I had one of those "holy crap is this game amazing" moments. When FH2 was still new, I remember driving a Renault 5 Turbo in a road trip from San Giovanni to the central hub at night in pouring rain. I was listening to Radio Levante and Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries came on. It was the perfect combination of sights and sounds: the car, the high speed convoy, night time and the lashing rain, and the music! All thundering brass and mad, swirling strings. It was extraordinary, an indelible memory.
The same thing just happened in this game. I just bought Edinburgh Castle and was taking my brand new 84-year-old Alfa Romeo P3 out for a spin. It was once again night, and I started down the North Sea coastal road, clouds shot silver with light from the full moon sitting low on the horizon. Once again I had the radio tuned to the classical station, and Kazuma Jinnouchi's The Trials came on, and it was another perfect mix of car, setting and music.
This is the part of the game I really like, when the majority of the racing is over, the grinding for credits is nearing an end, and I can just get in a car and drive and enjoy the experience.