Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
It never works with danger signs and drift zones when I try it.
Danger signs, have you waited until you completely hit the floor and they register before it finishes, and then rewind all the way back to the top?

Speedtraps work a bit differently than the two, as it's an instant completion as soon as you pass, unlike the others where you have to wait to get to the other end.
I just managed my closest win I've probably ever had in a Forza game. It's also kind of fun when you get a photo finish just because there is the little cut scene so you have to wait a couple seconds to find out if you've won or not.

I just managed my closest win I've probably ever had in a Forza game. It's also kind of fun when you get a photo finish just because there is the little cut scene so you have to wait a couple seconds to find out if you've won or not.

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You’re Rokkitship? Jesus Christ I never even realized :lol: Xbox really needs a way for you to set nicknames for people!

Circuit races are becoming increasingly infuriating for me because the damn breakable objects respawn after every lap. It wouldn’t be so much a problem if it wasn’t for the fact that the drivatars are seemingly unaffected by them. Not only that but if they are farther ahead of you by a bit they ghost right through them as well.
My Drivatar is in there too, at 11th place. Come to think of it, if we're in the Club, do we only see GTP members while in a solo session?

No, I sometimes see a few of my real life friends, it seems be to a mix of your friends and your club.
It would seem that in the case of a tie, the AI wins. I found out by doing a pre-emptive victory spin. :(
It would seem that in the case of a tie, the AI wins. I found out by doing a pre-emptive victory spin. :(
I feel your pain, I've had multiple close finishes where it seemed that I won by a nose, but the AI won because we happened to tie.

Note: I'm having problems with doing the winter offroader forzathon, I'm on the 2nd part with having to win 3 cross country races in an offroader vehicle. No joke, I've done 3 races twice and both times; the counter would reset to "1/3" after doing the 3rd race. Here's a note, my first attempt; I used a Ford Bronco for 2 races (it read as 2/3 after the 2nd win) and then an International Scout for the 3rd. I first thought it was me switching vehicles. So, I tried again only using the Scout (once again, it read "2/3" after the 2nd win) and then the counter reset to 1/3 after my first win.
I had one of those "holy crap is this game amazing" moments. When FH2 was still new, I remember driving a Renault 5 Turbo in a road trip from San Giovanni to the central hub at night in pouring rain. I was listening to Radio Levante and Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries came on. It was the perfect combination of sights and sounds: the car, the high speed convoy, night time and the lashing rain, and the music! All thundering brass and mad, swirling strings. It was extraordinary, an indelible memory.

The same thing just happened in this game. I just bought Edinburgh Castle and was taking my brand new 84-year-old Alfa Romeo P3 out for a spin. It was once again night, and I started down the North Sea coastal road, clouds shot silver with light from the full moon sitting low on the horizon. Once again I had the radio tuned to the classical station, and Kazuma Jinnouchi's The Trials came on, and it was another perfect mix of car, setting and music.

This is the part of the game I really like, when the majority of the racing is over, the grinding for credits is nearing an end, and I can just get in a car and drive and enjoy the experience.
Am I the only one that’s thinking Turn 10 used the same Flying Scotsman that was used in Microsoft Train Simulator?
No, I sometimes see a few of my real life friends, it seems be to a mix of your friends and your club.
On early access night, though, and in some races, I had Drivatars of random people just like it always was in previous games.

Guess the Drivatar servers are still being overloaded that it defaults just to the people on your friends list and on your club. Explains why I'm not getting any Drivatar daily payouts as well.
Um why is the traffic all of a sudden being dumb? As soon as I exited the tunnel in my Viper they suddenly started turning around
They did it again after I went through the tunnel. I didn’t hit any of the cars.
It would seem that in the case of a tie, the AI wins. I found out by doing a pre-emptive victory spin. :(
I don’t think that’s the case, what normally happens is that the time is measured more precisely than shown, and that decides the winner.

For example, if you and an AI are both shown at 1:52.35, your time may be 1:52.3578 and the AI’s was 1:52.3523, giving the AI the win.
Winter is my favorite season right now. Looks real nice for one (especially at night), but it's also a ton of fun to slide around the roads and on the frozen lakes. Bought a bunch of Audi Avants, which I feel are appropriate snow cars.

Looking forward to the car pass Porsches tonight, especially that 959.
I can’t get any of the forzathon goals to register, after the update? I had 2/3 of the cross country races done in an off-road vehicle, before the update. I’ve won 4-5 more in the same CJ5 Jeep I won the first 2 with, and they won’t register. I’ve tried 2-3 other off-road vehicles, and it still won’t let me pass it. Rebooted console and everything.
I blueprinted a series of off-road circuit races between Edimburgh (at Arthur’s seat), the Airfield, and the coastal castle, they are named Snow Unusual. I won them in order and my goal registered. You can try them and see If that works for you.
Winter is my favorite season right now. Looks real nice for one (especially at night), but it's also a ton of fun to slide around the roads and on the frozen lakes. Bought a bunch of Audi Avants, which I feel are appropriate snow cars.

Looking forward to the car pass Porsches tonight, especially that 959.

I just picked up the Porsches, they're pretty good! The 959 works well in the snow.
On early access night, though, and in some races, I had Drivatars of random people just like it always was in previous games.

Guess the Drivatar servers are still being overloaded that it defaults just to the people on your friends list and on your club. Explains why I'm not getting any Drivatar daily payouts as well.
I still get random Drivatars every once in a while.
I bought the Fairlawn Manor house for 2 million to get 10 Super Wheelspins, used the Land Rover FE to win the Titan, got the winter barn find easy.

I got an F12, Carrera GT, Falcon FE, GT3 RS and various credit prizes from Wheelspins.

Been a good day! 👍
Thank you PG! The first thing I did last night was buy a Chevy Colorado from the Forzathon Shop. I checked out the body mods and found there were 2 nice kits, so I thought why not have one of each. I was very pleasantly surprised to find you can buy the same car more than once from the shop! I had figured it would be a once-per-season/refresh kind of thing. I am now the proud owner of 2 Colorado's: 1 full-on race truck, and 1 souped-up sport variant.

I'm so glad this truck finally made the jump from FM7 to where it belongs, and what a perfect time (season) to unleash it. I'm also looking forward to rolling around in the muck come spring! :D

Edit: As a race truck the thing is d*mn near undestructable. I wound up doing a cartwheel kind of thing when I missed the seasonal danger sign and flew off the side of the mountain - landed on the wheels and drove on! :lol:
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Can you zoom in on your map, turn off all icons and then take screenshots for each area? I'll have a look and see if I see anything you're missing.
No need to worry now thanks, I've managed to find the last 3 now.

One was in the quarry, the second by the cottage by Glenfinnan Viaduct and the last one was at the sand dunes. No idea how I missed the quarry and sand dunes one but the road at the cottage wasn't marked on the map. I found the quarry one first and the achievement popped up but then found the other 2 afterwards. It was part of my plan of action to go back to those areas and make sure.

However I did do the Forzathon Wrecking Ball challenge in both the Range Rover and Land Rover FE but they didn't register despite being in Horizon Life.

Also on the subject of the AI traffic, I crashed into a bus turn trying to change to the other side in front of the first tunnel on the motorway.