Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
The Forzathon points system wouldn't be too much of an issue if actually gaining those points was enjoyable, and not a recycled event with a different car, or something super tedious like a massive skill chain count (it wouldn't be so bad if that's what maybe the weekly challenge was, as say, a grand finale, but it's coming off the back of multiple).

I've played a few Horizons before, but this was the first one I was able to own with building my gaming PC in time for it. My initial impressions were really well receiving , but the replayability of the game for me at least has jumped off a very steep cliff. The post-release support has been atrocious, with reskin after reskin, tuner cars for cars already existing in the game - not a massive gripe if it weren't only that you can already modify the base model pretty similar to what has been included. Then there is the blatant staging to cause prolonged playing to gain points - not for enjoyment, but a chore like feeling. Forzathon Lives only come every hour, and the points are lackluster at best, if you do actually meet the requirements. It's just been hopelessly un-engaging.

You have to wonder though, with FM7 doing so well content wise after this long, it really sounds like a PG thing. Which is a shame, because if it's the only game they release two years, it's quite a shame if they're cutting corners for it. Half the content is provided from the previous year's Motorsport installment!

/rant, after seeing the ludicrous amount for the FK8 this time around, it really fired me up.
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The Forzathon points system wouldn't be too much of an issue if actually gaining those points was enjoyable, and not a recycled event with a different car, or something super tedious like a massive skill chain count (it wouldn't be so bad if that's what maybe the weekly challenge was, as say, a grand finale, but it's coming off the back of multiple).

I've played a few Horizons before, but this was the first one I was able to own with building my gaming PC in time with it. My initial impressions were really receiving well of it, but the replayability of the game for me at least has jumped off a very steep cliff. The post-release support has been atrocious, with reskin after reskin, tuner cars for cars already existing in the game - not a massive gripe if it weren't only that you can already modify the base model pretty similar to what has been included. Then there is the blatant staging to cause prolonged playing to gain points - not for enjoyment, but a chore like feeling. Forzathon Lives only come every hour, and the points are lackluster at best, if you do actually meet the requirements. It's just been hopelessly un-engaging.

You have to wonder though, with FM7 doing so well content wise after this long, it really sounds like a PG thing. Which is a shame, because if it's the only game they release two years, it's quite a shame if they're cutting corners for it. Half the content is provided from the previous year's Motorsport installment!

/rant, after seeing the ludicrous amount for the FK2 this time around, it really fired me up.

It's frustrating really. RetroKrystal said on the forums that they gauge prices based on amount of points each player has in the bank. But this is a move that clearly hurts strictly offline players and late adopters. The power players don't spend their points for various reasons and now I'd say they'll spend them even less, because prices are going up and you never know when a rare car might pop in the Forzathon Shop for 2000, 5000 FP.

They want to boost gameplay time from the adopters and this is just ******** IMO, reminds me of when T10 was seeding rare cars in FM7 through the Leagues to boost multiplayer attendance. It's gonna suck for us, but for every player affected by this directive there's three other kids who obsess over earning all these points to have all those cars they'll never drive. I haven't even driven my Rip Rod for example.

The game is great but they litter it with this crap and I find it infuriating to deal with.
It's frustrating really. RetroKrystal said on the forums that they gauge prices based on amount of points each player has in the bank. But this is a move that clearly hurts strictly offline players and late adopters. The power players don't spend their points for various reasons and now I'd say they'll spend them even less, because prices are going up and you never know when a rare car might pop in the Forzathon Shop for 2000, 5000 FP.

They want to boost gameplay time from the adopters and this is just ******** IMO, reminds me of when T10 was seeding rare cars in FM7 through the Leagues to boost multiplayer attendance. It's gonna suck for us, but for every player affected by this directive there's three other kids who obsess over earning all these points to have all those cars they'll never drive. I haven't even driven my Rip Rod for example.

The game is great but they litter it with this crap and I find it infuriating to deal with.

Myself I have 290FP in my game at the moment since I lost interest in the Forzathon since FP gouging on the Forzathon Shop. This has gotten absurd. Unless things change I have lost complete interest in the Forzathon Shop. If only all these cars were added to the Autoshow to no longer make this a problem.
They surely have to see that this is going to piss off more people, something they don't need, right?

