Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
I'm not even sure what I'd want in a second expansion.

I'd like a new urban area that is actually accessible from the main map (via a bridge or something, to gate out people who don't own the expansion, obviously), but I know neither of those things are likely. Ralph Fulton has said that the reason they didn't add London to FH4, is that it would be so much work to do it justice, that London could itself be a setting for an entire game - so that likely rules out an urban area. And we know from Fortune Island that they are once again partitioning off the expansion areas.

They've done snow. They've done volatile weather. They did desert in FH3. They did Hot Wheels. The base game is already stuffed with gymkhana/Hoonigan stuff.. Assuming they go a little wacky again like the Hot Wheels DLC, what would you even do?
We already have a lot of content for Formula Drift, Gymkhana and Hot Wheels so I think those themes are ruled out. Furthermore, I doubt we would be getting another map expansion so it would have to be something that utilizes the main map.

My best guess would be Horizon Rally 2.0. Having missed out on the opportunity to buy the Rally Expansion for FH1, I would love the second expansion to follow the same theme. Either that or a new Street Racing story with roadside decorations.
We already have a lot of content for Formula Drift, Gymkhana and Hot Wheels so I think those themes are ruled out. Furthermore, I doubt we would be getting another map expansion so it would have to be something that utilizes the main map.

My best guess would be Horizon Rally 2.0. Having missed out on the opportunity to buy the Rally Expansion for FH1, I would love the second expansion to follow the same theme. Either that or a new Street Racing story with roadside decorations.
I will love a new Horizon Rally Expansion! :)

Too bad most people will just complain about it and say how terrible PG and T10 are that they "don't listen" to their fanbase" and aren't being "creative" like usual... :rolleyes:
I would love to see Horizon Rally for expansion 2, because some of the custom routes that people pump out is really begging for some rally action.

Although, that brings the question of how they'll implement pace notes, because it has to work with custom routes created by others. Not being able to use rally mode in custom route will be a major bummer.
Umm... the Morgan? Reliant?
Those have 4 wheels. The track width of whichever axle should have one wheel is simply set to 0 so that the wheels overlap. See an example from the FH3 dev build:
Well, I'm finally starting to clean off Fortune Island. Drift Club 2.0 was unexpectedly easy and got them all done quite quick. Next up are the remaining events and then the PR Stunts and boards.
I don't see bikes happening until the engine properly supports less than 4 wheels.

Even then, I don't see it. Bikes come with other specific work you'd need to do to the engine - like making it so your character can fall off the bike if you crash, or take a corner badly and slide.

Coding bikes into the game on an already-compressed dev cycle for an expansion, just strikes me as unlikely. I think the biker cosmetics are in the game simply because they already made them for the riders in that one showcase event, and they figured it'd look good with off-road ATVs and the like.
Well, I'm finally starting to clean off Fortune Island. Drift Club 2.0 was unexpectedly easy and got them all done quite quick. Next up are the remaining events and then the PR Stunts and boards.

I love the roads in Fortune Island but there's lots of things Playground did with it that remind me of mismanagement or even abandonment. Drift Club 2.0 is one of those, since it's just an appetizer for the FD pack and doesn't give any worthwhile bonuses.

Playground is also scared of making exclusive content available in Fortune Island, which makes me strongly consider NOT pre-ordering a next Forza Horizon.
Playground is also scared of making exclusive content available in Fortune Island, which makes me strongly consider NOT pre-ordering a next Forza Horizon.

What do you mean? There's a bunch of exclusive cars, plus the entire landmass itself, that is exclusive. What exclusives did they hold back out of fear? Am I misunderstanding you?

My only major gripe with Fortune Island, is that they still haven't made a multiplayer hopper for it, so outside of the weekly seasonal championships (which haven't been consistently refreshed to begin with), there's no real reason to go back once you've done everything, except for whatever enjoyment you find in simply driving the roads for their own sake.
I will love a new Horizon Rally Expansion! :)

Too bad most people will just complain about it and say how terrible PG and T10 are that they "don't listen" to their fanbase" and aren't being "creative" like usual... :rolleyes:

No, I wouldn't complain about that. The map has some fantastic rally stages built into it and many aren't utilised, though maybe not enough for a whole expansion. Maybe they could make a map with heaps of rally stages, and a cool purpose built Super Special Stage. Rallying would be great in an open world setting, because you could replicate driving on public roads to get from stage to stage. You could enter a rally championship, and from that point you can't fix your car, and damage carries over until you get to the next service. That would be wicked, though of course before you enter the championship you can choose whether to have damage or not because not everyone would want the full rally experience. But I don't think they would do that, though I'd be happily proven wrong.

I have a feeling the second expansion is going to be something big, because Fortune Island costs less than 50% of the overall expansion pass cost, which covers two expansions. That big thing will likely not stray too far dynamically from what we already have, just on a new map, under different dressing. Doesn't mean it won't be spectacular though.
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What do you mean?

I assume they're referring to the lack of prize cars in the FI seasonals, because if not that then I have no idea.

Can someone remind me if they allow players without the DLC to follow a convoy they're in when they transfer over to FI? I don't think I have any friends who still play but don't own the expansion pass any more, though.

Edit: also @ShakesMcQueen your post about bikes not happening is exactly what I was going to say; entirely new physics and licenses for a DLC, when the base game hasn't massively changed since FH3? Doubt it. Also agree on the biker gear, they already made them so why not throw them in as a cheap way to bump up the cosmetic item count? They applied the same logic to a number of the DLC cars after all - just take the roof off and you've got a brand new car.
Bikes are never happening on this game.

