn't do rFactor any favors.

You mean 2019 I think. 2020 will almost certainly be the launch of the new Xbox, and I have to imagine they'll have a flagship Forza title ready for it. And then presumably FH5 in 2021.

At this point, with beta race regs not even coming until MAYBE March, I think it's beyond obvious that there's no new Forza Motorsport in 2019. Which is a great decision!
You mean 2019 I think. 2020 will almost certainly be the launch of the new Xbox, and I have to imagine they'll have a flagship Forza title ready for it. And then presumably FH5 in 2021.

At this point, with beta race regs not even coming until MAYBE March, I think it's beyond obvious that there's no new Forza Motorsport in 2019. Which is a great decision!

2019 the likelihood is zero. But the new Xbox Scarlet is 100% guaranteed to run all the current games, so it's possible they skip 2020 as well unless we start seeing news of the next FM in development.

I've seen T10 is on the hire for new programmers, so it's very possible FM7 will get a successor indeed.
so.... any predictions on what the second expansion might be? I've got a few ideas but after FH3 Hot Wheels a lot more possibilities are on the table
I had anticipated Gymkhana expansion collaborated with Ken Block, and root creator update, but it probably will not be.
PG already made most of Hoonigan cars appear in the game.

I think that ”Horizon Rally” added in FH1 is also a good expansion, but they have not provided this style expansion anymore. I think that the possibility is low.

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