@Nielsen as
@Outspacer explained to me on the last page, the adventure qualifying counts for a fairly large percentage of the weekly completion (18%). In addition, it appears we only need to do all this grinding once - after you reach level 3 to unlock ranked then do your 10 adventures to qualify, you should only need to do one ranked adventure a month to unlock that part of the progression.
Listen, to complete an Adventure you have to reach the rewards screen. If the game keeps disconnecting you before that, 10 Adventures will take forever to complete. Imagine the feeling when you do your 5-event Adventure, finish it, then get disconnected right before you win your prizes, and you earn zero progression.
There's no justification for what's happening here. Playground has thrown this game into the trash now. The game's useless, there's nothing to do anymore if you want single player experience (all the cars I need cost in the millions), and multiplayer is **** like that, unstable servers (have been like that since day one, never fixed) and trash community.
And do you know who let them do this kind of crap? Us. Yes, us. By thoughtlessly praising the ******** they came up with in FH3, mostly the very concept of Forzathon, which required you to do stupid stuff including: a million pointless skills, win online drag racing, win a Games Adventure, become VIP and take part in co-op racing, sell cars in AH, and so on.
I still have an EA Access sub so at this point I'm willing to fire up NFS to see if that game is as bad as people say. It can't be worse than this, really. FH4 gets 90+ on Metacritic then Playground thinks they can do whatever they please. **** them, seriously.
Like how they listened to overwhelming feedback and immediately removed freeroam rush?
You could say that of Freeroam Rush, but in Online Adventure you can at least grind your way through with the Games.
The bigger problem is how they're STILL trying to push the Trial event to the community when it's not fun to do. The only reason people still do that is because it can be exploited, otherwise no one would bother.
This is not a car game anymore when they ask us to race Vipers and Corvettes in the dirt. If only these races were like in the classic NFS franchise (anything before Underground trash), where the game didn't make any effort to make dirt racing realistic and just lowered your grip, and the dirt patches were mostly flat with the occasional long jump, they would be somewhat ok to do. But this game lets you convert everything to AWD, minmax everything, etc., so it doesn't really matter which car we use.
Why are all the kids wishing for supercars when they're gonna gut the cars and minmax them anyway? You can already do that with the current cars.