A part of me wonders if this is the sort of teething process from adopting a constantly changing (or at least, weekly) shop, or if this is more a systematic problem. Because there certainly wasn't as much complaining from people when they were offering cars from just challenges.
So if you do the weekly Forzathon and get 200 points, you'll have to stock up for a whole month just to get a Civic!

But wait! If they find out you've been saving points, they'll up the price... thereby forcing you to stock up on points for a longer period of time.

An endless cycle that's making my head spin.
So if you do the weekly Forzathon and get 200 points, you'll have to stock up for a whole month just to get a Civic!

But wait! If they find out you've been saving points, they'll up the price... thereby forcing you to stock up on points for a longer period of time.

An endless cycle that's making my head spin.

That's the thing. This is what, the second time that they've upped the price on Forzathon Shop prizes? First time wasn't so bad, it came in the first week. This one though is really bad, and it could kill (if other factors haven't already) people's interest in the game if they are just going to continue stretching it out, see how far they can jack up prices.
I understand making you work a little, but anything more than what you can get by doing all the weekly stuff seems rather excessive.

First time wasn't so bad, it came in the first week.

It was also easy enough to see the logic in the first hike since IIRC regular wheelspins were insanely cheap compared to the super ones. I really can't see any logic in this one though.
It was also easy enough to see the logic in the first hike since IIRC regular wheelspins were insanely cheap compared to the super ones. I really can't see any logic in this one though.

Exactly. I think most people could understand it. But this seems to be reeking of Microsoft wanting to continue to have the numbers for the game bolstered considering I wouldn't be surprised if they are sagging. Make players do more work, make them play longer.
I understand making you work a little, but anything more than what you can get by doing all the weekly stuff seems rather excessive.

The 2 Forzathon cars per week have almost always cost more than what you can get just by doing the weekly challenges. Then you add in the clothes and such.

If you don't have the FP, there's always the auction house. Besides, I thought people loved doing Forzathon Live?
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This problem is not limited to Forza, but it is a pity that many console games are approaching mobile games in a bad way.
We can play as much as we like at any time. It should have been a nice thing about console games, but now we are forced to play for locked exclusive content.

Since I already have multiple FK8, I bought only the racing suit this week, but I can understand their anger.
PG's reason to increase price of Forzathon Shop item is ridiculous, it looks more like punishing new players because the early adopters played the game too much.

I remember a whole month of crap Forzathon Shop item with Autoshow cars probably help a good amount of players to rack up FP too.
I wasn't able to afford any cars from the Forza shop to start with, and now they're upping it?! Wow, thanks guys. I mean, you make this game littered with bloated content and then add repetitious grinding as a way to earn new cars. If it was based on Rivals each week, I could happily hot lap and do it that way. But running through speed traps, playing tag or whatever? No thank you.
It's frustrating really. RetroKrystal said on the forums that they gauge prices based on amount of points each player has in the bank. But this is a move that clearly hurts strictly offline players and late adopters. The power players don't spend their points for various reasons and now I'd say they'll spend them even less, because prices are going up and you never know when a rare car might pop in the Forzathon Shop for 2000, 5000 FP.

Basically me right now. I've got over 6000pts sat there because I already own everything they put up in the last 5/6 weeks. I hope they realise fewer players are buying stuff in the shop now they've priced new players out of it.
I can't remember the last time I bought a car from the Forza shop, must be 6 weeks or more. I've just been buying wheelspins when I felt I had too many FP. Got 950 FP at the moment, and now they make it feel like not enough to have in reserve - just in case they put something actually worth buying in the shop :rolleyes:
But wait! If they find out you've been saving points, they'll up the price... thereby forcing you to stock up on points for a longer period of time.
Just to be sure everything is clear: Turn10 is looking at global amount of FP currency among players, everyone have the same price, so individual behavior change won't matter.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is an attempt to limit the possibility of people stockpiling #Forzathon Shop cars in order to sell them for millions on the Auction House the week after.
The Forzathon points system wouldn't be too much of an issue if actually gaining those points was enjoyable, and not a recycled event with a different car, or something super tedious like a massive skill chain count .