In this game? No. It could certainly be done for a future Horizon game though, if they have the time to properly model and implement the physics of a motorcycle, for one.

I'd love to see it. I just don't think the amount of work required would make sense for a post-release expansion. That's the kind of thing you add as the "Big New Thing(TM)" in a new Forza game. And you maybe wait for Turn 10 to do the under-the-hood engine work as part of adding them to Forza Motorsport 8 (for example), first.
What about, like, "Forza Horizon 4: Post-Apocalypse" - which is just a conversion of the main map to make it look like something out of The Last of Us or Mad Max? The sky could be blood orange, the towns ruined and the grass starting to grow over the streets.

You could add a bunch of bodykits to modify some of the off-road vehicles and cars to look like something out of Mad Max, and include a bunch of suitable cosmetic stuff in that vein too.

That would be ambitious, and awesome. The festival site could be in ruins, except for a corrugated sheet metal shack that functions as your new main garage, standing where the main festival building ruins now are, haha.

EDIT: Oh man, I just thought - You could also have a few of the characters from FH4 show up as grizzled survivors of "The Before Times", with Keira as their leader. Maybe even lampoon how they used to be so blandly happy, before the world become a hard, cold place.

I'm onto something here!
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I remember there was some noise about a Goodwood Festival of Speed expansion, would fit in perfect considering the game is set in the UK

Though I'm not sure how they'd build a map for it considering the hillclimb itself its pretty small.

Is Goodwood a big enough "thing" for anyone other than car nuts and people from the UK to know or care about though? I mean, I think it would be cool to do, but with Horizon targeting a more casual audience, I don't know if PG would do it. Maybe?!

Frankly, I think PG should just cut me a check and get to work on this post-apocalyptic idea of mine, because it's pure gold. GOLD. Visionaries like me are never appreciated in our time, by people like Losco!
I remember there was some noise about a Goodwood Festival of Speed expansion, would fit in perfect considering the game is set in the UK

Though I'm not sure how they'd build a map for it considering the hillclimb itself its pretty small.

This would be actually amazing
Is Goodwood a big enough "thing" for anyone other than car nuts and people from the UK to know or care about though? I mean, I think it would be cool to do, but with Horizon targeting a more casual audience, I don't know if PG would do it. Maybe?!

Frankly, I think PG should just cut me a check and get to work on this post-apocalyptic idea of mine, because it's pure gold. GOLD. Visionaries like me are never appreciated in our time, by people like Losco!

Yeah that's a good point. Hot Wheels & Fast + Furious expansions definitely had the widespread interest of not just hardcore Forza players but gamers.

Goodwood wouldn't probably garner their attention like those two did, which probably is a factor in there choice for a certain expansion.

I guess the expansion doesn't necessarily have to be a brand/sponsor tie-in, I'm just assuming there's got to be one since there's been one in the last few Horizons.

MY dream would be a fully Urban/City style map focused on Street Racing (no cops though) could work. Add in lots of new bodykits, parts, rims. Maybe Window Painting, New Forza Spoiler etc. Never gonna happen tho
  • Hoonigan: MS have partnership with them, but PG has already added a lot of their cars to the game.
  • The Grand Tour: They released their official video games.
  • Top Gear: Their test tracks have already appeared in Motorsport.
  • Hot Wheels: It already released on FH3. I do not think that PG will again offer expansion that collaborated with them.
  • Halo: Warthog has already appeared and Halo showcase event also exists. There will not be any more collaboration with this game.
  • Goodwood: They were making collaborated videos and I think that they are suitable expansions for FH4 set in the UK. But is Goodwood a compact map compared to Fortune Island and other past expansions.
  • Isle of Man: It will be as great a location as Goodwood. Many players desire Isle of Man expansion in the wish list. But is it possible to reproduce Isle of Mann? This island is very expansive. It's like adding one main map.
  • Tokyo/Colorado/Oahu: They have not moved to other countries for past expansion. And these maps can not divert existing assets. Fortune Island and Hot Wheels used a lot of main map assets. In other words, the new expansion would be somewhere in the UK or a fictitious map like Fortune Island.
  • Speedhunters: They are related groups of EA.
For some extension ideas, the negative reason I guessed.
I expect Isle of Man expansion, but it is probably technically difficult, as shown in the above list.

By the way, a new Horizon Story will be announced with today's streaming. What kind of Horizon Story do you think is added?
Edit: The new Horizon Story was announced as "Skill Streak".
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What if they just, like, added the entire Australian landmass from FH3 to FH4 as an "expansion", with some new events placed around the map?

Being able to access both maps seamlessly from within FH4 would be pretty awesome, and you could fit a TON of new events and stuff in an area that big.

I rather have the French & Italian riviera from FH2 back.
However, I hope T10 goes for an Scotland expansion.

A large map* north of Edinburgh focus on the real driving roads. (* treasure island was way to small in my opinion)
  • Lots of narrow twisty B roads
  • a balance of twisty tarmac and dirt roads
  • New houses, with decent driveways and some modern design. (remember TDU?)
  • A large abandoned military airfield as a playground + a decent runway
    Photo: a base where Top gear filmed some episodes

  • last but not least; Anglesey Circuit - Chris Harris Favorited UK race track
However, this is never gonna happen, we are probably gonna get a hooligan or gymkhana crap based expansion with another ford focus RX with a different name and some convertibles of the cars we already have or from old forzas with the roof closed.

Good day