Yeah the last batch of Forzathon tasks to get the 200 points was super tedious and super irritating. Included was a quite difficult 3 star speed zone, and then after having got that you were presented with another mountain to climb, ie, to get 5 "lucky escape" skills. These are quite difficult to achieve since it isn't clear why some drifting near misses register, and some don't. So I just did loads and loads so eventually got them. Still don't know why some worked and others didn't.
Yeah the last batch of Forzathon tasks to get the 200 points was super tedious and super irritating.

Not even close to being irritating like that one time where players were asked to bank several million skill points in an off-roader, which in some cases would reset back to zero if players quit the game halfway through the challenge.

Included was a quite difficult 3 star speed zone...

You say that like it's a bad thing. Forzathon has often been criticized for being too easy, but this one was rewarding in my opinion.

These are quite difficult to achieve since it isn't clear why some drifting near misses register, and some don't. So I just did loads and loads so eventually got them. Still don't know why some worked and others didn't.

Near misses require a certain amount of speed and proximity while the drift skill depends on angle and sliding distance. You will get the lucky escape bonus if you match the criteria for both at once. It's also worth mentioning that banked skills are not displayed on screen if the skill wheel appears while performing any skills.
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Maybe PG should let us win FP through Seasonal Championships. Wait, that be way too tedious. Or how bout make completing a weekly challenge or Forzathon Live event 100FP? But than people will just stack up, therefore making getting future items way too easy and giving PG an excuse to up the prices.

No matter what people come up with, it will all just be the same. I can't imagine what PG can do, add, or fix to make earning FP enjoyable without it getting boring for some. Thus I learned to not bother with it, because I wouldn't know how to change it anyways. So don't quote me on it.

But I do agree about them making said items way too expensive in the shop, especially ones most of us already own! Meh. All I do tune cars anyway so I couldn't care less.
Not even close to being irritating like that one time where players were asked to bank several million skill points in an off-roader, which in some cases would reset back to zero if players quit the game halfway through the challenge.
Oh what a fun time that was :P

It didn't reset half way through, it would reset anytime you start the game back up again. So if you were one point away from achieving it, and turned off the game for the night, you were screwed.
It didn't reset half way through, it would reset anytime you start the game back up again. So if you were one point away from achieving it, and turned off the game for the night, you were screwed.

Halfway was just an example, but one or two times I managed to quit the game and continue the step where I left off. Eventually I had to start over, and now I cannot see the Lamborghini LM002 without getting reminded of the frustrating grind. :lol:

Was the issue ever fixed though? Because that new challenge to win six street scene events in the Eclipse doesn't come across as something I'd like to do in one sitting...
Halfway was just an example, but one or two times I managed to quit the game and continue the step where I left off. Eventually I had to start over, and now I cannot see the Lamborghini LM002 without getting reminded of the frustrating grind. :lol:

Was the issue ever fixed though? Because that new challenge to win six street scene events in the Eclipse doesn't come across as something I'd like to do in one sitting...
That was one of the points that really pushed the limits of what I would accept. It kind of turned me off of the game for a while to be honest.

It was fixed, but I think it took something like a month or two?
Because that new challenge to win six street scene events in the Eclipse doesn't come across as something I'd like to do in one sitting...

This is made worse by the fact you can't do custom blueprint street scene events, so no 100m sprints with weird AI lines like previous Forzathons. This one will actually take some time to do.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is an attempt to limit the possibility of people stockpiling #Forzathon Shop cars in order to sell them for millions on the Auction House the week after.

This is something I had been doing, but I wasn't able to sell the cars for millions. I treated it as trading FP for CR.

It doesn't work for every car, though. Some are harder to sell, and some can't be priced very high if you're not legend.

Unfortunately, if they really want to do that, then they should also remove the money perks from cars like the 930 Turbo, which give out more money than you spend buying the car. Sure it takes a bit longer but it seems easier to do that than to grind Goliath IMO.

The people who got rich in this game, by whatever means, they're already rich. Price increase won't change that, and they might already have all those cars anyway so they have no need for them other than farming money. The more casual players though, they have to grind a lot to earn small prizes like these and it feels worse than FH3 since in that game at least all you had to do was the weekly challenge and you had the car for free in your garage.

FE cars are also worthless since they're abundant and regular players can't price them for much.